Kokia geresnė skalbimo mašinų klasė

When choosing a washing machine, the user looks not only at the number of functions, but also at the energy efficiency class. It is important that the equipment qualitatively erased and at the same time consumed the minimum amount of energy. In this article we will explain how to determine how much energy a washing machine spends.

Material content:

  • 1 What classes are needed for and how to define them
    • 1.1 How energy use classification emerged
  • 2 What can affect

energy performance figures What are the classes needed for and how can they be determined

The power of any device can be determined by the number of specified watts. But the simple user can be difficult to navigate in numbers. Therefore, manufacturers have simplified the task by creating electricity consumption classes. Given the amount of energy consumed, the washing machine is indicated by a Latin letter. The energy consumption table below shows the class, as well as how much the car will consume energy per hour when loading one kilogram of things.

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Meaning AGR with Energy Class A ++ is the most economical among all machines today. The machine will use only 0.15 kW / h for washing 1 kg of linen.
A + is considered less economical. If you choose this washing machine, it will process a kilogram of laundry, consuming less than 0.17 kW / h.
Machines with marking class A . In this case, slightly more resources are consumed - 0.17-0.19 kW per hour per kilogram of things.
Energy Class In . Consumption of such CM is from 0.19 to 0.23 kW per hour.
Energy Efficiency Class With . For processing one kilogram of linen per hour, 0.23-0.27 kW will be required.
Washer with energy class D . Energy consumption will be 0.27-0.31 kW / h.
Washers marked E . Normal consumption will be 0.31-0.35 kW per hour.
Class F . When washing a kilogram of things, 0.35-0.39 kW per hour will be used.
The most "wasteful" machine with class G . Consumption will be more than 0.39 kW per hour.

Important to know! Testing to determine the classes of energy saving, conducted in special conditions. Indications may increase depending on the selected mode.

As the classification of energy consumption appeared,

Twenty years ago, buyers began to pay attention to how economical a machine was at work, and not just to a set of functional qualities. Even then, the machines began to indicate information about energy efficiency. However, indications differed in different countries. Therefore, in 1992, officially in the EU, a single classification was created with Latin letters. Now it is used all over the world, marking the case of a washing machine with special stickers.

What can affect the power consumption indicators

  1. Mode selection. A program with a long wash cycle and a high water temperature can increase the cost of electricity.
  2. Overload. The calculations in the table are based on one kilogram of linen. Due to the large load consumption increases. This also applies to the type of fabric that, when wetted, may become heavier than the established norm.
  3. Care and durability. Over time, scale builds up on the heater, which does not allow the heating elements to release heat normally. As a result, increased electricity consumption. Care of the heating element will help to avoid costs and breakage in the future.

These factors influence energy consumption. Accurately calculate the costs yourself you will not succeed. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the labeling of the washing machine. Video on the topic will help you:

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