Propiedades útiles de la naranja.

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video Orange, the original inhabitant of the subtropical zone and the tropics in Asia and Africa, has emerged in Europe from a hundred years one of the most popular fruits. Thanks to the thick skin that protects the juicy flesh and beneficial properties of the orange during transportation and storage, residents of the most remote corners of even the most severe climate are familiar with bright exotic fruits. Oranges are used fresh, from them make juices, jams and candied fruits. Slices and zest are added to confectionery, sweet pastry, meat dishes and side dishes.

Sweet and sour fragrant orange slices are not only a delight in taste, but also a source of numerous healthy substances.

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Why is orange useful in that it draws more and more people into the ranks of orange fruit fans?

Composition of nutrients in oranges

Ripe oranges, for 100 grams of which only 47 kcal, are considered as a storehouse of vitamins and are present on almost every Russian table. The benefits of oranges consist in the fact that the harvest of citrus fruits occurs in autumn and winter, when local fresh fruits become less and the need for vitamins increases sharply.

The pulp of this type of citrus:

  • is 87.5% composed of moisture;
  • 10.3% are carbohydrates;
  • contains fiber - 1.4%;
  • organic acids - 1.3%;
  • proteins - 0.9%;
  • pectins - 0.6%.

Potassium and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iron and zinc, boron, copper and manganese are among the minerals that make up oranges. The fruit contains nearly two dozen valuable amino acids. In addition to vitamin C, which is one of the greatest benefits of the fruit, oranges have vitamin A and E, as well as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

What are the benefits of oranges?

The mere listing of vitamins and trace elements leads one to believe in the benefits of oranges for the human body.

If we take into account that fruit harvesting takes place during the cold period in Russia, then the value and benefit of oranges in the diet is difficult to overestimate. With regular use of fruit can be a good source of energy vigor, they have a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory and cardiac systems. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension, the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks is reduced. If there are fruits in the menu, dishes with them or fresh juice, the benefits of oranges are felt quite soon and are determined by the normalization of pressure, a surge of energy and better performance.

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A moderate amount of juicy, rich in antioxidants and beta carotene pulp in the menu is a tasty and useful tool for prolonging youth, protecting tissues from the negative effects of the external environment, mutations and even the development of cancer cells.

Vitamin C in the composition of the pulp of orange and juice actively enhances the immune system, counteracts colds and seasonal viral diseases, infections of the oral cavity and the respiratory organs.

Due to the high concentration of active substances, including phytoncides, the beneficial properties of oranges help to quickly heal abscesses and wounds, prevent microbes and pathogenic flora from disrupting the body’s natural defenses and damaging health.

Under conditions of vitamin deficiency, oranges serve as an excellent anti-scintillant agent, actively tone up, strengthen the human immune system and improve metabolism. Such beneficial properties of oranges are undoubtedly used in cases of suspected vitamin starvation, fatigue and depressive states. The abundance of vitamins and minerals will be useful for anemia.

Oranges as an aperitif or as part of a dish help improve appetite, stimulate the production of bile and stimulate digestion. Proper inclusion of citrus in the menu normalizes metabolism. Its pectins contribute to the digestion, increased motility of the large intestine, suppression and elimination of putrefactive processes in the digestive system.

Acids in fruit make it possible to lower cholesterol and normalize body fat metabolism.

And oranges are extremely popular among those who want to lose weight. And here comes to the aid of dietary fiber, fiber, which is filled with the juice of fruit pulp. What is the use of orange pulp for the body? Being in the digestive tract, the pulp of oranges requires a long digestion and creates a feeling of satiety. At the same time, fiber serves as a natural sponge, which collects and removes toxins from the body and the toxins formed in the digestive system.

Also read: Spring feeding of fruit bushes and trees

Orange Peel: Useful Properties of

Housewives are well aware that in culinary dishes, you can use not only juicy slices, but also zest. Doctors say that it is the orange peel that has even more beneficial properties than the pulp.

Besides the vitamin set, a large amount of flavonoids is concentrated in the zest. It is the source of the most beneficial dietary fiber, calcium, essential oils, and calcium.

Zest is rich in valuable acids and, in fact, natural antibiotics phytoncides. Therefore, you should not throw out such a valuable product, but rather find a zest more worthy use. For example, orange peel can be used in the composition of your favorite dishes or used as an external remedy to brighten the skin and fight its inflammation.

Before use, it is important to thoroughly wash away from the zest a layer of preservatives that is applied during harvesting in order to prolong the freshness of the fruit.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed orange juice

Orange juice is a recognized source of vitality and vitamins. What is the use of orange juice, and is it all worth it to drink?

Indeed, a glass of drink, which is obtained from fresh fruit, can completely cover the body's need for vitamin C. It perfectly quenches thirst, tones and protects against colds. Virtually all nutrients are transferred from fruit to juice. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the use of the drink will improve digestion and strengthen the immune system, help replenish the body's energy reserves and cope with microbes and pathogenic flora.

However, it is worth remembering that most of the fiber in the juice does not fall, which means that you should not expect to lose weight or clean the body after taking the drink.

More active than whole fruits, juice affects mucous membranes, irritating them and provoking exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and a number of other diseases. Therefore, before you enter the drink in your diet, you need to evaluate the possible benefits and harm of fresh orange juice, and it is better to consult with experts.

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Harm and contraindications

As with other fruits with medicinal properties, the general rules of use apply to oranges: moderation and reasonableness. With the mass of beneficial properties of an orange, there are several categories of people who will have to give up this exotic fruit and juice from it. First of all, these are patients suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas. Acids, abundantly contained in oranges, irritate the already inflamed and damaged tissues and can lead not to recovery, but to exacerbation of diseases and deterioration of health.

Even with increased acidity, orange causes nausea, heartburn and other signs of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Acids do not have the most beneficial effect on tooth enamel. If citrus fruits are consumed without measure, the enamel sensitivity is increased, it becomes thinner, and caries can begin next. Therefore, doctors advise to clean or at least rinse the mouth after drinking a glass of juice or eaten orange. With great care should be included in the menu of oranges for those who are prone to diabetes or are already sick.

But in the presence of food allergies, especially in children, it is worth being especially attentive. With a lot of benefits, oranges are among the most frequently detected allergens, therefore, children under 9-12 months of age and lactating mothers do not give this fruit at all. Pregnant women should refrain from juice and pulp of orange, starting from 22 weeks.

The whole truth about oranges - video

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