Types and varieties of Tui, grown in suburban areas

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Coniferous plants are becoming more and more popular. And one of the main roles in gardening is played by thuja, the types and varieties from the photo of which are striking with a variety of shapes, sizes and surprisingly elegant colors. The ancestors of modern thuj were the wild North American shrubs, first systematized and described by Karl Linnaeus.

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If in nature this evergreen plant more often looks like a large shrub or tree as tall as a multi-storey building, then in squares and gardens more often dwarf varieties are planted no higher than a meter. Due to the efforts of breeders, the dense crown of wild plants has become pyramidal and rounded, ovoid or columnar.

The view, called Thuja occidentalis, or Thuja western, in the photo, has expanded considerably since the end of the 18th century with ornamental plants, which were significantly different from the first, discovered specimens from the north of the American continent.

At the disposal of summer residents and professional landscape designers not only thuja with green, silver needles, but also variegated or golden plants. Therefore, before planning the planting of conifers at the site, it is useful:

  • to study the proposed varieties, types and photos of the tui;
  • to compare their strengths and weaknesses;
  • create all conditions for active growth and long life of plants.

Along with the western thuja, other species of this conifer are used in landscaping. Most often it is thuja folded, as well as biota, due to Asian origin, called the eastern thuja.

Thuja western Danica( T. occidentalis Danica)

Among the most popular varieties is the Danica Thuja with a very compact dense crown in the shape of a ball. A small, almost dwarf plant ideal for low curbs, single and group plantings on spacious lawns or in secluded corners of the garden, against the background of larger trees, ornamental shrubs and even flowers.

With a height of 60 cm, Danica’s crown diameter is 80–100 cm. The strong branching shoots are covered with soft scaly needles, which in the warm season are painted in bright light green tones, and by the autumn they become reddish-bronze. For the Danish variety, bred in 1948, very slow growth is characteristic, so the thuja, even without a hairstyle, keeps its shape well.

The advantages of a conifer include cold resistance, the ability to grow in partial shade and not be subject to spring burns, seriously spoiling the appearance.

Thuja western Miriam( Thuja occidentalis Mirjam)

Thuja western turned out to be excellent material for the work of breeders. Today, the ancestors of modern varieties are already beloved varieties such as Danica. You may notice that the photos of this species and the varieties of Tui Miriam have many similar features.

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The plant, obtained due to the observed and fixed needles mutation, is a direct descendant of the Danish variety. He has the same compact spherical crown with a diameter of up to 80 cm, a small annual growth and excellent endurance.

The main difference between Tui Miriam is the yellow-green summer color of scaly needles, which become brownish in winter.

Tuyu Miriam recommended on the soil with a weak acid reaction. While the plant does not take root, the soil is kept moist. Further, the shrub becomes more resistant to drought, but grows best with regular watering. The ephedra perfectly fits into the landscape of the Japanese garden, it will be appropriate at the foot of an alpine slide or against the background of rich greenery of larger crops.

Thuja western Rheingold( T. occidentalis Rheingold)

Golden needles and attractive wide-conical crown are the reasons why Thuja Reingold enjoys special attention from owners of country houses. In the original color of the shrub with cold appear bronze tones that do not spoil the look of the thuja or the whole landscape. This variety belongs to the dwarf. Only in very old plants the crown can grow up to 2.5 meters in height. This, due to the slow growth rate, occurs only 15–20 years after planting.

Shrub is equally good as a tapeworm and as part of a decorative hedge. The young plant takes root in a container and perfectly decorates terraces, winter gardens, loggias and balconies. Thin, flexible shoots of this variety of thuja tolerate a good haircut, which helps to maintain the beautiful shape of the crown and the healthy appearance of the needles.

Thuja western Spiralis( T. occidentalis Spiralis)

Pyramidal thujas and varieties with a narrow conical crown are indispensable for hedges that retain their beauty and functionality throughout the year. Today there are many similar plants at the disposal of gardeners, and the Thuya Spiralis is one of them.

