Radiatori coloranti: la scelta della preparazione della vernice e del lavoro


  1. Preparing the surface of the radiators for painting
  2. Choosing paint for the design of the copy of the product. The market presents a fairly wide variety of coloring compositions, with which the elements of the heating system can be given any desired color, which will allow to enterthem in the interior of the room.

    Preparing the surface of radiators for painting

    Before proceeding to the choice of paint and its color, the surface of the radiators must be properly prepared to ensure the highest adhesion of paint to the surface that will ensure the durability of the applied coating. After all, the applied layer of paint will be exposed to high temperatures and sharp temperature changes. And if the surface is not prepared correctly, then any paintwork will very quickly begin to break down and peel off.

    The radiator surface must first be properly cleaned from dust and dirt , remove any defects, and also, if possible, polish( only the cast iron radiators should be ground, and aluminum or steel models cannot be exposed to it, since the enamel layer on their surfacehas a small thickness).After that, a layer of primer is applied to the surface.

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    Priming is a key step surface preparation, because it will act as the basis for applying paint. It is best for this purpose to use an alkyd based primer .Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the composition had anti-corrosion properties, because otherwise the paint will be quickly destroyed due to the formation of foci of rust. You should also pay attention to the fact that pigmented primers are on the market, which play the role of a primer and coloring composition, and which will significantly simplify and speed up your work.

    Choosing paint for radiators

    When choosing paint for radiators, you should pay attention to its properties, because your chosen composition will be subjected to aggressive conditions of use, and it must be resistant to their effects, otherwise it will not be able to last for a sufficiently long period. When choosing , attention should be paid to such factors as its resistance to high temperatures and temperature extremes, moisture, as well as mechanical strength and resistance to mechanical shocks.

    Previously, oil paints were most often used for this purpose, but lately, due to the presence of a number of shortcomings, they have a worthy alternative. These are acrylic enamels , made on the basis of organic solvents, enamels on alkyd basis , and also water-dispersive acrylic compositions .Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, and each of them is well suited for solving the problem.

    alkyd enamels alkyd enamels are characterized by high strength and resistance to high temperatures , as well as uniformity of the coating layer. However, after applying such material in the room for a few days persists chemical odor. When the heating network is operating, it may increase.

    Water dispersion compositions

    Water dispersion compositions lack such a disadvantage as the strong odor inherent in alkyd and acrylic enamels, because they are made on the basis of water and do not contain organic solvents , so they practically have not been found. However, when choosing them, you should pay attention to the fact that on their packaging was a special mark , indicating that they are suitable for painting radiators and heating pipes. This paint is easily applied to the surface and dries quickly.

    Acrylic Enamels

    If we talk about acrylic enamels produced by based on solvents, then they give any surface of a glossy shine and any desired color of , and also keep them for several decades. However, they, like alkyd enamels, have a sharp chemical smell .

    When, how and how to apply paint

    Remember that you can paint pipes only if the heating system is turned off and their temperature is at room temperature. Also, before carrying out the work, it is necessary to protect the floor covering from possible ingress of traces of paint on it. To do this, under the radiator need to lay a layer of paper or old cloth.

    Direct application of paint can be carried out either with a soft-bristle brush of medium or small size, or with the aid of an airbrush gun, because only with the help of such tools it is possible to achieve high-quality paint on all, even hard-to-reach surfaces. As a rule, the coloring composition is applied in two thin layers, which allows to ensure perfect evenness and high strength of the paint layer.

    Tags: Painting works, Radiator
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