How to choose electric boilers for water: a review of the selection criteria

Shortages of hot water - is one of the "good old tradition" of domestic utilities. Many apartment owners solve the problem dramatically - refuse services and install their own electric storage water heaters (boilers).

There is a problem: not always possible to buy a model that is suitable for a particular family. We'll show you how to choose the electric boilers for water to meet your needs and operating conditions. Given our tips you will easily gain the required unit.

The content of the article:

  • Why electrical appliance?
  • Features of choosing the right model
    • Criterion 1: Dimensions and mounting method
    • Criterion 2: The required volume of the tank
    • Criterion 3: The power and the type of heating element
    • Criterion 4: Design models - options
    • Criterion 5: The manufacturer's warranty
  • Several of the recommendations of experts
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Why electrical appliance?

Residents of high-rise buildings have to pay for the service, the quality of which usually leaves much to be desired. In some small towns, there are no centralized hot water, and private home owners always need to take care of hot water independently.

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Appliance manufacturers produce not only power, but also gas water heaters. Electricity is expensive - and yet, when it comes to the boiler, it is better to choose the appliance.

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Gas instantaneous water heater

The best option for private houses, cottages. Gas water heaters are mounted in high-rise apartments, but in most cases choose still appliances. The reason is simple: they are more convenient. If the gas models are appropriate in the kitchen, the electric boilers can be installed in bathrooms and other rooms

A variety of electric models

There are flowing and memory model. Both options have their advantages, and the choice depends on the needs and number of family members, the operating conditions of the device. The range is extensive, so you always have the opportunity to buy the perfect water heater for every home

Small water heater

Tanks can have very different volume up to 1000 liters. For domestic use usually buy model 50-120 liters. For a family of 3-5 people is enough. The heating time depends on the tank volume capacity of PETN. The disadvantages of storage water heaters is necessary to carry large size and the need to wait for the water heating

300 liter boiler indirect heating

These models are connected to the heating system. Water is heated by a heat exchanger, which allows the maximum benefit to expend energy. To hot water did not stop with the end of the heating season, some models are additionally equipped with electric heaters

Gas instantaneous water heater

Gas instantaneous water heater

A variety of electric models

A variety of electric models

Small water heater

Small water heater

300 liter boiler indirect heating

300 liter boiler indirect heating

In private homes are not uncommon gas instantaneous water heaters (popularly referred to as columns). They were popular in the last century and is still in demand, but gradually give way to electrical appliances. Whatever it may be the automatic equipped with a geyser, elektroboyler easier to use and safer.

Driving electric heater assembly

Electric instantaneous water heater is much easier to install and connect, than gas. Another plus: for its installation does not need to undergo bureaucratic procedures to obtain permission

With regard to the storage devices, the choice is not so great. If it is assumed that the domestic hot water system should be included only in the cold season, you can put Indirect heating boiler. If hot water is needed not only in winter, but in warmer months, there is simply no alternative to electrical appliances.

Elektroboyler interior bathroom

The advantage of electric appliances - compact and comfortable design. Even capacious boiler can be installed so that it does not interfere in the bathroom, a closet or a combination bathroom

Although the cost of electricity is steadily growing, electric water heater still successfully compete with centralized hot water supply (which also is not cheap). Their installation is profitable, because the owners always know exactly what they pay for, and if necessary, can find ways to save money without sacrificing quality DHW operation.

Features of choosing the right model

Elektroboyler is an autonomous system that provides sanitary water preparation. The device can be set any owner of a private house or apartment. It is connected to the water supply and power supply. Installation is relatively simple, and it is possible to cope on their own.

Elektroboyler over the toilet

Although the product is not recommended to place on the plumbing, it is quite possible, if take care of high-strength fasteners. Electric boiler is often mounted above the toilet

Electric boiler construction consists of several components: housing, heater, thermostat tank.

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The housing of the electric boiler

External device housing is usually made of stainless steel sheet with a durable coating. Lightweight models are equipped with plastic housings. On their outer side of the set of management and control systems. Some manufacturers regulators closed plastic caps

Storage tank sectional view (with TAN)

This is a large container, which receives water from the water supply. Here it is heated and then supplied to the water taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Inner tub surface may be coated with enamel-coated titanium

A dirty scum heater Electric boiler

Task PETN - heating water in the tank. There is a nuance: over time, the heater is covered by a touch worse performs its functions. As a result, the boiler will consume more energy to heat water and for longer. In order to avoid such a problem, TEN regularly cleaned of scale

Rod thermostat elektroboyler

The owner of the boiler can be programmed independently of heating water temperature to a more economical use of resources. Thermostat function - switch off the device when the water reaches a predetermined temperature, and include, where it cools

The housing of the electric boiler

The housing of the electric boiler

Storage tank sectional view (with TAN)

Storage tank sectional view (with TAN)

A dirty scum heater Electric boiler

A dirty scum heater Electric boiler

Rod thermostat elektroboyler

Rod thermostat elektroboyler

Although the device of all elektroboyler about the same, they can still vary significantly. We will understand, on what features the models pay attention to assemble the perfect hot water supply system.

