Choose yourself one of the types and varieties of spathiphyllum on photos and descriptions

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For the first time spathiphyllum was discovered and described by the German botnickname enthusiast Gustav Wallis in the XIX century. Attracted the attention of the scientist and plants are still common in Colombia and other countries in the region, a lot of Spathiphyllums can be seen on the marshy banks of water bodies in the undergrowth of tropical rain forests.

The plant that came to the USA and Europe attracted the attention of flower growers, and as a indoor culture, spathiphyllum became well known all over the world. But breeding work on the breeding of new varieties and hybrids was started relatively recently, only in the mid 60s of the last century.

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Appearance suitable for cultivation in indoor conditions of plants:

  • dwarf and impressive size;
  • with leaves of various shapes and colors;
  • with a pleasant odor;
  • capable of long and almost constantly bloom, has caused a serious increase in interest in culture.

Today, at the disposal of amateur flower growers there are dozens of varieties of spathiphyllum, the photos of which allow to tirelessly wonder at the diversity of nature.

Features and photos of the flower of spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum, like many plants living in the tropical and subtropical zones, does not shed foliage all year round, remaining green and attractive. The leaves of the plant are rather large, oblong – lanceolate, with depressed veins and glossy surface.

Since the spathiphyllum has almost no stem, or it is very short and spread along the ground, the leaves rise straight from the ground. And in the period of flowering graceful flower stalks with white bracts surrounding the white or yellowish cob rise above the plants. Contrary to popular belief, the photo is not a spathiphyllum flower, but its inflorescence. But in small flowers, collected in the ear there are no petals, no appearance.

Therefore, in the course of evolution, the plant acquired a white, and then a green bract, which is like a flag, attracts the attention of insects. Today, botanists know more than four dozen types of Spathiphyllums, but only a few varieties are used as a room culture and for gardening. Plants belonging to Spathiphyllum Floribundum and Wallisii are the most frequent inhabitants of window sills.

Spathiphyllum floriferous

The light green leaves of Spathiphyllum Floribundum, as seen in the photo of the spathiphyllum, are quite dense, with a well-marked central vein and thin petiole up to 10 cm long. Peduncles can rise 15–20 cm above the leaves, the perianth is white, compared to other species, small, only 4–8 cm long, and not more than 3 cm wide. A distinctive feature of the species is a long-term year-round flowering.

Spathiphyllum pleasant

If you compare the Spathiphyllum Pleasant or Spathiphyllum Blandum pictured in the photo with the previous member of the genus, the difference in the shape and structure of the leaves is immediately noticeable. This large spathiphyllum, growing in the wild in Suriname, has oblong, elliptical leaves with well-marked depressed veins. The length of one leaf reaches 30 cm, the same in size and petiole, attached to the underground creeping stem of the plant.

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Greenish, up to 20 cm long, the bract and the inflorescence-the ear is located on top of a short peduncle. Flowers appear regularly, and with proper care, the plant blooms constantly.

Spathiphyllum cannolic leaf

At the plant Spathiphyllum Cannifolium, as seen in the photo of the spathiphyllum and its flower, the densest and narrowest of all related species are 40 cm long.

The front side of the bract is white, and the “wrong side” has a pronounced green tint. The length of the cover of this large, attractive plant is 10–22 cm, which is twice the size of a white or yellowish cob. Features of the form is that the inflorescences have a pronounced aroma, and the ear itself is not lumpy, but smooth. In nature, plants of this species can be found in the tropical forests of South America, as well as in Trinidad.

Spicyphillum spoon-shaped

In Brazil, another interesting species of spathiphyllum was discovered. This is Spathiphyllum Cochlearispathum - a plant that grows to a meter height and is distinguished by thin, glossy, elliptical leaves. With a width of 12–15 cm, the length of one saturated green leaf reaches 30–40 cm, while the petioles are also very long and can grow up to 70 cm.

The name of the species was due to the white blanket, which preserves the shape of a spatyphillum, As the cob ripens, it becomes thick green.

Spathiphyllum of Wallis

This type of spathiphyllum, named after its discoverer and devotee of the culture of G. Wallis, is the most unpretentious and therefore the most common today. The wild Spathiphyllum of Wallis or Spathiphyllum Wallisii became the basis for breeding work, which was actively conducted in the world, and presented to the lovers of houseplants a lot of the most interesting and popular varieties.

The plants of this species are small, and most of them are only 30–40 cm tall, which is an indisputable advantage at home. Unlike the species already described, the native of Colombia gives elongated, pointed leaves up to 24 cm in length. The petioles are flexible, long, with time they bend, and the leaves on them lean.

The inflorescences of this species do not exceed 3–5 cm in length, and the white or greenish covers covering them become completely green as the cob develops. The ear at the flower spathiphyllum, as in the photo, almost white or cream, and then also turns green. This species is characterized by seasonal flowering - from spring to autumn.

Over the years, the work of breeders has yielded good fruit, and now gardeners are familiar not only with species found in the wild, but also with spectacular varieties, as well as with hybrids of spathiphyllum.

