Indesit Refrigerators: Top 5 of the best models, reviews, tips on choosing

Indesit company has long and successfully carries out its sales in Russia of large home appliances. To choose the right refrigerator Indesit, you must understand the main technical parameters and available technologies. It has the equipment and the obvious shortcomings, details of which must be analyzed before purchase.

The content of the article:

  • Features of refrigerators Indesit
  • The use of modern technologies and solutions
  • The main pros and cons of technology
    • Comparison of one-dimensional models
    • Problems with electronic control
    • Poor quality parts and housing
  • Basic guidelines for proper choice
  • The best representatives of the lineup
    • Refrigerator # 1: Indesit DF 5200 W
    • Refrigerator # 2: Indesit DF 4180 W
    • Refrigerator # 3: Indesit DF 5200 S
    • Refrigerator # 4: Indesit EF 18
    • Refrigerator # 5: Indesit TT 85 T
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features of refrigerators Indesit

Most of the refrigerators sold in Russia designed by the classical version of the dual-chamber with the location of the freezer compartment under refrigeration. Indesit unified model of the width and depth (60 x 64 cm). Height, there are three options: 167, 185 and 200 cm.

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Specification size refrigerators Indesit

Refrigerators Indesit logo comes with a standard width, which somewhat limits the buyers. Models vary in depth, height, technical equipment, design

Capacity freezers for models, in which the second letter of the name of "F" is equal to 75 liters, and "S" - 87 liters. Capacity of the refrigerator compartment depends on the height:

  • 167: 181 or 182 liters;
  • 185 cm: 223 liters;
  • 200 cm: 249 or 252 liters.

Most refrigerators in this series are equipped with handles flush-type doors.

Hidden type of refrigerator handles

Hidden type of refrigerator handles bulk technique allows a better fit in the kitchen space. On them you can not accidentally hit

Models with top freezer also have a fixed width and depth (60 x 62 cm) and three variants height: 145, 167 and 185 cm. refrigerated compartments of approximately the same size as that of the device "classical type", and the parameters of freezers - much less.

Volume depends on the height of the refrigerator:

  • 145 cm: 194/51 l;
  • 167 cm: 245/51 l;
  • 185 cm: 253/73 liters.

Low single-door refrigerators Two-cell represented by models 85 and a height of 125 cm, with the volumes of chambers 106/14 and 182/28 liters.

The only model embedded refrigerator has a height of 177 cm, and the width and depth - 54 cm.

Freezer presented models 100 and height 167 cm and a volume in the range from 118 to 245 liters.

Energy efficiency class freezers Indesit

Freezers Indesit not of high efficiency: their energy consumption is low class - "B" or "D". Refrigeration equipment more cost-effective competitors

Color gamut technology Indesit rather poor, in the name of the model color is encrypted in the last character. Freezers and may be colored as follows:

  • "D", "W" or lack of symbols - white shades;
  • "S", "SB", "SD" - shades of silver;
  • "M", "RM" - shades of steel;
  • "E" - pink and white;
  • "T" - teak.

Colored wood used for both single-chamber and dual chamber models for. This design allows you to enter the unit in the kitchen headsets with no integration and application of the lining.

Refrigerators with registration under the tree

Refrigerators with a surface stylized panel of solid wood abandon allow perfect insertion when combined with kitchen furniture

The use of modern technologies and solutions

Indesit Company does not position his equipment as having any innovative solutions, fashion trends or exclusive design. Nevertheless, now classical techniques present in the functional refrigerators and freezers.

The refrigerating compartment temperature gradient exists: top temperature is kept near 00C, and the bottom of the camera - about 50C. Thus, the best defined zones of different types of content products.

mount system "Sliding System" It suggests the possibility of extension shelves by 7 centimeters forward. This allows to find and control disposed at the back of the products at refrigerator dense filling. In some models, the shelves can be placed at a convenient height for the user, which allows the dish to accommodate the volume easily.

Ribbed side refrigerator shelf mounting

On the lateral sides of the refrigerator are arranged grooves which are intended for mounting shelves. This will allow the user to adjust their location and desired him to create zones of height

Technology "Total no Frost" available on some models, which makes it possible not to carry out the defrosting procedure manually. System "Low Frost" simpler and less energy-intensive. It slows down the build-up of frost on the walls of the chamber, which reduces the frequency of the necessary prevention of disabling the refrigerator for thawing and drying chambers.

Some models are equipped with a mechanical control, and some - touch. And in fact, and in another case the available functions enable rapid drop in temperature in the cooling mode (Push & Cool) And freezer (Push & Freeze) Department.

Cooling unit with touch-type control

The company produces refrigerators and electromechanical, and electronic control type. The second is more convenient to use, but they are sensitive to moisture and to violations of the rules of use

The system changes the position of shelves on the door "MySpace" It allows more economical use of space in the chamber depending on the geometric parameters of the products is often placed there. This design feature is characteristic only for built-in models.

