8 patarimai, kaip pasirinkti plytelių mozaiką virtuvei ir vonios kambariui: mozaikų tipai, klojimas


  1. №1.The shape and size of the mosaic elements
  2. №2.Advantages and disadvantages of
  3. №3.Where to use the mosaic?
  4. №4.Mosaic types by material of manufacture
  • Ceramic mosaic
  • Glass mosaic
  • Smalt mosaic
  • Stone mosaic
  • Metal mosaic
  • Wooden mosaic
  • №5.Kinds of a mosaic as a basis
  • No. 6.What else to consider when choosing a mosaic?
  • №7.The process of laying tile mosaic
  • №8.Mosaic tiles, or pseudo-mosaic
  • The most ancient mosaic finds date back to the 5th century BC.Thousands of years have passed, and this type of decoration is still popular. Mosaics adorn the bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms, it is used to create unique patterns on the walls and floor. Having come to the store, you can find such a huge assortment of mosaic tiles that your head will spin. How to choose a tile mosaic for the kitchen and bathroom, and not get lost at the same time? What types of mosaic on the market, is it possible to make installation by hand? We will deal with all questions.

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    №1.The shape and size of the

    mosaic elements. The individual elements that make up the mosaic panel are small, so it is easy for them to make curved surfaces and lay out pictures with .The mosaic element can be in size from 1 * 1 cm to 5 * 5 cm , although is considered to be classic size 2 * 2 cm. Usually small elements are assembled into matrices of 30 * 30 cm and are connected with paper or plastic mesh, which significantlysimplifies work with the material.

    Mosaic can not only have square , but it is the most popular format for its execution. There are also rectangular, round, oval, diamond-shaped and other elements.

    As for shades, their range is more than wide. If we take into account that the mosaic is made of various materials, then you can choose any color and texture. It remains only to turn on the fantasy and come up with which part of the wall or floor to mosaic, and which drawing can be laid out with its help.

    # 2.Advantages and disadvantages of

    Mosaic tiles have a number of advantages :

    • excellent appearance. With the help of mosaic panels, you can decorate any room, and designers agree that such decoration even visually expands the space;
    • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
    • resistance to various types of detergents;
    • resistance to sunlight, the preservation of the original color over the years.

    The only negative is the high price of .If you want to get the effect of a mosaic panel, but do not go broke for repairs, you can take ceramic tiles for mosaics: there are some very good products on the market that are well disguised as a real mosaic.

    №3.Where to use the mosaic?

    Excellent performance makes it possible to use the mosaic in the bathroom and in the kitchen , rooms where humidity is often high.

    Variants of using mosaic elements in a bathroom mass:

    • tiling a wall and a floor at the location of a shower stall or bath;
    • can be saved and the mosaic used with ordinary ceramic tiles. The result is an interesting decor at minimum cost;
    • on one of the walls you can lay out a whole picture or ornament from a mosaic. It can be some kind of landscape, geometric abstraction or just a multi-colored panel;
    • mosaic can be laid out built-in shelves and add lighting;The
    • bathroom screen can also be tiled with mosaic, but its color must be matched to the color of the floor and walls. By the way, the most daring spread mosaic and the inner surface of the bathroom;
    • can decorate the area near the mirror or washbasin.

    In the kitchen, mosaic tiles usually lay out an apron. It can be either a monochrome finish or a beautiful pattern that will set the mood for the kitchen. However, the work area is not the only place where you can use a similar lining. Mosaics can decorate the floor in the kitchen and the wall near the dining table. A great option is to lay out a mosaic tabletop work area or a dining table.

    Mosaic panels can be used in other rooms. In the hallway of the , for example, it can lay out an area near the entrance door or a mirror, in the living room - to allocate an area with a sofa or TV.Mosaics can decorate niches, columns and other architectural elements, as well as decorate a fireplace. In the bedroom in this way you can arrange the head of the bed.

    If you choose the right pattern, then you can achieve a visual increase in space. Well in this plan landscapes with perspective work( by analogy with photo wallpapers), abstract curves and light shades. Vertical pattern visually lifts low ceilings.

    №4.Kinds of a mosaic on material of production

    Ceramic mosaic

    Ceramic mosaic - the most popular and most versatile option. This is actually the same familiar to us ceramic tile, only a smaller size, so all the operational features of this mosaic will be identical to the tile. The surface of the material can be glazed ( the easiest option), rough, interspersed with other colors, divorces, small cracks ( craquelure), etc.

