- Types of facade structures
- №1.Plaster for facade finishing
- Mineral plaster
- Acrylic plaster
- Silicate plaster
- Silicone plaster
- Clinker brick
- Ceramic brick
- Hyper pressed brick
- Silicate brick
- Vinyl siding
- Wooden siding
- Metal siding
- Cement siding
It is necessary to choose material and technology of finishing of a facade of a house at a design stage. The modern market offers a lot of different materials, so it is easy to equip the facade in accordance with a specific budget or design idea. Selecting material for finishing the facade of a private house, you should consider the two most important factors. Firstly, the house must be in harmony with the surrounding area, look aesthetic and in accordance with the tastes of the owner. Secondly, the front material should become a home protection, playing the role of additional insulation and sound insulation, as well as protecting the supporting structure from moisture, sunlight and other negative influences. Not every finishing material will cope with the tasks, so we will focus on the best options.

Types of facade structures
Besides everything else, when choosing a facade material it is necessary to take into account what the building is built from, the principle of organizing the facade decoration can depend on it. For example, for wooden houses it is advised to equip a ventilated facade.
It is customary to divide facades into the following types:
- “wet” are created with the obligatory use of building mixtures;
- "dry" facades are equipped with mechanical fasteners( nails, screws, dowels, etc.).This method is more convenient, allows for installation at any time of the year, but does not provide the same holistic design as in the previous method.
Depending on whether there is a gap between the external wall of the house and the finishing material, the facades are divided into:
- ventilated;
- non-ventilated.

Ventilated facade
Ventilated facades assume the presence of a ventilation gap between the facade material and the wall or insulation, if used. The gap is necessary for the free circulation of air and removal of excess moisture, which condenses or leaves the house through the walls. The material of the ceiling wall remains completely protected from all atmospheric influences. Such a facade is better to equip when the walls breathe. The non-ventilated facade of the involves the installation of a finishing material directly to the wall. Sometimes facades are classified simply as ventilated and “wet”, although this is not entirely correct.
Now we can move on to materials that are widely used in finishing the facade of a private house.

facade finishing plaster Decorative plaster is the most most popular and simplest way to decorate and protect your house. On the market today represented the mass of plaster compositions, which differ significantly in basic properties and the type of the resulting surface. Find the appropriate material can be for almost any type of ceiling walls.
aesthetics. The choice of plaster compositions is huge, so it is easy to choose the one that will best meet the idea of the exterior of the house. In addition, the plaster can be painted in any color;
- water resistance. The material does not absorb and does not pass moisture;
- resistance to temperature extremes. All types of plaster tolerate temperature drops, frost and heat, and are resistant to direct sunlight;
- excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
- vapor permeability. Excess moisture from the house can easily pass through a layer of plaster;
- good strength and ability to withstand some mechanical damage, if the installation was carried out according to the rules;
- ease of installation. Practically everyone can cope with putting plaster, having the minimum preparation and big desire. Moreover, no expensive equipment is needed. However, the process will require a lot of time and effort;
- low price. The simplest plaster compositions are inexpensive, although some exclusive types will make you spend money.
Disadvantages :
possible cracking;
- peeling of the plaster layer;
- stains on the surface.
All these deficiencies are the cause of errors when installing the .If you take a responsible approach to plastering the facade, then the risk of encountering such problems is significantly reduced.
Depending on the composition, plaster may have slightly different properties. The most commonly used such species:
- mineral;
- acrylic;
- silicate;
- silicone.

Mineral plaster
This is the most accessible , and therefore the most common plaster composition. In addition to low prices, the material boasts a wide range of colors, excellent resistance to sunlight and the development of microorganisms. mineral plaster does not burn , so it can be used in cases where a highly inflammable material is used as insulation. It is combined with any construction and heat insulating materials.
The main drawback is the , the low degree of elasticity of the , which can be a big problem when building shrinks. The result is the appearance of numerous cracks, so this option of finishing is not very suitable for erected houses only. The average service life of the material - 12-16 years.

