Symptoms of layman hens disease and the rules of their treatment

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Both experienced and novice poultry farmers are not insured against problems. Diseases of laying hens at home often cause concern to the owner of the house. To infectious, parasitic and other diseases did not cause serious damage to the livestock, it is important to recognize their symptoms as early as possible, to introduce quarantine measures and begin treatment.

What in the behavior and appearance of a bird should alert a poultry farm first?

Since chicken diseases often have rapid development and in many cases lead to death, all deviations in habitual behavior should become the cause for alarm.

These include:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • a steady reluctance to move, while the birds sit with their eyes closed;
  • decreased appetite or total refusal of food;
  • apathy, alternating with periods of excessive arousal and anxiety.
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Having looked at the chickens, you can see that they make uncharacteristic sounds, breathe heavily. Requiring immediate treatment of laying hens disease is given by:

  • mucus and inflammation around the eyes and respiratory system;
  • deterioration of the quality of the tail, its loss or untidy, dirty appearance;
  • characteristic for many diseases of diarrhea.

In some cases, poultry breeders meet with bulging of the goiter and abdominal area, seizures and other limb problems. To the sudden mass death did not cause irreparable damage, these symptoms should not be ignored in any case!

Photos of diseases of laying hen hens and their treatments are designed to help beginners in identifying disturbing signs.

Infectious diseases of laying hen hens and their treatment

Chickens are susceptible to a variety of diseases, the pathogens of which are pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and bacteria.

Among the most common diseases - pasteurellosis, leading to the death of 95-100% of livestock. Why do laying hens die when infected with this disease? The reason is the rapid development of infection, accompanied by a fever in the bird, the appearance of foam from the beak and nasal apertures, wheezing and severe weakness. A sick bird is thirsty, its crest and earrings are gray or acquire a bluish tinge. Traces of blood are found in the litter of unhealthy color.


Another dangerous disease for laying hens is Newcastle disease, affecting birds of all breeds and ages. In this case the poultry breeder may face a lightning-fast fatal outcome, not accompanied by any noticeable symptoms. But more often the owner of the poultry house notices all the symptoms of the disease of laying hens necessary for the diagnosis and treatment. It:

  • lethargy;
  • fetid liquid droppings;
  • lack of appetite;
  • Stretched from feed and gases goiter;
  • the emergence of mucus from the nostrils and the beak;
  • cyanotic crest;
  • shortness of breath, accompanied by a dullness or other unusual sounds.
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To hens that occur at home, the hens of the laying hens include smallpox. Adult chickens are affected by a skin type of disease, which is manifested in the appearance first on the head, and then on other areas of yellowish, but after blushing rounded spots, covered with coarse outgrowths. All the time sick birds are depressed, ruffled, they almost do not eat. In case of complications, eyesight may die and die.

Because infectious diseases have many common symptoms and are a danger to the whole and even for humans, the decision to diagnose and treat diseases of laying hen hens should take specialist.

When detecting alarm signals, suspicious birds are planted, the room and equipment are disinfected and carefully monitor the condition of the remaining chickens prior to therapy.

Diseases of laying hens caused by parasites

A serious danger to laying hen hens is represented by parasitizing helminths, ticks, bugs and other pests on the bird. Diseases associated with the multiplication of worms in the body are often associated with impaired digestion, lethargy, birds' refusal to eat, exhaustion and death. If an aspiring poultry farmer asks a question: "How to treat diarrhea in laying hens? Without knowing the reasons for the symptom, then he should not rush to choose a medicine.

Similar signs can be found in unpleasant, but not contagious gastroenteritis or poisoning, and in ascaridosis or heterokeridosis. In that, and in another case, without taking urgent measures, not one bird, but the inhabitants of the whole house, including turkeys, ducks and geese, may suffer.

Blood-sucking bugs and mites cause skin lesions accompanied by itching and dangerous secondary infections. In addition, the smallest insects become carriers of other diseases, lead to weakening, oppression of the bird, a decline in egg production, and sometimes death. At home, the diseases of hens of layers of this genus are greatly increased:

  • with a tedious content;
  • at unsatisfactory sanitary condition of cells and chicken coops;
  • when an infected bird appears in the herd.
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In regard to helminths and other parasites, preventive measures are mandatory, and regular cleaning places of maintenance and all equipment, change walking areas, replace litter, clean nests and roosts.

