The position of the Yamal 300 K satellite( early 2015) remains the same. Check on tracker http: // find the device, enter the search by country. Please note that Russia is indicated by the "former USSR"( Former USSR).Avoid being embarrassed. Yamal 300 K hangs fractions of a degree east of the Yamal 401 launched on December 14, 2014. It was said in the news that the latter came out to replace the tired fellow so that the predecessor would move east. The resource of the apparatus is 15 years, the Yamal 300 K is 14 years old( launched in 2012).Therefore, the next two five-year plans - as they used to say in the former USSR - plan to watch both, then you will see if something happens. .. How to set up a satellite dish on Yamal, if the 201 unit failed, news plus Wikipedia collapsed, figuring out where the spacecraft are. Let's discuss the delicate topic together.

Space Satellite
New Yamal Satellites
What people have to deal with breaking brains, how to tune a satellite dish on Yamal. Government plans overdue. Those who wish to set up a plate on Yamal on their own should take into account the deadlines. Providers with service packages immediately sell instructions, the majority of citizens are interested in free satellite broadcasting, such is available to the masses. It is clear that for each channel the presence of the encryption code will have to be interested separately.
According to some reports, in the first decade of January 2015, the Yamal 401 began tests of an unused 300 K band( 3.7 GHz).The next 10 days are busy testing transponders. Replacing the Yamal 401 will pass unnoticed by end users. It is necessary to change the name in the receiver settings, update the software. The broadcast plan is hushed up, wait a little to rush things. Transparency replacement - our assumption, we believe, satellite TV providers simply recommend updating the firmware or work files.
Judging from the network information, the Yamal 201, 300 K and 401 satellites will broadcast in the same way( in parallel).NTV of different time zones, Ren TV, other Russian TV shows. Information is multiplexed, on one frequency you catch several programs. However, the subtleties of the user are invisible, the receiver decodes the information, feeds it to the TV.Please note: the DVT-S2 standard is being introduced in Russia, old equipment( not younger than 2012) may refuse to work, having encountered an unfamiliar coding technique. The receiver needs to be taken from the external provider. Some give the equipment for free, as for the state, retired people will get less free access from the Kremlin.
Yamal satellite channels remain unchanged, residents of the Far East need to patiently monitor the course of events until the old spacecraft( launched in 2012) reaches a position 134 degrees east longitude. Just say, the new Yamal 401 covers the territory of the Russian Federation, including the extreme north, with rays. The area covers the nearby territories of neighboring states. Not everyone will have to set up a satellite dish on Yamal 300 K. And who exactly?
- We don’t always choose a place to install a dish. The direction in azimuth, elevation on Yamal 401, based around 90 degrees east longitude, is closed by buildings, forest, mountains, and other obstacles. The line of sight to the geostationary orbit at the coordinate 163 degrees east longitude is open. Of course, there is no choice here, we target the point where it is planned to bring Yamal 300 K. It will allow people, previously divorced from civilization, to join the benefits of technological progress. We remind you that the uplink channel( upload to satellite) does not support an ordinary dish, requests should be sent to a cellular channel. To support two-way transmission, special stations are used, where a single transmitter costs above 2 million rubles. The diameter of the dish is tens of meters. Methods are used, for example, by providers.
Yamal 300 K
- Residents of the Far East and others living closer to the planned home base of the satellite 300 K, with unstable communication, you should evaluate the possibility of receiving the position 163 degrees east longitude. Note a curious feature: there may be no spacecraft at this point, it’s impossible to determine distances and angles through standard calculators. .. We recommend specifying any satellite as close as possible to the point 163 degrees east longitude. It will allow to assess in advance the possibility of reception, the distance to the spacecraft. Near the end of the story. It is known for certain: Yamal 401 carries transponders more powerful, more profitable from the “controversial” places, equidistant from both spacecraft, to catch a strong twin brother. In Russian: leave the plate in the same position. To find out the question, see the Yamal 300 K and 401 coverage maps. The figure gives a pronounced dB power level at the receiving point on Earth.
The intro part is over. Let's discuss the satellite antenna setup on Yamal with our own hands. Find out the need for an emergency step.
Channels broadcast by Yamal satellites
A dedicated portal reader, using Yandex search, will find a list of TV channels currently operating in Yamal 300 K.

Setting up channels
Some sites indicate directly: there are no differences with the 201st device. Catch an instance of countless links http: // yamal300K.htm, giving the desired values:
- frequency;
- polarization type;
- flow rate( bit rate).
Tables will show: in addition to channels, radio stations are caught. Feel the full existence in the taiga - you can always stay up to date! Another thing to pass. For cardsharing, stock up on a frail line, like a landline ADSL or cellular phone. It will be difficult to drench the enemies of computer games, the effectiveness of character management determines the uplink bit rate. For advanced people it will be useful to see the frequency plan. The table indicated by the link above lists channels downlink, for loading other values of parameters are applied. Many amateurs use the chip for personal use.
To track the true position of the spacecraft, on the website http: // the information is given by the numbering of coordinates. Sometimes the American NORAD deliberately gives inaccurate numbers, due to the emerging tests of military equipment, secret assignment. Clearly, the secret services do not catch it, but, apparently, there is still protection from them. Therefore, do not be surprised if, through well-defined coordinates, you will receive pokes, injections from advanced users.

Typical satellite dish Kamchatka
The process of pointing a satellite dish to Yamal
You will find the location of the Yamal satellite, using the information from online services, ask the provider. We consider as the best option the calculator written online by programmersThe site has collected( mostly foreign) calculators for calculating coordinates. Use Google! There is one drawback: we ask a new satellite every 8 seconds( long to wait); today one is interested in Yamal. Great convenience: Google due to its advanced capabilities, the location of the reception will allow you to set the postal address, ensuring accuracy to hundredths of a degree, which is powerless to provide another method.
Minus Google is obvious: does not allow removal to the satellite. But the maximum irregularity of the Earth at a distance of 7 km, the height of local obstacles are given. It is necessary when assessing the availability of admission. For the coordinates of 65 degrees north latitude, 144 degrees east longitude received an elevation of Yamal 300 K over the horizon of more than 5 degrees. We'll have to pierce the layer of the atmosphere with an oblique angle. The terrain, judging by the Google map, is hilly, mountainous. Come catch NTV +.The position of 163 degrees is much more profitable. See the received coordinates:
- Azimuth 160 degrees.
- Elevation angle( location) 15.4 degrees.
The recommended( Google) minimum installation height of the antenna is 2 meters. Each mountain summer resident fit, there would be no forest. And on the map, the slightest unevenness of the soil is given, therefore, the search engine for the authors has already approximately calculated the visibility, if there are no buildings nearby, the reception will be excellent. Calculated for the satellite Superbird B2, located on the eastern longitude of 162 degrees. We do not think that the estimated position of the Yamal 300 K will be very different from this figure.
We believe that not everyone has a device for setting up satellite antennas. Use the clock. It is quite simple to tune by compass. Do not forget, the frequency of Yamal satellite channels determines which converter to buy( you can take a node separately for the Tricolor TV package).How to do self-tuning, discussed, if it is not clear, write! Let's discuss.
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