The main pros and cons of technology

The main advantage of the company's production of refrigerators Indesit is the low price compared to similar models from rival companies. Initially positioning their equipment in Russia as the budget, Indesit minimize the functional and purchases for the production of refrigerators cheap items. This leads to the disadvantages that mark users.

defrost timer for Indesit

Like most of the refrigerator units, defrosting timer "Total no Frost" made in China. The quality of such products is poor

Comparison of one-dimensional models

Indesit - one of the first foreign companies, which is designated in the Russian market of household appliances. Construction Stinol plant in the Lipetsk region for the production of similar refrigerators were made in 1988. With the arrival of serious competitors of the company management adopted a policy to hold positions in the lower price range.

If we take such companies as LG or Liebherr, whose products are rightly considered high quality, that Indesit appliances definitely wins on cost:

  • Indesit ES 20: capacity of 341 liters, the price is about 15 000 rubles;
  • LG GA-B499: capacity of 360 liters, the price is about 34 000 rubles;
  • Liebherr Cef 4025: capacity of 357 liters, the price is about 37 000 rubles.

But even among the models of the lower price segment, the company Indesit bit bypasses the main competitors:

  • Indesit ES 20: capacity of 341 liters, the price is about 15 000 rubles;
  • Atlant XM 4307: capacity of 359 liters, the price is about 15 600 rubles;
  • Pozis RK-149: capacity of 370 liters, the price is about 18 300 rubles;
  • Bosch KGV36XW20R: capacity of 319 liters, the price is about 24 000 rubles;
  • Kraft KFHD-400RINF: capacity of 323 liters, the price is about 27 000 rubles.

Minimum functionality present in the Indesit technology, makes it possible to store high quality products and meets user requirements, if there is no need to create any special conditions.

On the other hand, refrigerators do not have many common options that make maintenance easy, and certain operations - more simple.

Mechanical refrigerator control panel

the refrigerator control panel is easy to understand. Sometimes setting mode occurs only once during the whole time of the device. This is due to the lack of multiple and sometimes unnecessary user functions

Problems with electronic control

One of the most serious problems in refrigerators is unreliable electronics. Indesit company does not have its own production facilities, which have diversified its competitors: LG, Samsung, Mitsubishi Electric, Haier and others. Therefore, it is forced to buy the parts and the whole payment from third parties.

While electronics to achieve an acceptable quality for its equipment from Indesit fails. This applies not only to refrigerators, but also to washing machines. The main problem - the rapid aging of the elements of control and power boards (fatigue effect).

Vulnerabilities Indesit refrigerators

Indesit Company has not produced electronics for controlling the refrigerator, and purchasing cards and devices from third-party manufacturers. Often the first to go wrong they

Irreversible change in the dielectric material of the capacitor lead to malfunction, leading to failure or malfunction of the whole circuit. the problem also causes overheating and break contacts.

The problem is often compounded by the provision of electricity suppliers substandard services. voltage drops and private off bad for capacitors and contacts. Consumer use of external stabilizers and input filters can significantly extend the period of the electronics.

maintenance of refrigerators, experts recommend choosing an electromechanical control for models produced by Indesit. Since the hardware functionality is very meager, is available with a touch screen of the electronic control unit is not much need. Especially because of its design is notable for its delicacy.

A fragment of a refrigerator control board

Indesit delegates Chinese firms the creation of electronic control modules refrigerator functions. Insecurity board components - one of the biggest problems that accompany household appliances company

Poor quality parts and housing

Minimum cost Indesit refrigeration is achieved not only due to the absence of customs payments due to transfer assembly in Russia, but also from the use of cheap materials for the production of refrigerators and installed in them nodes.

The housing is made of refrigerators is not very hard metal, so do not store heavy objects on the device, otherwise it is possible misalignment. Internal boxes are made of cheap plastic and with a full load, they bend a little. To shelves made of glass or fiberglass, no such claims.

Weak plastic containers

According to the owners of refrigeration Indesit and approved repairers, the company should use a more durable plastic in the manufacture of the containers retractable and fixed it on access door trays

Build quality is generally normal: the widespread discontent of consumers on this subject is absent. There are isolated cases of frank marriage, but it is possible to observe vehicles of any manufacturer.

technology nodes from Indesit often fail than the "top" brands such as Miele, Liebherr or Samsung. This also applies to large parts - the compressor and the evaporator, and small - sensors or relays. The only advantage is the widespread availability of cheap both original and compatible spare parts for refrigerators of the common brand.

Basic guidelines for proper choice

The following list includes models that are most commonly found on sale in major stores Sales of electronics and home appliances, as well as have a positive rating, compiled according to reviews buyers.

Differences in the model line of refrigerators Indesit

According to the capacity of refrigeration and freezer sections can choose a model that will suit families up to five people. If you want to store more products, it is sometimes better to buy two separate refrigerator, rather than one large

Among the devices with a classic low position of the freezer in their volume segments in the lead the following models:

  • Height 167 cm: the EF 16. Mechanical control. There is a function "Total no Frost" for both offices. "A" Energy efficiency class.
  • Height 185 cm: the EF 18. The parameters are completely similar to the previous model.
  • The height of 200 cm: 20 Model ES. Mechanical control. Implemented automatic defrost refrigerator and manual - the freezer. "B" Energy efficiency class.

