סחלבים היברידית יומרות Cumbria

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Video Few can not express admiration after seeing Cumbria orchid in bloom. The unusual color and shape of the petals were obtained by crossing the varieties Oncidium , Miltonia, Brassia. There are a lot of species of Cumbria, they can be distinguished only by the star-shaped flowers and the presence of pseudobulb. Hybrid origin provides plant resistance to diseases and unpretentious care.

Description of the species

The flower is referred to as sympodial orchids. They have oblong large pseudobulbs up to 8 cm long, on which several long and narrow leaflets are located. The color of the leaves is dark green, the length can be up to 0.5 m, inside the central part of the inner core. During the flowering period, 1-2 peduncles with buds appear from each pseudobulb, which are removed together with the bulbs at the end of flowering. After which the flower forms a new pseudobulb.

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You need to acquire a plant with 3 or more pseudobulbs, such flowers will grow well and bloom. If the orchid of the cambrian will have only 1 bulba, then it will die after flowering.

The diameter of the flowers is 2-10 cm, the most common red varieties with white or yellowish specks. However, there are also varieties with yellow, purple, maroon petals.

Basics of growing a plant

Home care rules for Cumbria orchids are simple at home, but they need to be known in order to create a favorable environment for the development and flowering of the plant.

Cambria orchid roots are thin and easily damaged. They can be located both inside the pot and above the surface of the substrate. Plant growth up stimulates the formation of new pseudobulb. Until the old pseudobulbs die, the flower is not transplanted.

The choice of the location of the pot and the intensity of illumination

The plant belongs to the light-loving, but the sun's rays must be diffused. Direct exposure to the sun leads to burns of thin and soft leaves. In summer, the plant is placed on the east, northeast or west window sill. If the windows face south, then it is necessary to create a light shading with a grid, tulle.

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In winter, a flower can be at rest or flowering. Sleeping plants do not require additional lighting, and flowering plants are recommended to create a light day for at least 12 hours. The intensity of the blooming orchid will depend on the intensity of illumination.

Temperature and Humidity

Cumbria is insensitive to indoor temperature. The most favorable temperature for it is 18-25 ̊C.

Unlike other orchids, this hybrid does not require differences in day and night temperatures. The flower does not need to be taken out on the balcony or in another cool room to activate the flowering.

During the formation of peduncles, it is better to provide the plant with increased humidity in the room. To do this, near the pot you can put a container with water or spray the leaves with a small spray. During the flowering or dormant period, an increase in the humidity level is not required, a sufficient level of 25-30% is considered.

Watering mode

When caring for Cumbria orchids at home, proper watering of the plant is very important. Water can only be used soft, to soften it is passed through the filter, defend, boil and cool. If you water the flower from above, then the moisture quickly seeps through the bark, not wetting it. Therefore, the best way to moisten the substrate is submersible watering.

Warm soft water is poured into a small bowl or a wide bucket and a Cambria orchid pot is placed on the bottom. The water level should be no higher than the edge of the pot so that the pseudobulbs do not get wet. At hit of water on them fast rotting is possible.

Soaking the pot in water takes 5-20 minutes. Flowering plants require more watering, while orchids at rest are recommended to only slightly moisten. After the pot with the flower is removed from the water, you need to let it stand on the bottom of the bath so that all the excess moisture drains out. Otherwise, the delicate roots will rot. It is recommended to repeat the dives after the substrate has completely dried. In wet areas this occurs in 10-14 days, during the heating season in 5-7 days.

Read also: Treatment of orchids with copper sulfate

Selection of substrate and pot

The soil for Cumbria should be very easy. The standard combination of peat, earth, sand is not used. The basis of the substrate is pine bark, to which is added chopped dry moss, coal. As a drainage at the bottom of the pot is placed pieces of foam, it does not absorb water, provide dry roots.

If the air in the room is too dry, the substrate is enriched with pearlite granules. It promotes moisture retention at the roots. Increase the breathability of the roots will help coconut, foam chips.

Substrate can be made independently or purchase ready-made mixture in a flower shop. The pot is chosen with a small volume so that the roots completely fill it inside, and there is still a little free space. Unlike other orchids, Cumbria's root system does not like sunlight, so a ceramic or plastic container would be optimal. For large plants it is better to choose a steady heavy pot.

Reproduction and transplantation of Cumbria

The flower does not tolerate transplants, so you need to do them only if necessary: ​​

  • a large number of pseudobulbs are above the surface of the pot,
  • rotting of a part of the root system is observed,
  • soil is salted from frequent fertilizers.

A new pot is chosen with a diameter 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. The plant should be at rest, all flower stalks, old yellowed pseudobulbs should be removed. The normal frequency of transplants in Cumbria is considered once every 2-3 years.

In the process of transplanting, it is possible to divide an adult plant into several separate flowers. To do this, pseudobulbs with roots are carefully separated, trying to damage them as little as possible. It is better if both old and young bulbs remain in each plant. Older will provide food, young - flowering.

The places of breakage need to be powdered with crushed coal. The separated plants are fixed to a support stick and begin to be watered only after a week.

When and how to fertilize a plant

Top dressing is an important process when caring for the cambria at home, the photo of the best fertilizer is presented below.

For nutrition use complex mineral fertilizers. Buying a new tool, you need to gradually increase the dose to the plant accustomed to it.

It is necessary to apply fertilizer to the substrate during the period of growth and flowering: from February to October. The tool is added to the water when bathing or sprayed with a solution of the leaves through a small dispenser. It is not necessary to make an excessive amount of fertilizer, the flower will not grow better or bloom.

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Peduncles appear from the formed pseudobulb at any time of the year. If the arrow appeared in the winter, the plant is recommended to highlight, so that small buds do not fall off. Cumbria, the photo of which is presented below, has one flower stalk.

If the orchid does not bloom for more than 12 months, this indicates excessive watering and fertilizing.

When a new pseudobulb appears, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering, and as a result it will shrink. The reduction of watering is carried out for 2-4 weeks, after which the plant should have a peduncle. As soon as this happens, normal watering returns.

Possible diseases and pests

Like all houseplants, an orchid can develop fungal or bacterial infections. In the presence of fungi, small specks appear on the surface of the sheets, but this does not affect the growth or flowering. The diseased plant is treated with a solution of fungicide.

Other possible cultivation problems are:

  1. Dark spots on the leaves. The cause is a wet substrate. It is necessary to reduce the amount of watering.
  2. Pseudobulb wrinkled and leaves turned yellow. The reason - the appearance of snails in the pot. An ambulance transplant is required with replacement of the substrate.
  3. The appearance of yellow areas on the leaves. They are caused by excess of direct sunlight. It is recommended to rearrange or darken the pot.

Also a spider mite, whitefly, orchid aphid, shieldweed, thrips are dangerous for the plant. For their removal use special preparations.

. It is possible to grow a flower easily if you follow all the home care recommendations, a photo of a homemade Cumbria is presented below.

Orchid Species Cumbria

There are many varieties of hybrid orchids of this species. The most beautiful we present in the photo.

Cumbria Phantom Basin

Cumbria Care Guidelines -

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