Growing cherry tomatoes at home is attractive for supplementing the diet with fresh fruits in winter and spring. Culture becomes an unusual decor for the premises, the care of which allows you to practice your favorite hobby after the end of the garden season. You can plant and grow a tomato not only in a large apartment, but also on an ordinary balcony or windowsill.
- . Could you grow your Cherry Tomatoes?and containers
- Seed preparation
- Sowing
Is it possible to grow tomatoes? When at home on a balcony or windowsill
Attempts to grow cherry tomatoes at home take many gardeners. However, not everyone can harvest. The problem is the wrong choice of varieties and errors agrotechnology.
With the advent of new varieties and hybrids, this task is a little easier. Plants are focused on growing in room conditions: relatively resistant to low light, diseases, and almost no stepson .Fruits in winter and spring.
A grave mistake by gardeners is the wrong choice of growing dates. There are two terms of the extended tomato culture, in which the plants will develop and bear fruit normally.
The first term allows you to get harvest by mid-December , and with proper care and selection of the variety, extend it until February. In this case, the seeds are sown in late August. In the second term - winter, the seeds are sown in November - December. Crop harvested in March or April .

With a lack of light, tomatoes begin to die in the short winter months. To the death of plants and leads to a decrease in air temperature of more than +5 degrees.
Cherry tomato varieties and hybrids for home decorative ornamentation
Compact cherry varieties are mainly attractive for decorative cultivation. They quickly stop growing, many no longer bear fruit after the first harvest. These plants are shade-tolerant, practically do not require the forming of and are distinguished by a high percentage of fruit set.
- Balcony miracle;
- Pinocchio;
- Bonsai;
- Pygmy;
- Masque;
- Minibel.

indeterminantny varieties and hybrids are suitable for long-term harvest. They are characterized by continuous growth, capable of repeatedly tying the fruit.
High-Yielding Varieties with Fruits for Fresh Use and Canning
Lycopa F1
The plant forms both simple and complex brushes with 12 fruits each. Fruits with an average weight of 40 g , rich red color and sour-sweet taste.
Ripening time through 90 days after germination. It has a high content of lycopene in the fruit.

Maksik F1
A plant with short internodes, therefore it grows into a compact shrub and takes up little space. Begins to bear fruit through 90 days after germination. Fruits weighing 25 g , bright red with a sweet taste.

Cyrus F1
Fruiting begins after 90-95 days after germination. Fruits are red-orange in color with an average weight of 40 g .They have a sweet taste, a pronounced fruit aroma and the ability to be stored for up to 2.5 months.

Sowing seeds
It is better to plan the work on growing cherry tomatoes in stages. It will save time, besides important details will not be forgotten.
Preparation of soil and containers
. It is better to sow tomatoes for home cultivation directly to the pots .For one tall plant you will need a pot of 8-10 liters, for a compact one - 3-5 liters. Tanks are disinfected with 1% potassium permanganate solution( potassium permanganate), a drainage layer is laid on the bottom( 15% of the volume).
Often cherry tomatoes die at the age of seedlings. The problem lies in the soil, which can be infected with pests and fungal spores. It is convenient and relatively safe to plant plants in ready-steamed substrates that can be bought at garden centers.

for planting self-cultivated soil. Equally, the soil mix is prepared from equal parts:
- of
- garden soil and
- peat from river sand
Seed preparation
It is better to purchase tomato seeds from well-known agricultural firms for a period of not more than 3 years after production. At the time of purchase, pay attention to information about how to treat seeds, if it does not exist, ask the seller.
Questionable or self-selected seeds disinfect .They are wrapped in gauze and immersed in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. To speed up the germination process, seeds are immersed in the growth stimulator : Appin or Zircon for the time specified in the instructions. The treated seeds are planted within 12 hours.
Before sowing seeds, the substrate is watered abundantly with warm water.2-3 seeds are sown in one pot to a depth of 3 cm. The soil surface is covered with a film. Capacities place in a warm place with a temperature of + 20 + 25 degrees .
Shoots appear 5-7 days after sowing. After that, remove the film, the tomatoes are placed on a permanent place of cultivation.

From the moment of emergence, tomatoes need coverage for at least 12 hours a day of .Fluorescent lamps, installed in a limit of 30 cm from plants, help to solve this problem.
Required air temperature +20 degrees in the daytime, + 15 + 17 degrees at night .To achieve this optimum installation helps on the windowsill of the screen. It cuts off the flow of hot air from the batteries and retains the necessary coolness coming from the windows.
Water the tomatoes only after the earth coma has completely dried. On average, every 3 days. To do this, use warm distilled water.
After the appearance of two true leaves, select the strongest plant, the rest remove .The root of the remaining tomato pinch on 1/3 and planted with deepening to the cotyledon leaves.
Top dressing
Since tomatoes have a small amount of soil, fertilizes them every 10 days with .In room conditions, plants need more potassium and a minimum of nitrogen. Pick up a complex fertilizer with a ratio of minerals N: P: K = 5:15:45, options:
- Plantafol
- Aqua Drop
- Plantafid

Root top dressing of tomatoes is combined by spraying the leaves and stems with Megafol. This is an anti-stress drug that contains all the necessary substances for tomatoes.
Forming and pruning
As the bushes grow, the stems growing from the leaf axils( stepchildren) are removed. For the formation of bushes in the 2-3 stem leave the lowest stepsons. When they begin to tie fruit on each stem leave 4-5 brushes. Others are removed. At the same time, pinch the growth points of tall plants by 3-4 cm.
From plants, regularly remove all the yellowed and sore leaves of .
Disease Prevention
A month after the emergence of shoots, the bushes and the soil surface are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux to prevent disease. After the fruit is set, is treated with infusion of garlic.
For this purpose, the garlic gruel( 100 g) is infused in water( 0.5 l) for one day. Strained infusion diluted in 5 liters of water, add 20 g of soap. Processing plants spend every month.
Tomato pollinating

All varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes recommended for home cultivation are self-pollinated .However, in the home, where there are no fluctuations in air, this process is hampered. The fact that the flower is not pollinated can be seen on the petals. After pollination, they fold back.
Homemade tomatoes need help. Using the brush, pollen of one flower is transferred onto the pistil of another .You can put a fan with warm air near the plants for a few minutes or just shake the bushes.
Pollen ripens at night, so the procedure is planned by for the morning hours of .Pollination spend the entire period of flowering tomatoes, regularly examining the state of the flowers.
Ripened tomatoes are picked immediately before consumption. They have a special taste and aroma, much better than lain in storage of tomatoes. For preservation, tomatoes are harvested twice a week, recharging the underripe in a dark room.