    The main advantages of ceramic mosaic include:

    • elegant variety of colors and textures, so making any design idea into reality is not a problem;
    • resistance to moisture, temperature changes, detergents, wear, ease of care;
    • high strength, fire resistance and durability.

    Ceramic mosaic goes well with tile, can be used with it to focus on specific areas. The shape of the individual elements can be any, but mostly square tiles are found.

    Glass mosaic

    Glass mosaic is not far behind in popularity. It appeared before the rest of the species and is considered one of the most ancient ways of finishing .Once, only the most powerful and wealthy people could afford such decor. Today, such a finish, although not considered the cheapest, is still much more affordable.

    Glass mosaic in composition is identical to ordinary glass, but at times stronger than him. They make material based on quartz sand, feldspar and metal oxides, which are responsible for color. All components are fused at 14000С and higher, and then stamped at high temperatures. Durability is achieved by burning glass, poured into shapes, as well as due to the small size of the elements.

    Main advantages:

    • excellent appearance and a wide variety of shapes and colors. Elements can be transparent, matte, translucent, glossy , and beautiful colors are achieved by adding natural dyes. In addition to standard square, you can find elements of round, diamond-shaped and other forms;
    • hygienic and inert to bacteria and microorganisms - mold on this material definitely does not appear;
    • resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity, so that glass mosaic is suitable for the bathroom and kitchen;
    • is easy to clean, but rubbing the material with detergents with abrasive particles is not worth it - scratches can occur;
    • high strength. Despite the fact that according to this indicator glass mosaic is somewhat inferior to ceramic, it can still be used to finish the floor. However, in this case it is better to take the material with with the maximum slip resistance , the additional anti-slip effect will be created by rough grouting joints;
    • heat resistance;
    • frost resistance, so the material is suitable for facing outdoor pools;
    • among all types of mosaic glass is the cheapest.

    For mounting a transparent and translucent mosaic it is better to take only white glue. The material can be used in bathrooms and in the kitchen, for decoration of pools, fountains, fireplaces, as well as for decorating walls, floors and ceilings in residential premises.

    Smalt mosaic

    Smalt mosaic is obtained by pressing and sintering colored glass particles with the addition of dyes. The result is a densely colored opaque material with with the unique properties of :

    • increased strength, frost resistance and abrasive resistance compared to conventional glass mosaic. The material can be safely used for finishing places with maximum load;
    • resistance to moisture, high and low temperatures, aggressive substances;
    • unique appearance. Despite the fact that the elements of such a mosaic are opaque, they seem to emit light from the inside. Manufacturers have learned to make smalts in ten thousand different shades, but individual elements always differ slightly in tonality, which, when decorating large mosaic panels, produces amazing decorative effects. Available in different shapes.

    The main disadvantage is the high price. Since the production technology of smalt is more complicated than that of a conventional glass mosaic, the final cost is higher.

    By the way, it is the smalt mosaic that is used by professional mosaics to create a decorative panel. The whole sheet of smalt is divided into elements of the required shape and size with small squared stone. This process is traumatic, therefore it should be performed only by professionals.

    Stone mosaic

    Stone mosaic is obtained from different species, usually using jasper, slate, tuff, marble, granite, travertine, malachite, lapis lazuli, tuff, amethyst and others. Natural material is processed and eventually mosaic elements of various shapes are obtained. Tiles can be sanded, polished, artificially aged .The natural shades of the stone are unique, therefore the finish is unique.

    Mosaic of stone repeats all the properties of a natural material: it is resistant to moisture, fire and temperature changes, it is strong and durable. The material can be used for lining floors and walls, fireplaces, facades, as well as arranging garden paths, decorating worktops, and emphasizing various decorative elements( mirrors, bar counters, window sills).

    A special honor is a mosaic made of marble , but it is also very expensive. The mosaic from the pebbles shows itself well, while the pebbles can be assembled on the riverbank for free on the river bank and lined with individual elements in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

    Metal mosaic

    We note right away, this is an option for an amateur. Metal mosaic appeared relatively recently, it is mainly made of steel and brass. Metal elements are mounted on the basis of rubber or rubber, which retains the necessary flexibility. The shape of elements can be absolutely any: from triangles and hexagons to irregular geometric shapes. The surface can be polished or matte, have a notch. This finish is used in high-tech and loft interiors.

    material requires special care, as it is afraid of some chemicals and will not tolerate the effects of abrasive particles, therefore, it is not recommended to use metal mosaic for an apron in the kitchen. However, some manufacturers produce special collections of mosaic made of stainless steel for use in bathrooms.

