The heat exchanger in the chimney with his own hands: aerial device

Efficiency of boiler, heating furnace or the bathing can be improved by installing a simple pipe and at the same time effective device - the heat exchanger. However, for his productive work you need to know the design features of the device and manufacturing rules. Do you agree?

We'll show you how to make a heat exchanger to the chimney with his hands. We list what modifications are suitable for self-assembly, to explain what an air model is different from the water. Taking into account our recommendations you can greatly increase the heat output heating units.

The content of the article:

  • The operating principle of the air heat exchanger
  • Types of smoke devices
  • What material is better?
  • Options for the manufacture of devices with their own hands
    • Overview of the heat exchanger from the gas cylinder
    • Photos from the economizer Feringer
    • Homemade Air convector
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The operating principle of the air heat exchanger

The main purpose of the heat exchanger - to transfer energy from the combustion products in chimney heat carrier, which acts as water or air. Installed in chimneys exchangers (this applies to modifications of water) is often called economizers.

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These devices collect and transfer heat to the room, which just goes into the atmosphere, whereby the oven generated thermal energy is used to the maximum. Besides ordinary tap water is sometimes used and other liquid - oil or "nezamerzayku".

In this connection, all devices are divided into two broad categories:

  • air;
  • liquid (water).

The choice of the form depends on several factors. The most important of them - is the configuration and material of the chimney, and characteristics of the device itself.

Scheme air heat exchanger

Scheme air heat exchanger. It is considered less efficient than the liquid counterpart, but has a simple structure, which makes it suitable for self-production of

Let us examine how the air model. The device design is simple: a robust housing with the interior space partitioned. The role played by partition plates or tubes whose primary function - to brake the movement of hot gases and to transmit heat to the desired channel.

Some partitions (valve) is not soldered and made movable. Using retract / out metal plates can be adjusted traction force, thus reducing or increasing the productivity of the heater.

Air heat exchangers called convectors, that in the basis of their work on the principle of convection. Cold air from the room falls inside the device where from the effects of hot flue gases increases its temperature. In the heated state it through another hole moves on - back into the room or into the heating system.

Types of smoke devices

Among the varieties of the traditional model of aircraft for self-production is considered to be a tubular heat exchanger, although there are many other options.

Consider the basic species that are relevant for mounting on the chimney long burning stoves small stoves, Furnaces working out. The heat which they convert energy from the combustion products, called dry.

If schematically represented inside of the device, it may have the following variations.

Horizontally or vertically arranged pipes welded to the furnace body. The vertical arrangement is more effective, as the air passes through the best channels. Material - steel.

Model exchanger with tubes

For welding the pipe to the walls of fragments with a diameter of 50 mm to 200 mm may be used. It is believed that the cross-sectional shape - rectangular or round - fundamentally important

Entwined around a furnace tube. For good heat transfer is sufficient 2-3 turns are best slightly push to increase the heating area.

Model air coil

Performance depends on the difference between entry and exit levels of air. Traction determines the difference in temperature, so the hole, is responsible for the fence, is often outputted on the outside

The partitions inside the housing. Kind of labyrinth is composed of metal plates mounted vertically. The optimum thickness of parts - from 6 mm to 8 mm.

Model with baffles

Inlet and outlet duct should be placed in front of the beginning and the end of the maze. Top mounted and welded metal cover ensures leakproofness

Tubes extending through the furnace.

Model integrated pipes

Integrated structure must be created during assembly homemade furnace even before heat sealing wall. The channels are arranged parallel, at a distance from each other. The cross section tubes - 50 mm and more

When the vertically disposed air flow channel more intense, hence, increased device performance. But in some cases the appropriate device with horizontal pipes or walls. Each of these models is suitable for self-production, if there is welding skills.

What material is better?

When the heat exchanger device used metal parts - galvanized sheets, cylinders from the gasPipes of different diameters, cast-iron blank, etc. Cast iron is not recommended, because it is, in comparison with steel, brittle and hard, making it difficult to assembly on the chimney.

