Uso corretto di azofoski come fertilizzante

The desire to get high yields of horticultural crops with minimal effort and cost is dictated by the popularity of the complex fertilizer “azofoska”.The effectiveness of the drug has long been proven. It is successfully used in homestead land and in large agricultural complexes.

Table of contents

  • Characteristics and description of Azofoski
  • Application as a fertilizer
  • Pros and cons
  • General recommendations for the use of tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes
  • Compatibility
  • Rules of storage

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    Table of contentsAvailable in granular form. Small granules beige, yellowish or white.

    Used to supply the minerals of all plants, including potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes. It is used for different types of soil.

    The maximum result is given by on heavy, clay and sandy grounds .Azofoska is well retained in the soil, it is not washed away by atmospheric precipitation.

    Fertilizer is a beige granule

    The essence of the use as a fertilizerIt strengthens the roots of plants, activates the growth process, increases resistance to negative climatic factors, increases the nutritional value of fruits.

    Mineral elements are available in plant form.

    Agrochemical improves plant resistance to diseases, prolongs the decorative flowering phase, and most importantly - increases the productivity of crops.

    Azofoska three-element, consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium( NPK) with the inclusion of sulfur. To meet the needs of plants on different soils produce brands of fertilizers, differing in the proportion of chemical elements:

    • NPK 16:16:16 .Fertilizer of classical proportion is used for digging, plowing the soil. In the spring is brought under the fruit trees, vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers. The number of azofoski calculated according to the instructions to the drug;
    • NPK 19: 9: 19 .The drug is low in phosphorus. For the central zone of the Russian Federation, this species is generally not suitable in view of the poverty of the soil by phosphorus. It is ideal for the southern regions with a dry, warm climate;
    • NPK 22:11:11 .Due to the shock dose of the nitrogen element, this species is the elixir of life for depleted soils. It is used if the acreage is intensively exploited annually.
    Brand azofoski NPK 16:16:16

    Pros and cons

    Positive and negative sides have every additional feeding. Azofoska is no exception.

    Advantages and benefits:

    • granules do not stick together during the entire warranty period of storage for the reason that they are treated with surfactants;
    • one granule contains three components at once;
    • water soluble fertilizer, well absorbed by crops;
    • in a complex provides plants with nutrients without purchase of additional drugs;
    • with proper application of increases the yield of fruit and vegetable crops from 30 to 70% ;
    • harvested crop can be stored longer;
    • has a reasonable price .


    • refers to inorganic substances;
    • exceeding the consumption rate is fraught with the formation of nitrates in the soil;
    • is classified as to the 3rd class of danger , may explode, ignite;
    • short storage period.
    A small amount of nitrate is necessary for plants; it participates in the formation of chlorophyll.
    Excessive use of azofosca is fraught with the formation of nitrates

    General recommendations for use for tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes

    The instructions for use say that azofoska is a universal chemical , suitable for growing all kinds of plants in gardens and vegetable gardens, house flowers. Effectively used for the care of fruit trees, berry bushes, bulbous plants, tuberous. It improves seed germination and stimulates the growth of seedlings of seedlings.

    Chemical used in granular form and liquid solution for root, foliar dressings.

    Azofoska especially well works on heavy soils, is brought after harvesting as the main fertilizer. In light soils, the tool is brought under the digging in the spring. It is recommended for open and protected ground.

    The fundamental rule of working with aze- is to observe the consumption rates specified in the instruction. This will help avoid the accumulation of nitrates in the soil.

    Chemical can not be made at low temperatures, it provokes an overdose of nitrates. According to the rules of azofoska introduced in the spring, when the soil warmed up, the accumulated moisture has not evaporated. In the autumn this procedure is carried out in the first decade of September. These are the best conditions for working nutrients.

    Fertilizer application rate is adjusted for the type of soil and the type of crop being planted.

    When planting potatoes in the hole you need to pour 4g of azefoski. Under , fruit trees and berry bushes contribute 25-30g of pellets per 1 m2 in the area around the tree stalk. decorative flowers are watered with a solution of 20 g of the drug per 10 liters of water every two weeks.

    Most plants respond well to dry fertilizers, they are applied to the soil, followed by embedding.

    Azofosca is toxic to humans, it must be applied strictly according to the instructions

    Agrochemical has a toxic effect on the human body .Therefore, working with him, you need to comply with personal safety measures. Protect the skin of the hands, eyes and respiratory organs.


    Azofosca chemical is physiologically neutral fertilizer. All components of the tool are in optimal ratio, so do not worry about compatibility with other drugs.

    But if the need arose, the chemical can be used in combination with other mineral and organic fertilizers, it is important to ensure that there is no excess of elements.

    The preparation is mixed immediately before use with granular ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, ammophos, diammophos, potassium chloride .

    In some cases is mixed with magnesia and magnesium sulphate , this mixture can be stored.

    A sad result is mixing with urea, ammonium sulphate, superphosphate powder, carboammophos. Azofoska solution should not be mixed with calcium nitrate.

    Council G. Kizima. To seedlings peppers grown healthy, effective solution 2 tbsp.spoons of fertilizer NPK 16:16:16 in 10 liters of water with the addition of 10 g of potassium and 2 teaspoons of liquid complex fertilizer with micronutrients Uniflor Micro.
    When mixed with Uniflor Micro helps pepper seedlings grow healthy

    Storage rules

    With proper use and storage, the drug is not dangerous, but there are some points to consider:

    • releases toxins at temperatures of +200 degrees;
    • in a very dry, hot storage area a large amount of dust can randomly explode.

    The chemical must be stored in sealed bags in a dark dry room .The warranty storage period for unopened packaging is 18 months from the date of manufacture.

    Azofosca fertilizer containing the most important elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, is relevant for all fruit and vegetable, berry and ornamental crops. With proper, rational use, it will bring invaluable benefits to the plants in your area.

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