
Geyser in a bathroom in a private house: can it be installed – Setafi

Geyser in a bathroom in a private house: can it be installed – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Installing a gas water heater and gas boiler in the bathroom of a private house may seem like a convenient solution, but it is associated with a number of important factors. First, safety requireme...

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Ideas for decorating stairs – Setafi

Ideas for decorating stairs – SetafiHomeLadder

The staircase is a prominent element of the house, so every caring owner wants to decorate it. And no matter what condition the staircase is currently in, creative use colors, elegant decor and bea...

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Fireplace accessories: how to make a firewood rack and a stand for a poker and scoop with your own hands – Setafi

Fireplace accessories: how to make a firewood rack and a stand for a poker and scoop with your own hands – SetafiHomeUncategorized

The fireplace is not only a source of heat, but also a central element of the interior in many homes. In order to make the space around the fireplace comfortable and functional, it is useful to hav...

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Finishing the wall behind the radiator: how to cover it, is it necessary to plaster and putty – Setafi

Finishing the wall behind the radiator: how to cover it, is it necessary to plaster and putty – SetafiRepairHome

The decoration of the wall behind the radiator plays an important role not only in the aesthetic perception of the room, but also in maintaining the integrity and safety of the wall covering. Heat ...

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Stove and fireplace in one chimney: can or cannot be combined – Setafi

Stove and fireplace in one chimney: can or cannot be combined – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Connecting a stove and fireplace into one chimney often raises questions among residential property owners. This is technically possible, but requires strict adherence to safety standards and regul...

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Installing a gas holder on the site: what is it for, how does it work – Setafi

Installing a gas holder on the site: what is it for, how does it work – SetafiHomeUncategorized

A gas holder is a specialized tank for storing liquefied gas, which provides a continuous supply of gas to the heating system, gas stove or water heater. From this article you will learn what a gas...

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How to find out the power of a heating element: calculating power by resistance for heating water – Setafi

How to find out the power of a heating element: calculating power by resistance for heating water – SetafiHomeUncategorized

One of the key parameters that you need to know when working with heating elements (tubular electric heaters) is their power. How to find out the power of the heating element? This can be done by c...

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Insulating old wooden windows for the winter: how and with what to insulate – Setafi

Insulating old wooden windows for the winter: how and with what to insulate – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Insulating old wood windows is an important step in winterizing your home. Before you begin the process, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of your windows. Check the wooden frames for crack...

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Do-it-yourself reinforcement of polystyrene foam with glue and mesh: how to strengthen it – Setafi

Do-it-yourself reinforcement of polystyrene foam with glue and mesh: how to strengthen it – SetafiRepairHome

Foam reinforcement is a process that significantly increases the strength and durability of this material. Polystyrene foam, due to its thermal insulation properties, is widely used in construction...

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Heated football field with artificial turf: how it’s made – Setafi

Heated football field with artificial turf: how it’s made – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Modern football requires ideal playing conditions all year round. This is where heating a football field comes to the rescue, allowing you to maintain an optimal microclimate even in the cold seaso...

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