The original, spirally curved shape of the shoots, which gave the name to the variety, is characteristic of this ephedra. The crown of an adult specimen has the appearance of a narrow cone and reaches a height of 3 meters. The branches are densely covered with scaly needles of rich green color.

As this thuja grows faster than other closely related plants, shrubs require regular cutting and proper selection of a site for planting. In the shade of thuja becomes loose, loses its regular shape.

Thuja western Golden Taffet( T. occidentalis Golden Tuffet)

Another dwarf shrub with a spherical crown stands out with bright yellow needles that lag behind the thin, drooping at the ends of the shoots and toward the cold acquires a warm, reddish-brown or orange tone.

In order for the thuja Golden Taffet to show its best qualities, a well-lit area with moderately fertile loose soil is selected for it. If the crown of the shrub will be in the shade for a long time, its color will fade and lose most of its appeal.

In the garden, a plant of this species and variety, as in the photo of a thuja, will excellently decorate a rocky corner, a curb, a small lawn next to heathers, tall flowering perennials, which do not obscure the small bright conifers.

Thuja western heratinous( T. occidentalis var. Ericoides)

In favorable conditions, heather forms dense dense thickets. Thuja vereskovidnaya does not have this ability, but in form the bushes have much in common. The multi-branched branched crown of the ephedra, expanding, becomes an irregular ball about a meter in diameter.

Shoots covered with soft needle needles, which in the upper part of the bush has a bright green or yellowish color. On perennial wood, greens are painted in a more soothing silvery or grayish shades.

A characteristic feature of the variety is an unusual winter color with a predominance of violet and brown colors.

Thuja western Amber( T. occidentalis Jantar)

The yellow shade of summer and bright, honey-amber color of winter needles is a characteristic feature of Tui Amber with a cynical crown from 1.8 to 3.5 meters in height. Although this variety has relatively recently become available to fans of conifers, due to the density of the crown, its original color and unpretentiousness, the plant has already found many admirers.

Read also: Find a place on your plot for a thuja of the western variety Danika.

Thuja is winter-hardy, easily adapting to the conditions of a modern city. The shrub does not suffer from the active spring sun, and with a growth of about 10–20 cm per year, it maintains the correct natural form.

Thuja Amber is suitable for cultivation both in the open air and in containers. In this case, the plant will decorate a spacious open terrace, balcony or paved area near the house.

Thuja western Mr. Bowling Ball( T. occidentalis Mr. Bowling Ball)

Dwarf thuja Bowling Ball with an open spherical crown attracts attention not only with its small size, but also with silvery thin needles, leaving the impression of lightness and tenderness. In the fall, bronze brushstrokes appear on the shoots, which persist until spring.

Like most miniature varieties, this thuja has a very low growth rate. Therefore, only by 10–15 years the plant reaches a diameter of 70–90 cm. The shrub does not need frequent cutting, it is enough to remove damaged shoots in the spring and slightly correct the spherical shape.

Thuja western Little Champion( T. occidentalis Little Champion)

The characteristic features of Tui Little Champion are the rounded egg-shaped crown and green scaly needles, which turn brownish for the winter. Variety refers to a miniature, almost dwarf. By the age of 10, the shrub reaches a height of no more than one and a half meters. For a year, the plant does not add more than 6–10 cm and can be used both in group plantings and as a single plant at the base of large stones, next to coniferous or deciduous trees. From a thuja of this grade a border of a free form or excellent pot culture will turn out.

Tui Little Champion tolerates a haircut well, but doesn’t need frequent pruning. The plant is unpretentious, endures winters without serious losses, endures urban air pollution and irregular droughts.