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A number of varieties, including plants of hybrid origin, can be found in flower shops today. Worldwide known large spathiphyllum Mauna Loa, named for the volcano in Hawaii. Sensation is also very decorative, and the photo of the Domino spathiphyllum invariably attracts attention due to the unusual motley foliage of the plant.

Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa

A beautiful plant with a white, broad, elliptical bract, delicately concave and covering the head of a creamy shade. Bright green pointed leaves are kept on the petioles of 10 cm petiole length and grow from a shortened, sometimes underground stem. Short, up to 5 cm, the ears are located on high 25 cm peduncles.

The homeland of this spectacular plant is Colombia, from where the first specimens of Wallis's spathiphyllum were removed. The flowering of Mauna Loa is long or almost constant, the inflorescences can be cut, in this form they remain fresh for up to a month.

Spathiphyllum Chopin

One of the most popular and most useful varieties of Chopin Spathiphyllum, Spathiphyllum Chopin, is a versatile, unpretentious plant for decorating residential interiors and gardening offices and public buildings. The plant copes with the task of absorbing harmful substances in the air. At the same time, the bush is quite small and its height barely reaches 35–40 cm.

This variety of spathiphyllum has rich green shiny leaves with depressed veins and pointed ends. Perianth elongated, white, with a green tip and veins.

In addition, in the morning, a delicate aroma spreads from the plant, which undoubtedly adds to the culture of attractiveness in the eyes of flower growers.

Photos of the Domino's spathiphyllum

Only one photo of the Domino's spathiphyllum necessarily evokes enthusiastic responses and interest of houseplants. Spathiphyllum Domino is a rare plant for the species, possessing, besides unpretentiousness, one more significant advantage, bright motley foliage with numerous white strokes and spots.

At the same time, the plant is very compact and does not exceed 35 cm in height. Like all such varieties, the variegated variety feels fine on fairly lighted windows, but under direct rays can lose its attractiveness and start to wither. Therefore, a shading screen, good watering and the absence of drafts are necessary for Domino. In the morning, the plant indulges the owner with the scent, the intensity of which decreases in the afternoon.

Spathiphyllum Picasso

Dutch breeders on the basis of Wallis's spathiphyllum obtained even more interesting than Domino, a variegated variety, in which white coloring occupies entire sectors of the leaf plate. Spathiphyllum Picasso is a godsend for flower growers who cannot painstakingly care for plants and love unusual cultures.

A plant, like all spathyphyllums, is unpretentious and demanding only for lighting, which should be bright, but not burning. The peculiarity of this variety, as seen in the photo of the spathiphyllum flower, is the variegated coloration of not only the foliage, but also the elegant, with a pointed tip of the perianth.

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Spathiphyllum Cupido

The specialty of the Dutch nursery Cupido is homemade spathiphyllums. Eri plants have become so well known in the world that the compact wallis spathiphyllums cultivated by specialists from the Netherlands have earned the name Spidiphyllum Cupido.

Plants with bright green leaves and gracefully curved inflorescence bedspreads will decorate any interior, show themselves as non-capricious and docile pets.

Alana's Spathiphyllum

Alan’s Spathiphyllum is about 50 cm tall, with the newly growing leaves practically tilting, like other Wallis plants, but almost vertical.

Leaves glossy, dense, saturated green shade. Bract wide, effectively pointed, with a noticeable green vein on the back side.

Spathiphyllum Sensation

This hybrid spathiphyllum can be safely attributed to the most decorative and spectacular. Bushes Spathiphyllum Sensation can reach a height of one and a half meters, which makes the variety one of the largest among the existing indoor varieties.

The plant has large, attractive, dark leaves with a gloss of color and a length of 40 to 80 cm. Large inflorescences of spathiphyllum. Sensation also greatly benefits compared to other similar varieties. Only appearing above the foliage, perianths have a white color, then gradually turn green and merge against the general background. The cob is larger, smoother than that of other plants, and the spathiphyllum flower, as in the photo, lasts a very long time.

Among other tall varieties of spathiphyllum, in the photo, Sweet Silvio of hybrid origin with elegant inflorescences and lush bushes up to 75 cm should be noted. The Strauss spathiphyllum plants are 30 cm in height against the background of this large variety.

Spathiphyllum red

Sometimes you can hear that kennels offer spathiphyllum with red or pink bracts. However, before succumbing to a tempting offer and in a hurry to purchase a rare flower, it is worthwhile to deal with the classification.

It turns out that a white blanket can stain only under the influence of chemicals artificially introduced from the peduncle, and under natural conditions, the bract can only turn green.
Still, plants that are closely related to the spathiphyllum and have a colored perianth. These are well-known flower growers anthuriums, thanks to the breeders, depending on the variety, are able to please the owner with scarlet, burgundy, pink and almost white inflorescence covers.

Spathiphyllum and Anthurium have a lot of common morphological features, so in the West the common name for plants is called peace lily.
By the way, if the spathiphyllum is considered to be the mascot of female happiness, then anthurium is the embodiment of male well-being and strength. Although red spathiphyllum has not yet been obtained, these plants can become a good pair and complement each other on the windowsill.

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