Tecnologia di piantare e coltivare patate in olandese

Cultivation of potatoes in Dutch is a technique that takes into account every detail. When planting, this technology collects up to 250-300 kg of tuber crops from weave.

Dutch technology provides potatoes:

  • sufficient heat;
  • oxygen supply to the roots;
  • fertilizer.

Table of Contents

  • Cultivation of potatoes using Dutch technology
    • How many potato growing technologies are available
    • Which varieties are suitable
    • Is this method suitable for growing potatoes at the cottage
  • Technology details
    • What is the Dutch way
    • ?
    • When and how to harvest

Potato cultivation using Dutch technology

How many potato cultivation technologies are available

In addition to traditional Dutch-style cultivation, there are other new ways: Chinese;technology developed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Jacob Meitlider from the United States;method of Galina Alexandrovna Kizima, who spent her childhood in a working village in the southern Urals.

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Planting in straw using the Kizima technology.

Which varieties are suitable

Professionals recommend updating the potato variety every 4 years, as it can get sick.

Diseases from the Netherlands are immune to diseases, they are high yielding, but not they are not suitable for planting in the north of Russia .There it is better to plant domestic zoned varieties adapted for home conditions.

Required to plant in the country and early and late potatoes.

Suitable Dutch potato varieties:

  • Anosta - early. Tubers are yellow, even. The flesh is creamy. The potato is immune to the nematode.
  • Red Scarlett - Early. Tubers of scarlet color, white flesh, when cooked does not change color.
  • Impala - an early grade. It is planted in the central regions of Russia, and in the Siberian Federal District. From germination to harvest takes 50 days.
  • Jarl - early. Unpretentious to care, even planted in depleted land.
  • Prior - early. He has immunity to viral diseases, nematode, late blight.
  • Romano - medium early. Tubers are pinkish, white flesh. Immune to late blight.
  • Monaliz - medium early. It is immune to all diseases.
  • Sante - mid season. Tubers are yellow, creamy flesh. Resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Eba - medium late. Immune to viral diseases. Tubers are yellowish in color.

Domestic varieties:

  • Nevsky - medium grade. Immune to nematode, cancer, scab, mosaic and other diseases. But its minus - tuber crops stored at a temperature of about 0 degrees, otherwise they will germinate.
  • Zhukovsky early .It is immune to disease. It tastes great, but there is quite a bit of starch in the tubers, so it does not boil soft. You can collect 600 kg of potatoes from the weave.
  • Luck - early grade. It is immune to all diseases. Tubers are yellowish, snow-white flesh.
  • Zdabytak - late grade. Immune to diseases. In tuber crops a large amount of starch.

Is this method suitable for growing potatoes at the


Technology detail

What is the Dutch way

  1. For the cultivation of tubers, varieties from the Netherlands are taken that are immune to diseases, in which a large number of tubers grow. And in the northern regions of Russia they plant local zoned varieties. To select only healthy tubers are required. Change the planted varieties.
  2. Tuber crops are selected, having 3-5 cm in diameter, with 100% germination.
  3. 6–8 tubers are planted in a planting pattern of 1 m².It seems to the Russian gardener that with such planting the land is empty in vain, but according to this technology the bushes grow sprawling, they have powerful roots, they harvest more crops than with the traditional planting method.
  4. Still the Dutch feed potatoes, taking into account the needs of this variety.
  5. It is required to spud and pour ridges 10 cm high .
  6. Harvest must be collected on time. If you need seed, potatoes are dug a month earlier than tubers intended for consumption.

Selection and preparation of seed material

For planting, choose the healthy tuber crops with a diameter of 3-5 cm. , preferably varietal.

Potatoes, which are smaller in size should not be chosen, since the grown bushes will be very weak. Larger potatoes are planted only if they harvest from their own seeds. On each selected tuber crop 5 holes.

A month before planting, potatoes are germinated
A month before planting, potatoes are germinated. Potatoes are planted when the germs of the eyes are 0.5 cm, but this is for mechanized plantings.

It is necessary to choose the right time for planting so that the shoots do not die from return frost. The tubers are carefully placed in bags of polyethylene with handles, when the shoots are 0.5 cm high. So it is convenient to transport potatoes to the landing site. For manual planting, wait until the sprouts placed in plastic bags grow to 2.5–3 cm.

Tillage before planting

Potatoes will be less sore and affected by pests if you plant it in one place once in 3 years .It is required to give the soil a rest and for 1 year not to plant anything at all, but to mow the weeds. If you do not have such an opportunity, then plant tuber crops in the place where beans, peas, oats, and rye were grown before.

Pour phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen into a flat place in the fall and dig up the soil to a depth of 22-27 cm.

If you have a slope, do not dig up the soil in the fall and do not put additional dressing, as in spring you will wash away all the useful substances.


The distance between rows should be 75cm
  1. In the spring, they dig up the soil, makes the holes 6-8 cm deep .The distance between the rows is observed at 75 cm, and between the holes - 30 cm. But such a long distance has its advantages:
    • The soil for hilling is piled from between the rows, because of this, the tubers are higher between the rows. The ridges are well lit by the rays of the sun, and oxygen comes to the root system.
    • The area of ​​the cross section of the ridge is 1200–1500 cm².
    • When it rains heavily, water does not stagnate under bushes, as it is between the rows;
    • When there is heat and no rain, there is enough moisture in the ridge to prevent the potatoes from dying to rain or watering.
  2. In the well, first put the rotted manure or humus.
  3. Then pour 100 g of ash and a handful of crushed eggshell shell, as well as a bit of onion peel, which will scare the wireworm and slugs.
  4. The tuber crops are placed in the wells with sprouts and sprinkled with soil.
  5. If you see weeds growing, pluck them out.
  6. When sprouting up, spud them up so that the ridges have a height of 10 cm.
  7. If there is a threat of frost, then young shoots sprinkle with soil, and high shoots bend down and sprinkle with earth. When warm weather comes again, the bushes are raised and poured with water from a watering can.
  8. After 14 days after planting, weeds are pulled out, and the spacing soil is pushed onto sprouts so that the ridges become about 25 cm high, the width of the ridges at the base is 75 cm, and 30 cm above..
  9. If there is a drought, then the bushes are watered 1-3 times per season( 1-2 times before the blooming of buds, 1 time - when the blooming of flowers).

When and how to harvest

First mow the tops, and after 10 days dig up the bushes.

Then the peel will be strong, and the potatoes will be able to lie more time without spoiling.

That is, the cultivation of potatoes in Dutch is planting tubers at a distance of 30 cm, observing a distance between rows of 70 cm. These are also high crests and taking into account the need of potatoes for fertilizers.

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