Optimal - austenitic steel. Stainless steel is easy to tolerate thermal fluctuations, resistant to mechanical damage, lends itself to self-handling and welding.

Table steel characteristics

Table main technical characteristics of austenitic steels AISI. You can see how changing the material properties types 304 (304L) and 316 (316L) by heating

Galvanized alloyed steel or austenitic inferior because it is not intended for heating. High temperature treatment leads to the release of zinc oxides harmful to health, however if it is planned temperature increase in the flue to + 419.5 ° C, should be avoided by galvanizing. It is better to buy expensive but safe material.

Options for the manufacture of devices with their own hands

Here are some simple self-generation projects, which, if desired, can be made of metal parts by welding and power.

Overview of the heat exchanger from the gas cylinder

If you set an improvised device burzhujku, the heating effect in the room to grow by 30-40%. The smaller area garage or workshop, the higher the efficiency of the instrument.

We suggest to consider the option that is ideal for small furnaces type "stove" are actively used for heating garages.

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Location of the heat exchanger to the chimney

Chimney stoves has an outlet in the wall, so the heat exchanger is mounted directly on the fume collection tube at a low height from the plate - 20-30 cm. If the ceiling is high, it can be raised above or withdraw the outlet outwardly

The housing of the heat exchanger for stoves

The housing - is cleaned inside and outside of the gas cylinder from the propane from which the residues and gas condensate removed completely. The upper part of the balloon is left in place (it is lower) and the lower cut off and replaced with a metal disc

Diameter and location of pipes

The internal cavity crossed by three metallic pipes 100 mm in diameter. They are located on an upward spiral, and the ends of them go in different directions. It is possible to use a pipe with large diameter (110 mm), and the parts with a smaller cross section will produce less heat

Features design and build

Before installing the pipes passing through, cut two holes in every detail. To obtain the upper part of a metallic circular disk, the cut diameter cylinder and hermetically welded

Location of the heat exchanger to the chimney

Location of the heat exchanger to the chimney

The housing of the heat exchanger for stoves

The housing of the heat exchanger for stoves

Diameter and location of pipes

Diameter and location of pipes

Features design and build

Features design and build

In general, the gas cylinder is obtained from the fairly accurate and efficient heat exchanger to the furnace, a heating small room. To further increase the heating efficiency without radical design changes in the pipe can be installed fans, and the number of pipes to increase to 4-5.

Photos from the economizer Feringer

As a model for the production of the factory model can serve popular manufacturers. For example, the company Feringer known release furnaces, offers ready chimneys that are inherently heat exchangers.

Consider the simple design model. All the items of which they are composed, you can do yourself.

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The heat exchanger in the flue - four-pipe economizer

The model with four pipes (60 mm) of black steel after the test was the most efficient and productive. It has a high degree of fire protection, since it removes all sparks and minimizes the gas temperature at the outlet

Schieber - damper located inside the tube

Built into the upper portion of the flue damper is rotated manually by means of a small handle located outside. Even in the gate closed position does not obstruct the pipe completely to remain out of the combustion products (carbon monoxide)

The internal heat exchanger device Feringer

If you look at the chimney top, one can see the main elements - four welded into a single unit of the pipe, each of which is equipped with cross bars - helical dividers that allow to cut spark

Models of heat exchangers with a casing

The main difference between the models with casing - a protective screen, which is shaped like a coil configuration. The casing has a design registration, which makes its appearance less technically

The heat exchanger in the flue - four-pipe economizer

The heat exchanger in the flue - four-pipe economizer

Schieber - damper located inside the tube

Schieber - damper located inside the tube

The internal heat exchanger device Feringer

The internal heat exchanger device Feringer

Models of heat exchangers with a casing

Models of heat exchangers with a casing

The main idea, which can be taken from the advanced models Feringer, - the use of four tubes instead of one. If the oven has already been installed in a garage or utility room, part of the chimney clean, set instead of four-economizer - and the room temperature is immediately increased by a few degrees.

