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pears To help growers who are planning to bookmark young garden or planting a fewseedlings, below is a selection of material about the varieties of pears, a brief information with the name and description, as well as a photo of the fruit.

Permachka Pear

This breeding hybrid of three varieties( Theme, Elena and Cosmic) refers to the summer type of pears. Sapling quickly grows to a decent size, forming a crown in the form of a pyramid, and begins to bear fruit in the third year. The harvest can be removed at the end of August, the weight of the fruit is 160 g, and with proper care it reaches 300 g. The pulp of the pear is very juicy and sweet, without sourness.

As a pollinator should be planted to Permyachka grade Severyanka.

Features of the Permyachka pear variety:

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  • rapid growth and high yield( requires installation of a support for the branches);
  • large sweet fruit.

Despite the advantages, the variety should not be grown in the northern regions, because for this climate its winter hardiness is average. In addition, fruits are stored for no more than 10 days, and in rainy summer they are prone to gray rot.

Pear Klapp's Favorite

The variety obtained as a result of breeding from the seeds of pear Forest Beauty, is recognized as one of the best among the summer varieties. Young seedlings grow rapidly, forming a crown in the shape of a pyramid. An adult tree does not exceed 4 m in height, the crown becomes sparse, and the branches - hanging down.

not fruiting soon, only with 7 years of planting. The fruits ripen at the end of July, while on the young tree they are very large( up to 250 g), while in the adult pear it is two times less. The flesh tastes a little bit sour, but juicy and tender, with a spicy aroma.

Klapp's favorite pear is self-fruitless, so for a bountiful harvest, Panna, Bere Boeke, Saint Germain are planted nearby.

The advantages of the variety include:

  1. Abundant fruiting.
  2. Resistance to drought and frost.
  3. Large fruit.
  4. No specific soil requirements.
Read also: Ziegalov memory skoroplodny grade of pears in memory

The shortcomings of pear Klapp's favorite include:

  • short shelf life( 2 weeks);
  • low scab tolerance threshold;
  • shedding of ripe fruits remaining on the branches.

Variety Allegro

Variety bred as a result of free pollination of the Autumn Yakovlev pear. The seedling quickly grows and forms a crown, slightly drooping. The height of an adult tree is medium. Fruits in 5 years, pears ripen in early August. Fruit weight does not exceed 150 g, the flesh is soft and juicy, “honey”, without a tart note and sourness.

Since the variety is self-productive, it is necessary to plant it along with pears Chizhevskaya or August dew.

The positive qualities of the Allegro variety are:

  1. High yield.
  2. Sweet fruits.
  3. Uneven ripening of fruits( you can use them gradually).
  4. Resilience to extreme changes in climate and frost.
  5. High resistance to scab disease.

Of the shortcomings can be identified very short storage period - not more than a week.

Russian Beauty Pear

Variety obtained as a result of breeding pears Bere Ardanpon and Daughter Blankova. The second name Beauty Chernenko pear received in honor of the scientist who created it. The autumn variety grown in the southern regions differs from others in a peculiar crown - the shoots are directed strictly upwards in the shape of a pyramid. The harvest gives only from 6 years of life, but the fruits are large( up to 300 g), elongated. They ripen in early autumn, have a very tender flesh, juicy, with a little sourness. At the same time, the color of the fruit remains green, and turns yellow with time. Shelf life - no more than 1.5 months.

The advantages of the Russian Beauty pear are the high yield and large size of the fruit.

For pollination next to the Russian beauty, it is recommended to grow varieties with medium flowering periods, for example, Lyubimitsa Yakovleva.

