Características y descripción de la variedad de tomate de pico de águila.

For each gardener when choosing a tomato variety, the important criteria are simplicity in care, yield, taste and presentation. Tomato variety Eagle beak fits all these wishes.

  • Content of the Tomatoes

    This variety was bred by Siberian breeder Dederko with a group of co-authors in 2005.According to the characteristic, this is the variety of medium maturing , intended for growing in greenhouses and open beds.

    Tomato ripening period from 105 to 115 days from the time of sowing. The variety is hybrid, tall. The height of the bush according to the description is 150-170 centimeters.

    Large-sized fruits, oblong with an elongated, curved tip resembling an eagle's beak. The color of the fruit is raspberry. The weight of each tomato on average 350-800 grams .The pulp is dense, the taste is slightly sweet.

    Fruits are large, average weight 350-800 grams
    These tomatoes are suitable for fresh use and for canning.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    This variety has the following advantages:

    instagram viewer
    • excellent taste;
    • good presentation;
    • high degree of disease resistance ;
    • long shelf life;
    • high yield ;
    • good transportability.

    The disadvantages include:

    • mandatory formation of a bush;
    • soil requirements;
    • frequency of fertilizing and abundance of irrigation.
    The disadvantages include the need for compulsory formation of an

    bush. Seed preparation

    The guarantee of a good harvest is properly grown seedlings. Seedlings grown from seed will be less capricious to environmental changes.

    Seeds before planting are recommended to to check for germination .In a glass of warm water to immerse the seeds for 15 minutes. The seeds that float to the surface are thrown away, and those settled on the bottom are dried and treated with a growth stimulator.

    Before planting in the ground, seeds are disinfected with a strong solution of manganese. This is done to prevent diseases.

    To speed up the germination and improve the survival rate of seedlings, the seeds of are recommended to germinate .To do this, wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and leave in a well-lit room for two days. After two days, the seeds are ready for planting.

    Planting seeds and caring for seedlings

    Plant seeds after March 15, in oblong wooden boxes. Before planting seeds should prepare the soil. For this, it is necessary to mix in equal parts peat, vegetable soil and river sand. To normalize the acidity in the soil should add ash. The prepared soil must be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or heated well.

    Seeds of the Eagle Beak Variety

    Pour into prepared boxes in prepared soil, make holes 1 cm deep and plant seeds 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle the wells with a thin layer of soil. Cover the seed boxes with polyethylene and place in a dark room. The room temperature should be +23 +25 degrees .

    After the sprouts appear, polyethylene is necessary to remove and move the boxes with the seedlings to a room with bright lighting. Watering is necessary with settled water at room temperature. For irrigation use spray.

    When two leaflets appear on the seedlings, it is necessary for to plant in separate pots. Transplant seedlings should be with a lump of land from the previous place of growth. This should be done carefully, since the roots of the seedlings are still very tender.

    Transplantation should be done with gloves so as not to touch the seedlings with your hands, as the temperature of the hands is much higher than the temperature of the seedlings. As a result of contact, seedlings are experiencing stress from overheating. Potted transplanted seedlings in a dark room. After rooting pots can be returned to the window sill.

    It is recommended to conduct feeding three times in the process of growing seedlings. A solution of chicken manure diluted in the following proportions is well suited for this:

    • water - 15 liters;
    • chicken dung - 1 liter.
    Preparation of chicken manure solution for feeding

    Infuse this solution for 7 days, then water the seedlings. The first feeding is carried out immediately after transplantation of seedlings .The second is 14 days after the first feeding. The third dressing is done by before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent growing place .

    Hardening seedlings

    The hardening procedure is performed in order to improve the immunity of seedlings. This procedure will help seedlings to easily adapt to natural conditions.

    7 days prior to the landing of , the temperature of the in the room should be reduced to and stop watering the .Within three days, open the window in the room, or take out seedlings outside for 2-3 hours. After three days, seedlings can be taken out on the street for the whole day, and before planting two days leave for the night in the fresh air.

    Landing on the beds

    In the last days of May, seedlings at the age of two months can be planted on open beds. Soil temperature should be 15 degrees .Land on the beds should be well loosened.

    Under planting seedlings it is necessary to dig holes and pour fertilizers in them:

    • potash - 1 tablespoon;
    • phosphoric - 1 tablespoon.
    The Eagle's Beak Variety Needs Mandatory Garter

    Per 1 Sq.meter plant no more than three seedlings .Watering should be abundant once a week. Fertilizers should alternate between organic and mineral. When the fertilizer containing nitrogen is added to the flowers on the plants, it is stopped to apply to the soil.

    In order to increase the yield, in the first days of July, the pasanking procedure is carried out. On the bushes remove all the lower leaves and leave two trunks. This procedure is recommended once every ten days.

    Mandatory procedure is tying .Since the Eagle's beak is tall, its thin stems do not withstand the severity of the fruit, so that there are no breakages, the bushes are tied to supports.

    Diseases and pests of the

    variety Although this variety is resistant to diseases and fungi, prevention will not be superfluous. It is recommended to carry out the following preventive measures: pour the soil before planting the seedlings with a hot solution of manganese before planting the seedlings;

  • to fight insects spray bushes with infusion of celandine, a decoction of onion peel, liquid ammonia solution or soapy water;
  • in order to prevent fungal diseases; bushes process with phytosporin ;
  • from late blight to apply copper-containing drugs.

Collecting seeds for seedlings

To gather seeds, only ripe fruits from healthy bushes

are suitable. To independently collect seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right fruits. When choosing fruits, the following requirements should be followed:

  • fruits should grow on healthy bushes ;
  • are suitable for collecting only the fruits, torn from the lower branch ;
  • fruits must ripen completely, but not overripe.

Cut the ripe fruit into slices. Spoon pick the seeds along with the liquid from the seed chamber. Place the seeds in a glass bowl. Juice must completely cover the seeds. We close the container with a lid, but not tightly, to give access to the air, and leave it for a day for fermentation.

Fermentation is considered complete when the juice brightens, the seeds settle to the bottom, and a film appears on the surface.

Drain the seeds in a sieve and rinse the thoroughly with under running water. Washed seeds blot with a paper towel, pour on a plastic plate for the final to dry .This process takes a week. Dry seeds to collect, place in a cloth bag, or a paper envelope and store in a cool, dark room.


A crop is harvested 105–115 days after planting seeds. The eagle's beak is a universal variety. Its fruits are used both in fresh form for salads, and for various blanks. Due to the dense pulp and sweetish taste of this sort of tomato, pasta, ketchup is prepared, used in the preparation of hot snacks.

With all the recommendations followed, it is not difficult to get a rich harvest and stock up on planting material for the next year.

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