כללים בסיסיים לשתילה וטיפול לחינניות בשטח הפתוח

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Among all the varieties of flowers for decorating flower beds and flower beds, modern gardeners often choose daisies. Miniature, delicate and incredibly beautiful daisies, planting and care in the open field which do not require much effort, are perfectly combined in a bed with tulips, daffodils and violets and delight in their lush flowering from early spring to mid-autumn.

Daisies belong to the compositae family. They are distinguished by a variety of decorative shapes and colors and are known for their high frost resistance. They can be grown in flowerpots on the balcony, used to create alpine slides and planted in open ground.

How and when can you plant daisies?

Many gardeners are wondering how to care and when you can plant daisies in the open ground, so they are pleased with their lush flowering. The answer to this question largely depends on the chosen method of plant reproduction.

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There are several known ways of breeding daisies, in particular:

  • bush division;
  • grafting;
  • cultivation from seeds.

The first method of breeding daisies by dividing a bush is only acceptable for adult plants. Usually the division of the bush is produced in the third year of the development of perennial daisies. It is believed that by this time the plant is already growing enough and requires rejuvenation. The division of the bush and planting daisies in the open ground is carried out in mid-summer, when the flowering of plants stops. From one bush can get up to 10-12 new plants.

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Using the cutting method, daisies are propagated in May-June. For this, in adult plants, the side sheets are cut off and planted in open ground. As a rule, the roots appear after 14 days, however, young plants begin to bloom only after a year.

Planting daisies in open ground with seeds is carried out at the end of June. In well-loosened soil, seeds are sown, and then they are slightly sprinkled with earth. The first shoots appear after 10 days. Seedlings are developing rapidly and require picks.

Planted seedlings in a flower bed can be planted as early as August, but plants will only bloom next year.

Planting Daisies

In order for daisies to bloom in the current year, sowing seeds should be sown in February in individual containers, and grown seedlings should be planted in the ground in spring. Planting daisies in the ground in the spring is carried out together with the earthy clod in small holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Seeds for planting can be harvested throughout the entire period of flowering daisies, but they should be collected only from flowers withering and well dried in the sun.

Features care

Daisies are highly valued by landscape designers, not only for the extraordinary beauty, but also for their endurance and ease of care. These miniature flowers are considered unpretentious plants, so the characteristics of planting and caring for daisies in the open field will be up to even a novice gardener.

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Daisies require regular abundant watering. If the irrigation of the soil is irregular, especially in the hot season, the daisy flowers will become small and lose their pomp and velvety. After each watering should be loosening the soil.


For daisies to delight in their lush flowering, they must be fed twice a season. For fertilizing suitable complex fertilizer for flowering plants.

Diseases and pest control

Daisies are extremely rare and suffer from pests. However, sometimes there are cases of the disease of flowers with powdery mildew or their damage by caterpillars and ticks.

Causes of plant diseases can be the following factors:

  • insufficient or excessive watering of daisies;
  • application of excess fertilizer;
  • sharp drop in day and night temperatures.
Read also: The lush blooming of dahlias in the open field depends on the planting of tubers and plant care.

In case of illness, the diseased specimens are removed and healthy plants are treated with special solutions.

Preparing daisies for winter

Planting and caring for daisies in the open field in the fall involves preparing plants for the cold winter. After all, winter is a serious test for all colors. Therefore, to protect the flowers from frost, most often produce mulching of the soil. The need for this procedure increases if the plants have a root system exposed. As a rule, shelter for the winter of daisies in open ground is carried out using sawdust, peat or humus.

The thickness of the soil mulch layer for daisies should not exceed 7 cm.

Unpretentious daisies in the care and cultivation of daisies can be a unique decoration of even the most sophisticated landscape design. Cold-resistant and incredibly beautiful, they are suitable for decoration flower beds and ponds. And compliance with the basic rules of planting daisies in open ground and caring for them even inexperienced gardeners will allow to grow beautiful flowers in a flower bed and enjoy their lush flowering throughout the season.

The Most Interesting About Daisy - Video

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