Detailed description and characteristics of potato varieties manifest

Potatoes are planted in Moscow, Orenburg, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Vladimir regions, Krasnodar Krai, in Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Belarus. Variety of potatoes The manifesto was brought out in Belarus , with a description and characteristics of which can be found below. In 2014, it was included in the State Register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation.

  • AASAS_123
    • Watering
    • Hilling
    • Top dressing
  • Diseases and pests
  • General information about potatoes Manifest


    Krtofel is manifest is mid table varieties

    Bushes may be a medium or high, a height of about 50 cm. It is half. The bushes have medium-sized leaves, bright green, even, open, glossy .The edges of the leaf blade have a weak waviness. Flowers bluish-purple.

    Characteristic varieties from Belarus

    Potatoes are immune to cancer and the golden nematode. He has moderate resistance to late blight. High resistance to mosaic and leaf curl. In addition, the tubers appear very early. The variety is drought resistant. Potatoes are stored for a sufficient amount of time. When stored for a long time does not germinate. When cooking the tubers do not boil soft. Type of cooking. AB.

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    Morphological features

    This is a medium early variety. He is a dining destination. From germination to harvesting potatoes, passes 90-110 days .Compared with other medium-early varieties, this potato is the most fruitful.

    165–350 centners are harvested from 1 hectare, and in the most productive years - 410. The number of tubers on a bush is 11–15.

    Economic and biological characteristics and description

    Potato flowers Manifesto

    Tubers oblong-oval. They have small eyes. Reddish skin is very dense, so the potato is resistant to mechanical damage. The pulp is creamy. Mass of one tuber - 105-135 g. The starch content is 11-15%.The taste is wonderful. Marketability of potatoes 79-97%.Their deadliness is 94%.In cool rooms, tubers are stored for 6 months.

    Reviews of variety

    Svetlana, Yaroslavl region. When planting I collect large yields of potato Manifesto. Love the taste. Its good to add to salads and soups.

    How to grow potatoes

    Step-by-step procedure for growing varieties from seeds

    1. Collect ripe berries .They are wrapped in gauze and hung in a well-lit and warm room. When the berries ripen and will be softer and lighter, they take out the seeds from them. The seeds are washed and dried, then laid out in bags and stored until spring.
    Ground Fruits of Potatoes Manifesto
    1. Before planting, seeds are placed for 2 days in the water .During the daytime, the tank in which the seeds and water are kept is left in the room, and at night they are placed in a refrigerator with a temperature of + 1 ° C.When the seeds begin to germinate, they are sown. It is best to sow in late March or early April.
    2. A substrate of 1 part of the earth, 4 parts of peat is poured into the boxes. All this is poured abundantly with water .
    3. Seeds are poured in rows of , while leaving 10 cm between rows.
    4. From above, seeds are powdered with a layer of sand in 0.5 cm .The sand is a little tamped.
    5. Boxes with seeds are covered with film or glass. They are placed in a warm room. Do not forget to moisten the soil and air landing, opening the boxes every day for half an hour.
    6. Sprouts will appear through 1-2 weeks .When 2 true leaves grow, they dive. Replant them in small plastic cups, which make holes for drainage. Can be seated in peat pots. Do not forget to constantly water sprouts. The seedling should stand in a well-lit place, and the air temperature should not fall below + 10ºС.
    7. When the seedlings grow, their is planted in the beds of .This is done when the threat of frost has passed, that is, at the end of May.
    8. Dig holes to a depth of 10 cm .Between the holes indented to 35 cm, and between the rows of 70 cm. 300 grams of humus are poured into one well and 0.5 liters of water are poured. The seedling is placed in the hole, covered with soil, while the top of the stem with 3 leaves remains on the surface.

    When and how to plant the

    Manifesto In the fall, scatter on the future landing site 5 - 9 kg of humus per 1 m², then dig the soil to the depth of a shovel. Remove weeds, plant roots.

    For 4 a week before planting, select the tubers that lie in the dry cellar of the .Put the potatoes in the boxes and set the boxes in the sun. From time to time sprinkle the tubers with water.

    When planting the prepared planting material, potato tubers should be placed with the same depth as possible.

    Light, breathable soils are suitable for potatoes. It is better to plant it in black soil, carbonate, chestnut soil. Soil acidity is preferred medium.

    Tubers are planted in the soil, which is heated at a depth of 10 cm to a temperature of +8 ° C.The temperature can be measured with a conventional thermometer. If planted in the ground, which has a lower temperature, the potato can infect rhizoctoniosis. But if the stays a week longer, the crop will be less than the 7-8% .Landing time is usually the beginning of May.

    When planting, the tubers are placed in the wells that are at the same level - the holes are dug 10 cm deep, then the shoots will be uniform.

    Plant tubers at the same distance, 40 cm between the holes and 70 cm between rows, then the potatoes will be evenly lit.

    Maintenance Rules


    Watering is done if necessary. It is better to produce rare, but very abundant watering , especially when the bushes are blooming.


    With a height of potato tops Manifesto 15-18 cm, deep cultivation and hilling of

    must be carried out When the tops grow to 15-18 cm, it is necessary to pile up the plantings. After 14 days, pile up again. Be sure to weed ridge, pull out weeds.

    Top dressing

    If organic matter( humus, rotted manure) was not applied in the fall when digging or in spring when planting, you can feed the potatoes with rotted manure or diluted with water bird droppings, as the tubers need a large amount of nutrients in the soil. When the bushes are in height 8-10 cm , then dilute 1 part of manure with 10 parts of clean water, if you have rotted manure, then dilute 1 part of manure with 8 parts of water. Pour into a mixture of 1 tbsp.spoon superphosphate. When hilling a top dressing make it under the roots, make sure that the top dressing does not fall on the tops.

    Diseases and pests

    potato moth can attack this variety. To eliminate pests, the bushes are sprayed with Dendrobacillin, Bitoxibacillin, Enterobacterin. Help these drugs and the attack of other insects.

    Potato Tubers Manifesto struck by caterpillars of potato moth

    Potato Manifesto is easy to grow. It has a good presentation. It is easy to transport. Tubers can be stored for a long time, it is difficult to mechanically damage them.

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