Acrylic plaster
This composition is devoid of the main disadvantage of mineral plaster - it is elastic , so even with the shrinkage of the building on it will not crack. Plus, acrylic plaster has a higher durability( up to 18 years), resistant to frost and moisture, but will cost a little more than mineral. Often acrylic plaster is used with foam insulation. The disadvantages also include the flammability of the material, so you cannot use it, for example, with mineral wool. The surface attracts dust well, but to wash it is not easy, so the facade will require either constant thorough care, or will quickly lose its original appearance.

Silicate plaster
The material is produced using potash glass, to which it is obliged for excellent performance properties. This is the most durable type of plaster, and the facade can last up to 30 years. The material is elastic , therefore cracks will not appear during shrinkage, it does not strongly attract dust, and the dirt that does stick will easily be washed off from the surface of the facade during rain. Of course, like all other types of plasters, the material is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and sunlight.
Among the shortcomings of the is the high price, the limited choice of colors and the need to very quickly apply the plaster on the walls of the house, so it’s often hard to do without your efforts - you have to call the brigade of specialists, and this is additional waste. In addition, under the material will have to use a special primer. Foam as a heater is not suitable. Please note that indoors such a finish can not be applied - it is used only for the arrangement of facades.

Silicone Plaster
Silicone Plaster has almost no flaws, if you do not consider the price. This is a durable material that will last several decades. It is very wear-resistant, vapor-permeable, moisture-resistant, non-flammable, can be used with any type of insulation. Such plaster practically does not pollute and easily self-cleaning, does not absorb dust and salt, therefore it can be used in any climatic conditions and used for cladding facades of houses located near busy roads. The material is relatively simply applied to the surface.

№2.Natural and artificial stone
The stone has no competitors among other facade materials in terms of durability and reliability, and in its decorative qualities is considered one of the leaders. Natural stone is a very expensive pleasure, so often the owners of private houses veneer them only part of the facade, combining with other materials, or use decorative stone. The latter has almost identical performance characteristics to natural stone, but it is cheaper, and it also weighs less, which is important.
- durability and practicality. It is worth spending one time on stone finishing, and it will be possible not to recall the repair of the facade of the house for decades;
- aesthetic appearance. Using different types of stone, you can translate into reality any design idea, and the house will always look great;
- environmental friendliness;
- resistance to moisture, temperature extremes, sunlight;
- resistance to mechanical stress.
Of the deficiencies of the , only a large natural stone weight and high cost can be noted. Even a decorative stone, which is much cheaper than natural, will cost more than most other facade materials.
Many natural stone rocks, , are suitable for facades. More often than the others granite, gabbro, quartzite, marble, slate, sandstone, limestone, dolomite are used. Decorative stone can imitate any breed: the market is full of material of different colors and textures. Mounted decorative stone on the adhesive base or the type of ventilated facade.

№3.Facing brick
The most popular materials for facade finishing have always been a brick. Understandably, for these purposes, not ordinary building bricks are used, but special decorative bricks, which are called facade, facing or facing ones.
Depending on the composition and method of production, facing bricks are divided into the following groups:
- ; clinker;
- ceramic;
- hyper pressed;
- silicate.
Each of these types has its own operational qualities, but combines their excellent appearance, , a large variety of colors, textures ( can be glazed, with mineral chips or a matte surface) and shapes( there is a brick in the shape of a parallelepiped, and there is a shaped brick in the figuredform).In addition, all bricks have excellent resistance to negative environmental factors .

Clinker bricks
Rather expensive clinker bricks are produced from special plastic grades of clay by pressing and firing. A natural dye may be added to the mass. On the totality of performance is the best option facing bricks.
Advantages of :
- high mechanical strength;
- durability;
- frost resistance. Material easily maintains up to 300 cycles of freezing / thawing without loss of the main properties;
- resistance to direct sunlight and high temperatures;
- resistance to aggressive substances;
- low water absorption coefficient;
- environmental friendliness;
- aesthetics and great choice;
- special care and maintenance is not needed - just enough to wash the facade.
Among the minuses high price, considerable weight and complicated installation. An alternative to this material - clinker tile , which is made almost according to the same principle, may have a lot of options for relief and color, but it has a small thickness, and therefore, less weight.