The variety did not receive much popularity as a result of low resistance to frost. In addition, it is worth noting the following disadvantages:

  1. The need for constant crown formation.
  2. Inconvenience in the implementation of the care and harvest because of the large height of the tree.
  3. With a bountiful harvest it is possible that branches break off as a result of their growth features, under which it is difficult to establish supports.
  4. During a drought, a bitter aftertaste appears in the fruit.
  5. Low resistance to scab, especially in rainy summer.
Read also: Pears for the Moscow Region - varieties that will delight the grower

Pear Trout

The old variety, also called Trout or Trout, tentatively imported from Saxony( not known).The name, description and photo of the pear variety is associated with the iridescent color of the fruit, which changes at different stages of maturation. Pears completely ripen in late September, are small, but very sweet and juicy, with light notes of cinnamon. The krone needs regular thinning so that the sun's rays fall on all the pears and they ripen evenly.

Trout blooms at a faster rate than other varieties, and bees are necessary for pollination. So the fruits will get the same regular shape.

Kidneys that are tied up are advised to thin out - in this case, the size of all the fruits will be the same.

The yield of the variety is good, it bears fruit the second year after planting, but it has a rather whimsical character due to its particular sensitivity to the diseases listed below( especially during flowering):

  • scab;
  • Bacterial Burn;
  • defeat aphids.

Yield storage times are small: at room temperature - no more than 2 weeks. They can be extended to 1 month, if the temperature is reduced to 5 degrees Celsius.

When planting a sapling, it is important to immediately determine a permanent place, as a pear does not tolerate re-transplanting. This variety is rarely grown, mainly by gardeners collecting unique varieties( perhaps because of its vulnerability).

Pear Nick

Winter variety obtained by crossing pears Daughter of the dawn and Talgar beauty. An adult tree of medium height, has a rare round crown, does not grow very quickly. Fruits in 5 years of life, abundant harvest. Fruits ripen in late September, the flesh is juicy, sweet and sour. The average weight of a pear is about 130 g, but there are also large specimens up to 200 g.

Nick's pear is partly self-propelled, varieties of Rogneda, Svetlyanka, Dyushes are suitable as pollinators.

The main advantages of the variety include:

  • large fruit;
  • good yield;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • resistance to diseases such as scab, klyasterosporioz, entomosporioz;
  • long storage( up to 100 days).
Read also: Coloniform pear, peculiarities of care

The lack of Nick pear varieties is manifested by a rapid fall of the foliage and shredding of fruits, if you ignore the pruning.

Belarusian Pear Late

Winter variety, obtained from the seeds of Kind Louise pear. The tree is medium thick( no more than 5 m in height), but with a thick crown in the shape of a ball, with the ends of the branches pointing upwards. Fruits in 3 years of life in September, with the average yield. Fruits do not exceed 120 g in weight, with a rough skin in a brown dot. The flesh is slightly firm, but juicy and slightly oily, with a slight sourness.

Since the variety is partially self-productive, it is recommended to plant it with a pear Oily Loshitskaya.

One of the main advantages of the Belarusian Belarusian pear is the very long shelf life of fruits( up to half a year).In addition, the tree itself tolerates winter fairly well and bears fruit quickly. But if winter is predicted to be harsh, it is better to additionally cover the trunk.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • is moderately resistant to scab disease;
  • thickening of the crown, requiring regular pruning;
  • is a dense pulp structure that not everyone likes;
  • with a large crop, the fruits become small;
  • As a result of the cold rainy summer changing pears become more acidic.

Pear Wonderland

Winter variety, parents of which are Daughter Dawn and Talgar beauty. It has a very convenient to care crown( not more than 3 meters in height) in the shape of a pyramid. Fruits in 6 year of life, the crop is removed in late September. The flesh is sweet and sour, slightly dense, pears are quite large( about 200 g).

Pear Chudesnitsa is one of the most favorite varieties of gardeners due to the following qualities:

  • high yield;
  • excellent winter hardiness;
  • long shelf life of fruits( 150 days);
  • resistance to disease.

The lack of a variety is, perhaps, one: if you do not thin out the crown, the fruits will shrink over time.

The varieties of pears named, described and shown in the photo are only a small part of the varieties of this sweet fruit. However, from this list it is possible to choose the variety, taking into account their own taste needs and climatic conditions of cultivation. Good luck with your choice and good harvest!

Video about varieties of pears

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