תיאור ומאפיינים של זני תפוחי אדמה Sineglazka

The potato variety Sineglazka belongs to mid-season varieties. Tubers begin to form early.

It is grown mainly in home gardens. On an industrial scale not received. In terms of simplicity in care and taste, it competes with hybrid varieties of the newest selection.

Sineglazka has been known for a long time by , gardeners with experience have preferred this variety, periodically updating seed. I remember that our grandmothers still hunted for this variety and sought to dissolve the culture in their own garden.

Description of

  • The peel has a light bluish tint. The eyes are dark, more even purple, are on the surface, not numerous.
    According to the description, the weight of one tuber varies between 150-200 grams. With one hundred collect up to 500 kg of potatoes.

    Shrubs Sineglazki very strong , a lot of green mass is formed, stalks are strong. The root system is developed perfectly. The flowers are light blue in color and the leaves are dark green.


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    The blue-eyed bird has a very long growing season , which makes it possible to harvest for a long time. Tubers grow the same, even, regular shape.

    Requires periodic renewal of seed( once every 4-5 years).Otherwise, it begins to undergo diseases, degenerate, the crop becomes small and loses its presentation.

    For most common diseases, potatoes are resistant. This is primarily scab, nematode, potato cancer, various viruses.

    When digging up, it is almost not damaged, grows in a heap, does not “creep away” beyond the limits of the well .Because of the problems with the preservation of the crop is not suitable for industrial cultivation.

    The variety is not suitable for industrial cultivation, requires periodic renewal of the seed material

    . Pros and cons of potatoes

    Valued for its incredible taste characteristics and yield .The pulp in the cut is white, has in its composition 15% starch.

    Contains many B vitamins, proteins and mineral salts necessary for the body.

    Of the drawbacks, the relatively low keeping quality and demands on storage conditions are highlighted. Sineglazka is not very resistant to phytophthora, rot and scab, requires additional protection and treatments.

    The seed renewal is also problematic: it takes a long time, it requires hassle and physical costs. Not everyone is ready to do this procedure.

    Ideal for an Appetizing Mashed Potato - Sineglazka:

    Reviews Despite these shortcomings, the variety gains positive feedback from gardeners, who manage to preserve the harvest until spring.

    Tastes The blue eyed eyes are simply excellent, it is excellently boiled soft, suitable for baking. As the cooks note, the potatoes are crumbly, do not require long cooking, and are characterized by a gentle, but at the same time, rich taste.

    According to gardeners, is currently very difficult to get seed .

    This is due to the fact that now the market is mainly represented by the newest hybrids, which demonstrate the best parameters, regardless of unsightly taste.

    You can get a Sineglazka except from your gardening colleagues for an exchange.

    It has excellent taste, but currently it is very difficult to get seed

    . Cultivation

    In determining the timing of planting, it is necessary to take into account the particular climatic zone. As a rule, seed is sent to the ground in the last decade of April .

    If you want to get the harvest as early as possible, then plant under the film shelter.

    To avoid further problems, sprouts before planting, and then carry out preventive treatment for diseases and pests.

    For planting it is recommended to choose loose loamy soils, as well as sandy loams. Pre-autumn in this place is better to make organic fertilizer in the form of manure, compost or ash.

    They also use mineral and phosphate fertilizers, but this is also done in the fall.

    When planting an , the recommended width of the beds is a little over half a meter of .Due to this, the opportunity to freely penetrate the sun's rays and facilitates further care of the culture.

    The holes are placed 35-40 centimeters apart from each other , and the depth reaches 10-12 centimeters. As a rule, 50-60 grams of ash is poured into each of them.

    Planting Sineglazka is best in loose, loamy, loamy-sandy soils at the end of April.


    care rules. Sineglazka does not like water stagnation, this fact is taken into account when organizing irrigation. As soon as the sprouts that appear on the surface reach a size of 5-7 centimeters, the culture should be mined and weeds removed.

    At the same time, the first dressing consisting of nitrogen fertilizers is also carried out. It is useful to use urea or a solution of bird droppings in the ratio of 1:15.

    After feeding, it is advisable to water the potatoes. However, if the weather is rainy, this measure will be superfluous.

    Watering a Sineglazka costs 3-4 times over the entire growth period of .However, these indicators can be adjusted depending on the general condition of the bushes.

    The first time they irrigate immediately after emergence, then during the flowering period and immediately after it ends.

    Do not allow overmoistening of the soil and excess fertilizer! This will significantly reduce the yield, and in the worst case, can destroy it!

    In the process of growth, weeds are periodically removed from the beds and are processed against the harmful insects ( the most common is the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm).

    Periodic inspection of plantings and measures taken to eliminate negative factors will help to get a bountiful harvest.

    Watering a Sineglazka costs 3-4 times over the entire growth period, fed with nitrogen fertilizers

    When to dig out and how to store

    has a very long vegetation period, and can last from July to late September. It can depend on the time of landing, and on weather conditions.

    You can start using the potato harvest from mid-July, but for long-term storage it is better to dig it in late August - early September.

    Harvesting should be in sunny warm weather .You can navigate the long-term weather forecast. If he foreshadows bad weather, then you can somewhat move the collection time. Otherwise, storage times will drop dramatically.

    Do not fold the tubers into baskets or storage boxes immediately after digging out! Potatoes must be well ventilated and dry!

    After airing, the crop should be sorted out, taking away the tubers with defects from it. Also, many gardeners sort the potatoes depending on the size, while selecting future seed.

    It is better to store Sineglazka indoors with a constant temperature of air and low humidity. Thus, you will be able to save the harvest until spring.

    For long-term storage, it is better to dig up potatoes in late August - early September.

    Unsurpassed palatability blueglaze forces gardeners to pay attention to the undeservedly forgotten variety again and again. In addition, it is very unpretentious, and responds to good care with excellent harvest.

    The appearance of the tubers is also very attractive and unusual, which is very important for fans of something original and non-standard.

היתרונות והנזקים של תפוחי אדמה לגוף, המוצא

היתרונות והנזקים של תפוחי אדמה לגוף, המוצאתפוחי אדמה

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