Learning to grow and care for asparagus beans

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Bean cultures, starting with beans, peas, soybeans, ending with arahs, peas, soybeans, peanuts, peanuts, peas, soybeans, peanuts, peanuts and peanutsproved to be a rich source of fiber, easily digestible proteins, complex carbohydrates. They bring enormous benefits to the body: they enrich it with acids, vitamins and microelements, protect against infections, increase resistance to diseases. In such a large family, a plant is distinguished that combines the maximum amount of useful properties, not picky in cultivation - it is an asparagus bean. The plant loves warmth and moisture, it tolerates the adverse effects of the environment quite stubbornly and is able to grow in almost any conditions.

Determination of the planting site and preparation of the soil

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If the goal is to harvest a rich harvest and the climbing or green asparagus beans are planted on the bed, growing and caring for it will require certain knowledge of agronomy and special skills.

The successful selection of a site for cultivation, its proper preparation, will greatly facilitate further care of the plant, and achieve high yields. A well-warmed place will suit with the possibility of watering and the low acidity of the soil on which they used to grow:

  • root crops: beets, potatoes, carrots, radishes;
  • onion or garlic;
  • tomatoes, celery, various greens, strawberries.

Asparagus beans can be grown for years on the same plot. This culture does not comply with the basic principle of crop rotation, according to which it is not recommended to return the plant to the previous landing site earlier than in 3-4 years. An exception is the situation with regular lesion of beans with anthracnose.

It is necessary to abandon the planting next to her tall plants: corn, sorghum, mustard, so as not to create a shadow.

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The nutrient and mechanical composition of the soil is of fundamental importance for the full growth of the culture. It is advisable to start the preparation of the site in the fall with digging and applying organic fertilizers( 5–6 kg per 1), which by the spring will have time to perepret. The addition of mineral fertilizers - 20 g per 1 potassium chloride and superphosphates - will form additional chemical compounds necessary for plant growth. In the spring, the soil is covered with wood ash and humus, once again dug up.

Selection and preparation of seeds for planting

Natural conditions and pod ripening time directly affect the choice of varieties of asparagus beans, which are:

  • early ripening - harvest in 40–50 days;
  • mid ripening - ripening time 70–80 days;
  • late ripening - fruits fall apart after 120–130 days.

Late-ripening varieties are not suitable for growing in our conditions, and their planting must be abandoned. By hard work of breeders, unpretentious varieties were bred that demonstrate good yields both among bush species( Laura, Caramel, Saksa 615, Butter King), and among curling beans( Purple Queen, Golden Nectar, Winner, Fatima),

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Before planting, the seeds must be decontaminated and supported in growth, for this they are soaked for 20-30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate can be replaced by vodka, aloe, drug "Zircon".Faster and more uniform seedlings provide germinated beans. Many novice gardeners do not know how to sprout beans correctly and simply immerse the seeds in a container with water. This leads to souring and spoilage of seed. To prevent this, the grain must be germinated between two layers of constantly damp cotton fabric or gauze folded several times.

Planting seeds into the soil

Asparagus beans are planted in a heated, loosened and well-moistened soil to a depth of 3–5 cm. The landing technology is quite simple:

  • makes a 4-5 cm deep groove at an acute angle of the chopper;
  • furrow is poured abundantly with water( solution of complex fertilizers);
  • when the moisture is fully absorbed, spread out the seeds at the bottom of the furrow, observing an interval of 10–12 cm between them( if the distance is less, then there will be a need for thinning of the seedlings);
  • furrow neatly filled with soil along its entire length;
  • the distance between the furrows( spacing) should be 25–40 cm.

For climbing beans, you need to install a strong support 1.5 meters high. The time for seed germination can take one to two weeks. Young seedlings are very sensitive to cold and do not tolerate it, so it may be necessary to cover the planting site with plastic wrap.

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Growing and harvesting beans

Throughout the growth period, the asparagus beans require regular watering, cleaning from weeds and dressings with organic fertilizer solutions( held 1-2 times a month).Loosening the soil around the roots to a depth of 3–4 cm contributes to better growth of the stems.

Reduce weeding and watering to a minimum will allow soil mulching with straw or chopped bark of trees. Such care will prevent deformation and reduction in the size of the pods. The flowering time of plants depends on the rate of ripening varieties and weather conditions. Most often, the flowers appear 40–45 days after the seedlings germinate, after another three weeks the pods are tied. After 7–10 days the first harvest ripens.

The abundance of fruiting can be increased by cutting too long stems from 2.5 m.

Harvesting beans is done selectively: only tender pods in the state of milky ripeness, which are very good for health, are broken. Enjoy the taste of freshly harvested green beans can be up to the autumn frosts. Part of the crop must be left for full ripening in order to be able to collect seed. Harvested seeds can remain viable for more than 5 years. Haricot intensively saturates the soil with nitrogen, which makes it suitable for planting any garden crop.

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