Criterion 1: Dimensions and mounting method

The first step is to decide where the boiler will be placed. Apparatus same tonnage may vary in size and capacity location method.

To avoid mistakes, you need to select the location of the device, measure the height and width of the space. It is also desirable to determine where to mount and water pipes. On the basis of these data make a scaled floor plan.

Horizontal elektroboyler bathroom

There are two types of horizontal structures - with side and bottom location of PETN. the first model type is preferable, since mixing water in them occur naturally

Boiler can be placed on the floor or on the wall. Mounted model is much more convenient and more popular among buyers. They do not take up useful space, and is an asset when it comes to the standard bathroom, which have to save every square centimeter.

Elektroboyler in a small bathroom

Usually bathrooms are not very large in size, so select a boiler space on the floor very hard. The alternative is clear - placing the device on the wall

Depending on the type of storage tank distinguish these types of boilers:

  1. vertical. In such tanks layers of hot and cold water are mixed course in accordance with the physical laws: cold liquid from below and hot - top. Because of this it retains its temperature for longer. Therefore, most buyers are choosing vertical Electric boiler.
  2. horizontal. Models of this type is selected if there is no space for installation of vertical elektroboyler. The water is heated faster, but not always, the temperature in the water points to expectations since hot and cold liquids are mixed layers. If the heater is located in the side parts, it is also possible and the problem due to the slow heating.

Some manufacturers produce models that can be mounted horizontally or vertically, depending on the wishes of the customer. Electric boiler are called universal.

Flat storage elektroboyler

Flat model look attractive and do not clutter up the space. They are as practical and roomy as cylindrical. However, some manufacturers reduce the thickness of the devices due to the heat insulation layer, and such tanks keep the temperature less

It's best to have the boiler next to the toilet, but not directly above it. If the fasteners are not stand and the unit will drop, from plumbing there is no chance she will fall apart into fragments.

The weight of the boiler is 15-20 kg (depending on model). To this we must add the weight of the water filling the tank. It's still about 80-120 kg. Better to the boiler in the fall not touched any fragile instrument.

Criterion 2: The required volume of the tank

Dimensions elektroboyler largely depend on the volume of the tank. Also, this indicator measures how often the device is switched on, and how many will consume electricity. If the tank is too small, it will be quickly emptied, there are problems with filling the tub.

Location tank in elektroboyler

Tanks boilers made of stainless steel and enamel. Both materials are durable, tolerate higher temperatures, but have drawbacks. When choosing a better focus on the warranty terms specified by the manufacturer

To determine the desired amount, you need to consider several factors:

  • number of persons in the family;
  • the frequency of bathing in the tub;
  • time intervals between the different members of the family bathing;
  • number of draw-off points with hot water.

Analysis of the situation with hot water will reveal the family's needs and use of electricity rationally. So, for two people do not need a boiler volume of 100-120 liters. They just will not be able to use as much hot water. But the 50-liter model - what you need.

80-liter horizontal boiler

Models 80-100 liters are most in demand. Such a volume of hot water is enough for the average family of 3-4 people

Model 50-L does not provide the needs of four people, because water will not have time to warm up to the correct temperature. Boiler fly have a larger volume - from 80 to 120 liters (depending on the water flow rate and the intended schedule bathing).

Boiler Atlantic 50 L

Such a model worth buying, if the house is for 1-2 people. But there are nuances. To dial a full bath 50 liters of hot water may not be sufficient, especially if the two individuals are bathed with a small time difference. Will need more volume model

Any recommendations for determining the desired volume of the tank can only be shared. In each family has its own traditions associated with hygiene procedures, and focus should only be on them.

Criterion 3: The power and the type of heating element

Power - the most important criterion for choosing any appliance. Theoretically, it should be taken into account in the first place.

In practice boilers buyers choose between heaters capacity from 1.5 to 2 kW. The water heating speed is a difference. It is noticeable, but not critical: the tank warms up for 1-3 hours.

Dry heating boiler element

The heating time depends not only on the heating element, but also on other factors: the device model, the tank volume, predetermined temperature. As for power consumption, the 80-liter boiler consumes much more than the 50-liter, because Both types of devices provided with the same capacity of 1.5 kW heating elements

The heaters are of two types:

  1. wet. They work on the same principle as electric kettles, boilers. Heating elements are located in water and heating it directly. This has a positive effect on the heating rate, but because of the scale of contact (limescale) appears on the surface of a liquid instruments, due to which the device is easily damaged and It needs to be replaced.
  2. dry. Such heating elements are isolated from water special bulb. This reduces the risk of electric shock, and heaters is not scaling. Dry heating elements are much more durable than wet, but worth respectively.

