Cómo prevenir la enfermedad del anturio.

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Houseplants, which are from distant countries, are beautiful, but they are slaves who are placed in cramped pot and another climate. Can a plant prosper in conditions alien to it? Only an imitation of the native climate allows you to get a healthy beautiful flower. At the slightest deviation from the normal conditions of detention there are diseases of anthuriums. At the first changes in the type of bush, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention.

Anthurium diseases at home

A healthy flower captivates with its beauty. Suddenly, the state of a plant can change. Any diseases occur due to:

  • failure to comply with the requirements of agricultural engineering;
  • infectious diseases;
  • insect pests brought from outside.

The first of these reasons is always present. A weakened plant can take bacteria and germs. Failure to comply with quarantine and hygiene can lead to the reproduction of pests. In order not to have problems with treatment, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of their pets. Anthurium diseases in the photo demonstrate the loss of ornamental plants.

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There are people who basically do not contain animals and flowers in the living room. They believe that the zoo, and indoor maintenance are violence against wildlife. A bouquet of fresh flowers is unacceptable for them, you can not enjoy the ruined life, even plants.

Non-infectious plant diseases are associated with the appearance of spots on the leaves, changing their color, or slowing growth. Sometimes brown spots or mold on the plant neck are noticeable. What to do if there are spots on the anthurium? By the nature of the deformation, you can learn a lot:

  1. If there are dark spots on the leaves of anthurium, gradually expanding, it is cold. The same spots may appear from sunburn on direct contact of the summer sun with the leaves.
  2. The cause of stains can be watering with unstable water or water of high hardness. If scale builds up over time, this is a sign of stiffness. Such water before irrigation need to be defended for a long time or passed through a softener filter. Another way, mainly for rural areas with hard water from wells, is incomplete freezing of water in the tank. In this case, the ice will be with less salt than the remaining water.
  3. Other physiological reasons for the appearance of dark spots and the drying of the plate from the edge can be drafts and the low temperature of the content in winter. Abundant watering is also accompanied by a signal of dark spots on the leaves. What to do if the spots on the anthurium appeared? Remove provoking causes and wait patiently for results.
  4. Yellow or pale leaves of plants or spots of this color say that anthurium does not have enough light. In addition, it can be a signal that the roots are sick and do not provide the plant with food.
  5. General pallor of leaves indicates a lack of nutrition. About the same says the absence or weak growth of the plant, the lack of flowering. If the plant has been transplanted recently, then it needs feeding. Sometimes it is better to transplant the plant. At the same time prepare the desired composition of the substrate or buy ready-made soil. Disinfection of the soil and planting a pot is necessary.
  6. If the irrigation regime is disrupted and the roots of the anthurium rot, this will result in yellowing and drying of the leaves, and the brown neck of the anthurium may have a mold. The plant needs urgent resuscitation. At the same time, all the affected parts should be removed and the wounds should be covered with an antiseptic, crushed charcoal, cinnamon powder or wood ash.
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Diseases of anthurium leaves in the photo show characteristic damage, but often the help of specialists is required to accurately determine the disease. Dangerous for plant drafts. This is especially dangerous in winter. The insufficient humidity of the surrounding air serves as the answer to the question why the leaves of anthurium dry. On the other hand, the leaves can die off naturally due to aging. If the leaves are curled into a tube, remove the anthurium deep into the room, too bright light, he closed his eyes.

Read also: Photos and descriptions of popular varieties of anthurium

The infectious diseases of anthurium include problems caused by the introduction of spores and microbes into the body of a flower. The difference between these diseases is that they can destroy the whole home green world, if not deal with them. Disputes are transmitted and multiply in cramped conditions quickly.

The initial causes of the disease depend on the gardener. The brought process, taken from the diseased plant, may already conceal viruses, from which there is no effective means yet. They affect the vascular system. A contagion can be transmitted through a dirty instrument or insects. Acquired plant must stand for two weeks in quarantine, in isolation from other plants. And only then move into the overall composition.

Purchased or self-made earthen mixture should be subjected to heat treatment, spillage with hot strong potassium permanganate, crushed charcoal should be added, the long-acting Glyocladin preparation should be rotten. It will protect the roots from phytophthora, fusarium and similar diseases. Competent anthurium care - screening.

Diseases that are transmitted to anthurium from the external environment can be:

  • septoriosis;
  • anthracosis;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • rust.

The causative agent of septoria, the fungus Septoria spreads in a moist and warm atmosphere. Characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal the disease of anthurium. The leaf dries out, while watering the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not processed in time with copper-containing fungicides.

See also: New anthurium flower can be grown from seeds

Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichum. The spread of this disease will lead to the rapid drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on leaf blades, the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. This is controversy. They scatter and germinate when moistened, and for the atrium this event is vital.

Care of the atrium in the disease of septoria is to reduce watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. Earth is treated with Abigak-Peak. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. Ceramic pot requires good calcination. Dishes that cannot be burned, destroyed.

If the plant is infected with rust, then orange loose pads on the leaves will be visible. Such a plant should be wiped with a solution of fungicide, but not sprayed so as not to infect healthy leaves. Patients infected leaves better burn.

Fusarium wilt is a terrible disease of anthurium in the home. It affects all plants, affecting the root system and leaves. Symptoms are sudden wilting of the entire bush. The first signs can be unnatural bending of peduncles, strong and fast yellowing of the foliage. Copper preparations, soil treatment with glyocladin are suitable for the fight. The best way would be to clean the plant from all the particles of the earth, soak it in a weak solution of foundationol, cut off the affected parts and plant it in a new dish. Old land and plant debris must be destroyed.

Insects pests of anthurium

Common insects that are common to home-made flowers include:

  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • shield;
  • spider mite;
  • root nematodes.

They all suck the juice from the plant, depriving it of food. At the same time signs of the presence of pests can be found with hygienic procedures that are regularly carried out with good care.

Growing healthy anthuriums -

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