Ceramic bricks
Ceramic bricks made from clay by firing are familiar to each of us. Facing its variety affects a large variety of colors and textures, but this is not the only advantage of the material.
The advantages of the :
- durability;
- environmental friendliness;
- good sound and thermal insulation characteristics;
- resistance to temperature extremes, sunlight, fire;
- relative cheapness.
Disadvantages :
- not always accurate geometry;
- in stock may be interspersed with limestone, which, absorbing moisture, will be highlighted in a darker color;
- the possibility of shedding or destruction, if mistakes were made in the choice of solution, brand of product or installation;
- high water absorption, which can reach 10%, reducing the frost resistance of the product.

Hyper-pressed brick
Such material is obtained by using cement, shell rock and some special additives by the method of semi-dry pressing. Externally, it resembles a ceramic brick, but in many ways ahead of it.
Benefits of the :
- durability and strength;
- good geometry;
- frost resistance;
- large assortment;
- ease of processing.
The water absorption of such a brick at an average level is about 5-6%, and the obvious disadvantages of the material are high thermal conductivity, the ability to change color and weight over time, which affects transportation.

Silicate brick
Facing silicate brick is made of cement-sand mixture by autoclaving, special additives can be used. Due to the simplicity of production and low cost of raw materials, silica brick is considered one of the most affordable materials among other types of bricks.
The advantages of :
- high strength;
- accurate geometry;
- environmental friendliness;
- good sound insulation qualities;
- low price.
Disadvantages :
- compared to other types of facing bricks silicate bricks do not have the best decorative qualities;
- heavy weight;
- low thermal insulation qualities;
- high water absorption( more than 15%);
- low frost resistance.

№4.Porcelain tile for the facade of
Porcelain tile made from clay, quartz sand, feldspar and water using the semi-dry pressing method is one of the most durable materials for finishing the facade of a private house, and in terms of operational properties it is almost as good as stone. porcelain stoneware tiles with a minimum thickness of 12 mm and preferably 14-16 mm are suitable for facing a private house.
Benefits of :
- durability and strength, resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage;
- absolute moisture resistance. Porcelain tile does not absorb moisture, has a high frost resistance;
- resistance to extreme temperatures and temperature extremes;
- preservation of the original appearance during the entire period of operation;
- wide variety, the presence of many shades and textures, the ability to imitate stone, wood and other noble materials. Available in matte, glossy( with a wax shine), glazed, polished, semi-polished, structured and mosaic porcelain, so you will choose from what.
Disadvantages :
- heavy;
- high cost;
- specific installation. Due to the weight and low hygroscopicity, the cement mortar cannot be used to install ceramic granite tiles - you will need either a special glue or a metal frame.

No. 5.Ceramic facade tiles
Ceramic facade tiles - another popular way to organize the facade of the house. The material has earned wide popularity due to its excellent performance and decorative qualities. From the tile that is used indoors, the facade counterpart has a lower porosity, thereby providing less water absorption.
Benefits of the :
- durability;
- the widest range. You can find tiles of any size, color and texture, as well as imitating stone, brick and other materials;
- resistance to negative environmental factors;
- fire resistance;
- relatively light weight.
It is possible to mount a tile both in a “wet” way, and by equipping a ventilated facade.

№6.Concrete facade tile
The material is made on the basis of cement, quartz sand, filler and additives.
The advantages of :
- durability and moisture resistance;
- strength and stiffness;
- large selection;
- relatively low price.
Disadvantages :
- poor resistance to temperature extremes;
- large tile too heavy for wet installation;
- on the market a lot of poor-quality products with inaccurate geometry.

№7.Decorative siding
Siding - one of the most inexpensive, easy to use and modern materials for the facade of the house. It has excellent decorative qualities, is sold in a wide range, boasts decent durability( up to 50 years), excellent sound and thermal insulation qualities. Siding can revet any surface and even ennoble a long-built house.
The main types of decorative siding:
- vinyl;
- wooden;
- metal;
- cement.

