Instrucciones para el uso de la droga insecticida 30 plus.

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Gardeners cannot use chemical preparations to protect the garden from harmful insects. For these purposes, a well-proven drug 30 plus insecticide. Instructions for use contains a complete guide for the grower. Spring spraying will help ensure the health of the plants and rid the garden of pests.

The basic properties of the drug

Preparation 30 plus insecticide according to the instructions for use is designed for the treatment of fruit trees, shrubs and grapes. The tool is made from biological components, environmentally safe and moderately toxic. Its main feature is protection against wintering insects.

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Actions that the insecticide preparation 30 plus has on the body of insects:

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  • acaricide( destruction of mites);
  • ovicide( destruction of eggs and larvae);
  • insecticide;
  • pesticide.

The form of release and method of action

30 plus has a paste-like form and is available in 250 ml and 0.5 l bottles. The insecticide is extremely simple to use, for use it must be diluted with water to the desired concentration. By its composition, it is a mineral-oil emulsion of vaseline oil and artificial mineral additives. Oil forms an airtight film that blocks the respiratory system of pests and under which insects, their larvae and eggs die.

The death of pests occurs in 6-24 hours, the average period of action is 14 days.

Insects that die when exposed to the drug:

  • ;
  • pincers;
  • false shield;
  • aphid;
  • mol;
  • sucker;
  • Worms;
  • whitefly.
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Order of use

Preparation 30 plus insecticide according to the instructions for use should be used in early spring, before flowering. This is due to the fact that its active substance is a threat to bees.

The substance should be used in the form of an emulsion of 5%, the following proportion is applied for this: 500 g of insecticide per 10 liters of water. Permissible temperature of use: above 4C.Spray the plants should be in dry weather and no wind. During processing, the stem and branches of the plant should be moistened evenly. Consumption depends on the size of the tree and the type of spray device.

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Plants that can be treated with insecticide 30 plus:

  • fruit trees of all kinds;
  • grapes;
  • berry bushes;
  • ornamental shrubs;
  • citrus fruits.

Precautions and Recommendations for the Use of

Insecticide Drug 30 Plus is a low-polluting substance. However, at high concentrations, it can cause poisoning, and if it comes into contact with skin and mucous membrane, it can cause irritation. Therefore, when working with him should observe precautions.

Recommendations for use:

  • in early spring - for the destruction of overwintered pests and their eggs;
  • in the middle of summer - with the appearance of the scythe, they re-process.

Video instructions for use of the drug 30 plus

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