Thus, we can say that the most popular are the simplest, cheapest model.

Among the low-size refrigerators, designed for tabletop, the most frequently sold model TT 85 coloring a tick. Management - mechanical, defrost system cameras - automatic. "B" Energy efficiency class.

Refrigerator with bottom location of the freezer

Refrigerators with bottom location of the freezer receive far less criticism than the units arranged with the top of the freezer, so better choose this option

Refrigerators with upper Icebox of Indesit get a lot of negative reviews. The only model that broke the mark of 4 points out of 5 - ST 167. This is also a simple device mechanically controlled, energy efficiency class "B" and the lack of "Total no Frost" function.

Freezers from Indesit is also in demand. Model SFR 100 mechanically controlled power and class "B", as well as the freezer SFR 167 NF C with three drawers and four compartments, controlled via a touch screen and power class "C".

The best representatives of the lineup

Consider a few models of the Italian manufacturer had gained the attention of customers and recognition of the owners. It cited the example of units sell well online trading systems are popular in live networks.

Refrigerator # 1: Indesit DF 5200 W

White double chamber machine Indesit DF 5200 W offers potential owners a useful volume of 328 liters, of which freezer allotted under 75 liters. Its height is exactly 2 m, depth of 64 cm. The freezer compartment located at the bottom.

Both cameras are cooled in accordance with No Frost, therefore, owners will not have to constantly defrost technology to remove their coats of ice. Electronically controlled, a display for monitoring performance. Door ajar warning sound unit.

When the power supply is turned off the refrigerator will self hold background temperature another 13 hours. The list of additional useful features appear Supercooling with superzamorozkoy. According to the criteria of energy saving model is assigned to class A.

Refrigerator # 2: Indesit DF 4180 W

DF 4180 W - refrigerator white color classical height of 185 cm, depth 64 cm. Future owners will appreciate the useful volume of the unit at 302 liters, 75 liters occupied by an underlying freezer.

The freezing and refrigerating compartments are cooled unit in accordance with the principles of Know Frost, then defrost it will not have more than once a year or two. Thanks to the stable air circulation inside the condensate and no snow coats inherent droplets refrigeration systems.

Managed by the model of the electromechanical system. No display, but have the ability to maintain the desired temperature for the products after interrupting the supply of power for 13 hours. Refrigerator can conduct superzamorozku. Class A according to energy consumption.

Refrigerator # 3: Indesit DF 5200 S

Effective model Indesit DF S 5200 is executed in a silver-gray tone. The height of the housing 2 m, its depth is 64 cm. Useful volume of the refrigerating unit 328 L. Cubic capacity freezer compartment 75 liters.

Cooling section and the freezer are cooled according No Frost system, ie Forced defrosting both cameras do not need. Defrost can be just once a year with hygienic purposes.

electronic control, to monitor the work on access door refrigerator has a built in display. Model cold stores up to 13 hours after a power failure. The list of useful options to identify possible implementation of supercooling and superzamorozki. Testing the energy consumption unit assigned to A class.

Refrigerator # 4: Indesit EF 18

White two-chamber model EF 18 with bottom location of the freezer use offers a useful space of a volume of 298 liters. Housing height 185 cm, depth 64 cm unit. The volume of the freezer compartment is 75 l.

Cooling both cameras produced by Know Frost technology. Managed by the model of the electromechanical system. Up to 13 hours will be needed to keep the temperature of the product after a power cut.

Among the useful add-ons available superzamorozki function. By the criteria of economical energy consumption of the refrigerator assigned to equipment of class A.

Refrigerator # 5: Indesit TT 85 T

The height of the single-chamber models Indesit TT 85 T of 82 cm and depth of 62 cm. At these dimensions refrigerator has a useful volume of 119 liters. A freezer compartment, separated from the common space of the plastic shutter, given only 14 liters. Unit develops the minimum temperature at - 12º C.

Cooled unit according to the principles of the "weeping" of the system. It has to be defrosted manually defrosting is carried out by the manufacturer specified intervals. electromechanical control - a simple and extremely reliable, rarely causing trouble owners.

Justified attractive aspect is recognized color body, simulating the structure and color of natural wood panels. Metal shelves. According to a survey of energy consumption in the refrigerator got class - not the most economical option. Probably, the manufacturer assumed to include this type of equipment will be infrequent, but during their stay in a country house.

It should be noted that these models are not ranked on quality indicators. There was no survey of refrigeration craftsmen engaged in the repair of household appliances. It shows the results compiled from data on sales of intensity.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Review of classical type refrigerator: product placement in both chambers:

Indesit appliances in terms of master refrigerator repair:

Popularity Indesit appliances due to low prices for their products and long history of the company in the Russian market. Buying cheap refrigerators of this mark, do not expect having multiple options and cutting-edge solutions. You also need to be prepared for possible breakdowns and necessary repairs.

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