Vinyl siding
Made of PVC, can imitate stone, brick, wood and other natural materials. Vinyl siding is one of the most popular materials for cladding facades, used in domestic private construction most often.
Benefits of the :
- long life;
- resistance to temperature extremes, fire, sunlight, corrosion;
- low weight;
- wide range;
- ease of installation and operation.
Resistance to mechanical damage is often attributed to the merits, but a strong blow can violate the integrity of the material. Among the deficiencies, the has a large coefficient of linear expansion, which must be taken into account during installation, the low thermal insulation qualities and the difficulty of replacing a damaged element in case of repair.
Separately, basement siding should be highlighted. It is completely identical to vinyl, but differs in increased thickness: 3.5 mm versus 0.7-1.2 for ordinary PVC siding. Due to this, resistance to mechanical damage is increased, which makes the material one of the best in terms of price and quality for arranging the bases of private houses.

Wood Siding Wood siding panels are made from treated antiseptic or dried wood. Profile - wooden beam or board.
Advantages of :
- excellent appearance;
- naturalness;
- ease of installation;
- ability to withstand low temperatures;
- good thermal insulation qualities.
The material’s drawbacks are : high price, short lifespan, the need to constantly process the material with protective substances and the ability to easily ignite, but beauty requires sacrifice, which is why wood siding is used when facing facades. Today, is also manufactured as wood-cellulose siding, which is devoid of some of the drawbacks of the wooden counterpart, but still does not shine with high durability.

Metal siding
Produced from aluminum or steel, which is covered with a layer of primer and polymer coating. Aluminum siding in private construction is rarely used due to the high price. steel sheets with a zinc protective layer and a polymer or powder coating are better suited for house cladding.
The advantages of :
- strength;
- durability( up to 50 years);
- resistance to temperature extremes;
- non-inflammable;
- resistance to any weather vagaries;
- high aesthetics;
- relative ease of installation.
In addition, metal siding due to protective coatings is resistant to corrosion, but if such a coating is damaged, it is worth waiting for rust to appear. Naturally, it is not necessary to speak about heat and sound insulation qualities.

Cement Siding Material is obtained by mixing and pressing cellulose fibers and cement. Cement siding in its decorative and operational qualities can replace the stone.
Benefits of the :
- high strength;
- resistance to precipitation, sunlight, high and low temperatures;
- fire resistance.
Among the minuses a lot of weight, complexity of installation, high cost and not enough wide choice of colors and textures.

No. 8.Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels are a multilayer material consisting of two layers of rigid material( usually metal) and a layer of insulation between them. This whole "sandwich" is connected by hot pressing, the surface of the panels can be smooth, embossed or decorative.
Advantages of the :
- excellent appearance;
- light weight;
- resistant to moisture and fire;
- good sound insulation properties;
- high maintainability of the facade of the sandwich panels;
- high speed mounting.
Of the minuses only the high price.

No. 9.Facade cassettes
Metal facade cassettes are now widely used for cladding facades of administrative buildings, but more recently they are also used in private construction. The material is easily recognizable by its characteristic appearance: these are square or rectangular elements made of metal( steel, aluminum, less often copper) with a polymer coating.
The advantages of the :
- high reliability and durability;
- aesthetics;
- a large selection of sizes and colors;
- resistance to negative environmental factors and fire.
Metal cassettes can be used for cladding old and only erected buildings, mounted on a frame. The only negative is the high price.

No. 10.New and unpredictable materials
In addition to those materials that have already become traditional in the field of cladding facades, there are more innovative and in some ways even more progressive. The most interesting of them are:
- concrete siding .It is made from cement, sand and dyes. The material has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant rough surface, it is durable, but rather heavy, so it will require strengthening the foundation;
- clinker thermopanels consist of ordinary clinker tiles and a fused layer of expanded polystyrene, and this is an excellent insulation. With visual appeal, this finish becomes an additional heat insulator. The disadvantage is the high price;
- glass panels are a popular option for shopping centers and office buildings. For the arrangement of a private house is suitable only if you like bold decisions.
The selection of finishing materials for the facade should be preceded by a multifactor analysis, including the climatic features of the region, the type of house, the style of the site, its own preferences, the material of the walls, its own requirements and preferences. Fortunately, there is something to choose from.