Due to the high power, short-circuits when the boiler is turned on, thus paving the separate copper cable during installation. It is better to choose a wire section 2,5 mm. also, be sure to install RCDs (Most often the device enters into a complete set of standard boiler model).

Boiler dry TAN

The water heater with a dry TAN main operating member is not in contact directly with water. Its surface does not form a mineral deposit, as a consequence, the equipment works better and lasts longer

Criterion 4: Design models - options

In some cases, the shape of the model is essential. From design depends not only on the aesthetics of the interior, but also its functionality. You need to choose a boiler that will not clutter up the entire space of the room.

The original boiler model

In addition to the shape and size of pay attention to the color. He does not play a fundamental role for the functionality and convenience of use of the device, but it is important from the point of view of aesthetics

Manufacturers produce models of these forms:

  • cylindrical. Familiar "big-bellied" boilers, which are preferred by most buyers.
  • rectangular. Models suitable for installation in built-in cabinets, niches.
  • narrow. This construction, in which the width and thickness are reduced by increasing the length of the tank. They are very attractive and modern look, save area.

When buying a flat trendy models pay attention to the brand. Unscrupulous manufacturers of boilers reduce the heat insulator layer, which is not the best way affects the operating characteristics of the device.

Criterion 5: The manufacturer's warranty

Purchase and installation of boiler - expensive, but it is affordable fun. You have to spend time and effort to choose from, finding the right model, Wiring, connection to the water supply.

It's a hassle, and would be a shame if selected boiler It flows in a couple of years. To this did not happen, it is necessary to cancel the purchase of the device without the manufacturer's warranty.

Inexpensive bathroom elektroboyler

If the seller for some reason does not draw up the warranty card, it is better to abandon the purchase of a boiler. It is likely that he simply defective, and the problem will have to fix at their own expense

It is necessary to carefully monitor such moments:

  • manufacturer's warranty on the tank and the boiler itself (this may be different dates, they should know);
  • possession of a license installers (incorrect installation will cause problems);
  • terms of preventive works (boilers need to be regularly maintained, clean the heating elements, otherwise the heater will burn out quickly, and the tank may leak).

It is necessary to carefully examine the technical documentation to the model you like, ask the sellers to find the place of the service center location, which deals with warranty service.

The difference in price between elektroboyler typically 10-20%. It's not the money, for which the risk is worth the comfort and create problems for yourself because of poor equipment.

Several of the recommendations of experts

Experienced installers have long engaged in the installation of boilers, it is recommended to pay attention to such nuances:

  • Reducer for boiler. Water heaters work in many respects depends on the water pressure in the system. Even if it is normal, it is necessary to establish a quality reducer. At higher pressures may cause leaks out of the safety valve. Is not excluded a boiler explosion which complete repairs in the bathroom and flooding neighbors.
  • Equipment. Make sure the cable is included, but it long enough for correct connection of the boiler. Sometimes it is better to buy a separate wire. You should also make sure there is a pressure reducer, safety valve. In case of absence - to purchase.
  • bushing. These items usually come in all mounting kits. They must use in order to prevent the emergence of "wandering" currents.
  • Fastenings for hinged models. Boilers are fixed on special brackets. They have to be ultra-reliable. If fasteners complete model in doubt, it is better not to risk and on their own to purchase high-quality bracket, or anchor.

Many of our fellow citizens by force of habit are trying to do everything yourself. This also applies to the installation of water heaters.

If you have the skills to work with the water and electricity networks, and can be mounted connect the boiler with his own hands. If not, it is not necessary to experiment, to pay a plumber.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

We offer a selection of useful video instructions that help you better understand the features elektroboyler choice.

Video # 1. Useful guidelines for choosing a suitable boiler models:

Video # 2. Basic guidelines that determine the choice of heating equipment model:

Video # 3. Detailed Explanation of operating principles of dry and wet heaters:

Video # 4. Video review of models of Atlantic:

Video # 5. Recommendations for the economical operation of the boiler Ariston:

Ideally, the electric boiler should be selected and installed during the repair bathroom. If you do it later, there will be extra pipes and cables that would be difficult to disguise.

If no options and purchased water heater after repair work, it is better to mount closer to water points. This can save on materials and less impact on the bathroom interior.

Talk about how to choose water heater for your own apartment / house / cottage. Share criteria affect your choice. Please write comments in the block located below, ask questions, post pictures of the article.

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