Radio with flash drive

Take a radio with a Mason RM2231.2 flash drive at a reasonable price for 530 rubles. It receives FM( including VHF), HF and low frequencies of radio stations. Thing is indispensable in nature. Drown - do not mind, save from boredom. Two unpretentious knobs for selecting the mode and range will not allow a man in the street to get confused. Four half-volt batteries provide the speaker with stable performance. If necessary, it is possible to attach the cord.

Average price range

Let's jump an order of magnitude upwards. Radio with a flash drive is better to choose through the Yandex market. There in the options provided a special setting that allows you to find a device with a USB interface under removable media. Expensive radio receivers in the segment a bit, briefly consider the range.

An order of magnitude more than that of the Mason RM2231.2 worth Sangean H-203D.6,600 rubles are asked on the market. What distinguishes the device from a primitive box, seen at the beginning of the review. Sanjin is a Chinese company specializing in the production of electronics. It is customary to laugh at the quality of the Celestial Empire, but 6,600 rubles do not favor such emotions. For the past 40 years, the Taiwanese corporation has been operating, 50% of the shares belong to the STL group from the Netherlands. The production capacity of the enterprise is working on the radio receivers of the companies:

instagram viewer

  • Siemens;
  • Panasonic;
  • Braun;
  • Grundig.

German and Japanese quality in all its glory! The company produces radio receivers for receiving Internet broadcasting via Wi-Fi protocols, true workhorses for geologists and other persons of extreme professions, and docking stations, which are a home media center. Let out imitations under olden time, exclusive models in the form of a handbag. Sangean H-203D is not the most expensive radio with a flash drive from the manufacturer. There is simply no site in the US domain, but in the European thing they sell it. Probably caused by the difference in broadcast standards. Models H202, on the contrary, are not in the Old World, but in the New - are available!

The manufacturer places the device in the photo on the shelf of a mirror in the bathroom. If necessary, a spinning knob in the form of a semicircle emerges from the back panel, easily a digital radio receiver with a USB flash drive can be hung on a stud. The device case is really waterproof according to the JIS7 ​​standard. The speaker is not afraid of moisture. Pleases the built-in flashlight, there is no information on the manufacturer's website about the built-in USB interface.

A radio receiver with a flash drive is equipped with an electronic clock, easily visible on a sufficiently large display. The device is positioned as a gadget for motorists, tourists and workers. There is an emergency buzzer. For what the call is silent, it is possible that leakage protection or alarm!

In a radio receiver with a flash drive, there is no reception of HF, which is not terrible, they rarely broadcast in this band. The device has the ability to pre-set 8 frequencies and catches digital radio DAB at frequencies of 200 MHz. The radio receives radio-specific information through the RDB protocol, including corrections for satellite navigation, information about broadcast channels, and sometimes information about where traffic jams are. On the road gizmo will not let you down.

USB here in contrast to the H202 comes as an option, buy the radio carefully. There is a possibility of flashing through micro USB, which is important. Power chips receive from two batteries and a half volts UM - 1: barrels are thicker than finger ones.

Upper price segment

Already said that the radio H-203D with an optional flash drive is not the most expensive. DDR63 models are not available on the European market, but are available in the USA.On the Yandex-market product is 18,000 rubles. This is a true home appliance. The list of options and functions:

  1. USB-port for external media( flash drives).
  2. CD Player.
  3. Receive FM radio with RDS protocol( service information).
  4. Input connector for external audio sources.
  5. Card Reader.
  6. Wi-Fi Internet radio reception.

It is possible to preset 20 stations( 10 FM and 10 on Wi-Fi).There is an opportunity to listen to online services, for example, Pandora. It is possible to do rip( capture) broadcasting in real time - a memory card in the radio is justified. However, you can write to any removable media. The radio with a DDR63 USB flash drive has a powerful EQ, equipped with an alarm clock. Case-tablet is not designed for hiking and vulnerable to water, but it will be a decorative decoration of the apartment. The flash drive in the radio is arranged without the additional upgrade that was required in the previous case( H203D).

An alarm clock will wake up in the morning with a favorite melody or a normal buzzer signal. The software is updated through the list of channels, there are almost all connectors, including network RJ-45 and for an external antenna. There is a remote control included, the ability to power from the batteries is missing. Chinese radios with a flash drive will become a friend of a homebody.

Radio receivers with a flash drive and a dynamo generator

Not any radio with USB is designed to read flash drives. The ETON AXIS model has the specified output, but the interface serves to recharge mobile devices. This tourist radio weighing 663 grams is equipped with a built-in LED flashlight, it glows with strawberry-red color and two handles:

  1. For transportation.
  2. For a dynamo generator.

The handle of the dynamo-generator is equipped with a magnet that adheres tightly to the case, in a similar state it is very convenient to transport the device. Twisting the rotor, recharge the built-in battery. This is a “perpetual motion machine” if there is power in the hands. So that the frequencies do not get lost, the knob peeps through the steps. The switching sound is clearly audible. Radio settings with a flash drive will not get stuck in the middle of the trip.

Reinforced hull is set to withstand shocks, there are all three ranges, the tourist will not get bored. The built-in telescopic antenna will be needed for the HF and MW ranges, the headphone jack will allow you not to disturb your neighbors. There are hours and an alarm clock, where without them the tourist.

The radio receiver with a flash drive works from a 600 mA / h battery and recharges any gadgets. The cable is included, adapters will have to find. There is the possibility of using typical finger batteries. In cruising mode, the power goes through the DC adapter.

A 1 year manufacturer’s warranty is given, instructions in Russian have not yet been created, no problem. Take it and cool! The price of the device is 3500 rubles on the Yandex market. In our opinion, the only drawback:

  • The battery cover does not look too strong. Sadly, if a set of batteries falls into the abyss during climbing or other maneuvers of the user.

The radio is just awesome. A lot of space under the handle, easy to hang on the bike. A red cross on a white background resembles a first-aid kit. Excellent appearance, impressive functionality.

Nuances of radio receivers

RDS was already mentioned, but this is a pale reflection of the Moon in comparison with the capabilities of upgraded analog digital radio channels. The first multiplex already includes three programs. The successful triple jumps on the same frequency frame by frame. A specific channel is allocated a slot in time next to the television broadcast. Of course, in order to decipher the signal, the radio must have a special electronic filling inside.

In 2014, a package of technical solutions for digital broadcasting in the long-wave range is being prepared. It is supposed to use the DRM standard. The interface provides for coding information on mpeg4 methods. There will be no multiplexing, just the DRM standard will allow using the signal spectrum more fully due to special techniques. On FM, we plan to use DRM +, which we believe will make multiplexing possible. At one frequency, a series of channels will be transmitted simultaneously.

Now you can safely buy a radio with a flash drive, knowing the main features of tourist equipment.

If a radio with a dynamo generator is taken on a hike, it is permissible to take a single adapter to charge USB on the gadgets. Standards often overlap. This is quite convenient, on the "pioneer camp" with numerous cellular of the same type will be a common charger.

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