Thuja western Filiformis( T. occidentalis Filiformis)

Most of the varieties of thuja western shoots branch heavily, but there are exceptions. These include the decorative thuja, Filiformis, with original threadlike branches, due to which the shrub acquires the appearance of a small stacks of hay. Light green scaly needle tightly wraps drooping shoots and emphasizes the unusualness of the plant.

Slowly growing coniferous culture is sun-drenched, does not tolerate long and regular dry periods, but does not look depressed when grown in a tub or in city conditions. By the age of 10, the wide-pyramidal thuja reaches a height of 1.5–2 meters with almost the same crown diameter. Thuja Foliformis is universal and due to its unusual beauty it will definitely become a bright star of the garden.

Thuja western Wagneri( T. occidentalis Wagneri)

This thuja variety with gray-green needles is suitable for growing in regions with cold winters. High frost resistance of a plant is not its only advantage. In Tui Wagneri dense, thanks to a variety of thin abundantly branching shoots ovate crown. It perfectly keeps the natural shape and does not require time-consuming care.

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When planting a shrub one must take into account that the adult specimen reaches a height of 3.5 meters and its crown grows to one and a half meters in width.

So that such a bulky plant does not lose its attractiveness in spring and autumn, it is associated. This will save thuja shoots from rifts and draining.

Thuja western Little Giant( T. occidentalis Little Giant)

Little Giant. This name of this variety of thuja is fully justified, because the spherical crown of the thuja Little Giant does not exceed half a meter in height, but such a beautiful plant cannot be overlooked even among the most luxurious flowers and trees.

Dwarf epidermis form is one of the smallest. It perfectly holds the natural look of the dense sphere. In the summer, the thuja is dressed in bright green needles, which change color to brown with the cold.

Thuja western Fastigiata( T. occidentalis Fastigiata)

The Cypress Thuya Fastigiata is shaped like a dense column due to the upward sprouting. A powerful plant with green fragrant needles never changes color, tolerates frost without visible losses and can grow to 6 meters in height.

According to the description of the variety, thuja is ideal for hedges, which will successfully hide the area from prying eyes, but will not take up much space.

Thuja western Sankist( T. occidentalis Sunkist)

Thuja with golden needles is one of the most original garden decorations. They do not lose beauty in the winter, they look great next to their green counterparts. Thuja western Sankist has very bright lemon yellow summer needles. In winter, the dense crown of the shrub becomes darker, almost bronze.

Due to its slow growth and good adaptability, the shrub does not need frequent deep cutting. At the age of 10, coniferous culture grows to 2 meters. The maximum height of this thuja is three meters, which allows the use of Sunikist for living walls and spectacular green sculptures.

Thuja folded Kan-Kan( T. plicata Can-Can)

Cone thuja Cancan, like other varieties of thuja folded, shows a high winter hardiness and extreme simplicity. The shrub about one and a half meters high is covered with dense glossy needles, dark green on perennial wood and lighter, brighter - at the ends of the shoots. The variety has a rare ability for thuja. It retains color throughout the year, while the average annual growth of the shrub does not exceed 10 cm.

Thuja folded Cornic( T. plicata Kornik)

Polish breeders received the original form of thuja folded with a conical crown consisting of wide green-yellow shoots. Thuja Kornik is quite large. With the right place for planting and a little care, three-meter bushes turn into dense beautiful hedges with fragrant needles.

Thuja folded Wipcord( T. plicata Whipcord)

By its name thuja Whipcord is obliged to the shape of the shoots, resembling dangling twine. The branches of the plant are little branched, covered with pointed scaly needles, they retain a small thickness and a drooping shape throughout. Thanks to this, an adult conifer has a hemisphere-like height from 50 to 100 cm and with a diameter of up to 150 cm. The bush perfectly holds the wind load, survives frosty winters, does not lose its decorative effect in full sun. However, drought can cause irreparable harm to the bush and its beauty.

The originality of the variety attracts not only ordinary summer residents, but also masters of topiarny art, who with the help of painstaking haircuts give the plants the most bizarre forms.

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