    Special chic - mosaic made of precious metals .If we are talking about gold, then a thin foil of sample 585 is placed between two layers of transparent glass. Naturally, this finish is very expensive and is considered exclusive.

    Wooden mosaic

    One more novelty of the modern market of finishing materials. Mosaic elements are made of precious wood, they can have any shape, and the decorative effect is achieved by a combination of tiles of different shades and textures. Such material, like all wood, is afraid of moisture, fire, pests and requires specific care.

    No. 5.Kinds of mosaic type basics

    A mosaic of such main species is on sale:

    • on a mesh basis .The required number of elements in the required order is attached to the grid. Formed squares, which are mounted on the wall. Similarly, curved surfaces can be easily finished, and during installation, the distance between the elements can be adjusted;
    • on paper .The paper is attached to the face of the tiles and securely holds them in the required order. After laying and drying the glue, the paper is moistened with warm water and easily removed;
    • without base, or mosaic in bulk .It is quite rare, it is used only by professional craftsmen to create beautiful panels of high complexity.

    №6.What else to consider when choosing a mosaic?

    When choosing mosaics for bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms, also pay attention to the following factors:

    • grade .A mosaic of the first grade will be more durable and durable; it is indicated in red in the international marking. The second grade is indicated in blue, it is cheaper, but its strength is quite good. The third grade is labeled in green;
    • for the floor is necessary to take more than wear-resistant mosaic , which is indicated in the marking pattern of the foot. Also, the material must be durable and non-slip;
    • resistance to aggressive environments is marked on the packaging with a flask pattern;
    • The amount of material is calculated based on the surface area that needs to be decorated. It is better to take the material with a margin of 10-15%;
    • color is selected based on your own preferences and features of the interior design.

    №7.The process of laying tile mosaic

    Installation of mosaic tiles is not much more complicated than conventional ceramic tiles. With all the work you can handle yourself, and procedure is as follows:

    • surface preparation .It is important to level the walls and floor, if necessary, primed so that the tile glue does not absorb much into the surface;
    • training tools .For the installation of most types of mosaic gray tile glue is suitable, only depending on the operating conditions it is necessary to take moisture-proof / cold-resistant / fungicidal glue. For laying transparent glass mosaic it is better to take white glue - so aesthetics will be higher. Trowel comb taken with teeth 3-4 mm high;
    • marking of the wall or floor .Previously, all elements can be expanded on the floor in the required order, measure the parameters of the resulting panel and transfer the markings to the surface where the laying will be carried out;
    • applying glue on the first section and laying the mosaic. Immediately apply glue to the entire wall / floor - it dries quickly. Laying the elements, control the evenness of the rows, and press the mosaic into the glue, trying to prevent it from falling onto the front side of the elements;
    • after everything is dry( it’s better to allow it to dry for 48 hours), you can remove the paper, after wetting it. Start to draw better from the upper corners;
    • grouting .Today, epoxy-based grouting is commonly used, but cement is also acceptable. The grout is matched to the color of the tile or a contrasting shade. It is applied with a rubber spatula, first in one direction, then in another. After she grabs, the remains from the tile can be removed with a damp sponge;
    • polished mosaic felt.

    No. 8.Mosaic tile, or pseudo-mosaic

    Mosaic with a lot of advantages has only one drawback - the high price. If the cost of the material is the only problem that stops you, then you can cheat and buy a tile for a mosaic. With the right choice of appearance, it will not be anything different from a real mosaic, but there are also limitations - you can use pseudo-mosaic only on flat surfaces.

    A mosaic tile is a common ceramic tile with an appropriate pattern. For plausibility, the trowel joints are simulated, on the performance of which the final result depends. can be divided into three types depending on the imitation of the seams:

    • tiles without cuts on the surface, where the relief is achieved through a glaze stamp. After installation, the boundaries of the individual large slabs will be clearly visible, and the imitation of the mosaic is not achieved;
    • is an textured tile, where only convex elements are covered with glaze, and the boundaries between them in production are treated with a substance that mimics the grout. The option is better, but you have to select the grout exactly in the color of that used by the tile manufacturer, otherwise the seams will be clearly visible;
    • tile with slots is the best option. At the factory, on a large tile, a mass of grooves is made, which are simulated seams between mosaic elements. After installing the tiles, these seams are rubbed together with the seams between the solid elements, and as a result, a very accurate imitation of the mosaic panel is achieved.

    Mosaic is a universal decor that fits perfectly into any interior style and any room, and the widest range of solutions allows you to choose an option for any budget.

    Tags: Ceramic Tiles
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