Homemade Air convector

The proposed model is completely made of steel parts. This heat exchanger, which in size is approximately 1.5 times the volumetric flue.

It is a drum with tubes arranged perpendicular Chimney pipe. Stainless steel is chosen for good reason - it can easily tolerate high temperatures, well cleaned and burns.

To work required:

  • steel pipe 30 mm in diameter (for the manufacture of identical segments 8);
  • fragment tube 50 mm (center channel);
  • the metal sheet 2 mm thick (to manufacture 2-circular plates and the casing);
  • jar from beneath the ink volume of 20 l (to the adapter at the chimney).

It is also necessary to prepare the tools for cutting and welding metal.

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Step 1 - Preparation of steel parts

Cut circular saw 9 tubes of equal length, the central larger diameter (e.g. 50 mm), the remaining - 30 mm

Step 2 - marking and cutting holes

Mark up the metal sheet (2 mm thick) for cutting two plates with openings for the tube. Cut their circular saw or using a machine tool

Step 3 - welding pipe in the drum

Set of metal pipes in the holes welds. That the process was faster, you can use a wooden pattern-stand with recesses for the tubes. We put on top casing - a cylindrical body from a metal

Step 4 - Preparation and installation of the adapter

We make an adapter to the chimney of the 20-liter cans of paint. Pre-need to clean it: propalit fire, and remove carbon deposits sandpaper. Simultaneously suitable diameter holes cut in opposite sides of the heat exchanger

Step 5 - "lepestochny" method of securing adapter

Cut bank 2 identical parts, install the adapter on the heat exchanger, fixing it lepestochnym way: Making incisions over the entire circumference, "pitch" bends inside the cylinder

Step 6 - assembly and welding drum

Crucial moment - the final welding of all the drum parts. It is necessary that the pieces were welded together tightly, otherwise the effect will decrease by using a heat exchanger

Step 7 - Installation of the heat exchanger to the chimney

Set the drum on a chimney ready, but does not melt it. Removable device is easier to maintain: cleaning is required not less frequently than once a year

Step 8 - Set the fan to improve performance

To increase the productivity of operating a home-made device, you can install a small low-power fan. It is better if the ventilation area captures all the tubes

Step 1 - Preparation of steel parts

Step 1 - Preparation of steel parts

Step 2 - marking and cutting holes

Step 2 - marking and cutting holes

Step 3 - welding pipe in the drum

Step 3 - welding pipe in the drum

Step 4 - Preparation and installation of the adapter

Step 4 - Preparation and installation of the adapter

Step 5 - "lepestochny" method of securing adapter

Step 5 - "lepestochny" method of securing adapter

Step 6 - assembly and welding drum

Step 6 - assembly and welding drum

Step 7 - Installation of the heat exchanger to the chimney

Step 7 - Installation of the heat exchanger to the chimney

Step 8 - Set the fan to improve performance

Step 8 - Set the fan to improve performance

This is one of the best options for air heat exchanger to the chimney stove Garage or utility room. The design can be simplified, instead of tubes welded metal partitions, but the principle activities remain the same: the hot air from the chimney will be an additional source of heat for premises.

Manufacturing process directly chimney for small stoves devoted to the recommended article us. Chimney immediately during manufacture to provide better heat exchanger.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Several videorekomendatsy help to better understand the structure and operation of the self-made heat exchanger.

Video # 1. Councils for the production model of the pipes:

Video # 2. Model made of aluminum sheeting:

Video # 3. Simple version of the materials at hand:

As you see, to increase the efficiency of the stove in the garage, utility room or bath can not splurge on expensive equipment, and to make effective the device with your hands. For work required skills and metal exemplary circuit assembly.

You know how to make the original version of the heat exchanger to be installed on the chimney with his own hands? There were questions during the familiarization with the information provided, or have useful information for site visitors and us? Please write comments in the box located below.

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