At the first signs of parasites the bird should receive a full course of treatment. otherwise there is a possibility of not only hitting the entire population, but also a person for whom both worms and zesty mites are dangerous.

In order to prevent the multiplication of ectoparasites, eating down and feathers, in the poultry houses and on the walks they arrange an ash-sand bath.

Non-contagious diseases of hens laying hens symptoms and treatment

With all the danger of parasites and infectious diseases, the greatest harm to poultry, according to statistics, causes non-communicable diseases. Their development provokes violations of the conditions of keeping the bird, improper or irrational feeding.

Such diseases of laying hens, their symptoms and treatment should be under the strictest control a poultry farmer who wants to receive a stable number of eggs and watch a living and healthy livestock.

Among diseases caused by poor-quality, rough or contaminated feeds, as well as irregular feeding, when birds are forced to gulp down large portions of the mixture, atony goiter. As a result of its obstruction, the chicken loses its ability to feed, weakens, ceases to rush, and without assistance, dies of suffocation. You can save the laying hen by introducing small portions of vegetable oil into the goiter, by massage and by removing the contents by raising the bird by the legs.

Gastroenteritis, expressed in irritation and inflammation of the digestive system, diarrhea, weakness and lethargy of the bird, arises from the systematic receipt of poor-quality, spoiled feed, contaminated water, or a deficiency of vitamin-mineral additives. To provoke the disease can a sharp change in diet, an abundance of food rich in fiber. In most cases, the situation can be corrected by normalizing nutrition and introducing probiotics into the menu, but if the disease is started, antibiotics for laying hens can not be avoided.

The same measures are used if the bird has inflammation in the area of ​​the cloaca or cloacite. Here, antibiotic agents are used externally to treat the affected mucosa and nearby areas.

No less harm than poor-quality food brings feeder layers without taking into account its increased requirements for vitamins and minerals. Having a lack of calcium, essential vitamins A, D, E, B2, B6, birds can develop yellowish peritonitis. Symptoms arising in the home disease disease hens are:

  • in a sharp decline in egg production;
  • in lethargy and loss of appetite;
  • in refusal of movements;
  • in increasing the volume of the stomach and all signs of dropsy.
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Poultry farmers who are interested in why the laying hens are bald, in practice, can encounter in this laying disease, which, with peritonitis, lose the feather in the abdomen. Prevent the disease can be, by the constant inclusion in the menu of vitamin supplements and seashells.

When the condition of the bird remains unnoticed for a long time, the inflammation is complicated by suppuration and can develop into a more serious, leading to the death from infections stage. And there is little to adjust the diet and care of the bird. If the disease has acquired an infectious character, laying hens without antibiotics can not be avoided.

Similar causes are salpingitis, which often occurs parallel to the yolk peritonitis. The reason for the painful inflammation of the oviduct is the passage of large eggs or the youth of the hens. In this case, it can be observed that the chickens carry eggs with an unformed shell or without it at all. In this case the masonry looks like the outflow of the liquid or purulent contents of the oviduct.

The question "Why do laying hens grow bald?" Is one of the most topical for beginner poultry farmers. It does not matter if the bird just sheds. In this situation, introduction to the diet rich in minerals and vitamins of feed will help her, but the chicken cannibalism is another matter. In this case, the feathers of each other are plucked by the chickens themselves, and are not limited to this, but begin to eat the eggs laid down, to inflict wounds and injuries to weak neighbors.

What if the hens of hens die of such aggressive behavior of their relatives? Among the causes of cannibalism - malnutrition, crowding of the bird, lack of walking, excessively bright artificial lighting. To change the situation, it is often enough to arrange care and enter in the diet of poultry calcium supplements, fish oil and bone meal, greens, fodder sulfur and a small amount of salt. Good results are obtained by yeast feeding for laying hen hens. The wounds obtained from piercing the birds must be treated and disinfected.

About the diseases of hens hens - video

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