Tinkamas auginimas ant balkono agurkų lango f1

For the manifestation of gardening skills do not necessarily go out of town to the country. You can plant a balcony, but at the same time you can arrange the cultivation of delicious greens on the window. Balcony cucumber, a storehouse of vitamins , at any time at hand. The technology is simple, but it has some features that will be discussed in this article. Consumer ProtectionGarter

  • Priship
  • Watering and fertilizing
  • Gardener reviews of household cucumbers
  • Is the cucumber, balcony and window aperture compatible

    For a long time enterprising owners use bacon and a window at a small vegetable garden. Dill, parsley and other greens come to the table directly from an improvised bed. And to make a salad of freshly picked cucumbers is not a problem at all, it is worth making a little effort and adhere to the recommendations of experts. The key to success is the choice of seed material .You should not choose a super fruitful variety. It is better to give preference to those species that meet the following requirements:

    instagram viewer
    • belongs to the pumpkin crop family;
    • thermophilic;
    • annual plant;
    • moisture resistance( like abundant watering and high humidity).
    Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate
    When growing cucumbers on the balcony, you need to free up the maximum space to create good lighting. Neighborhood with other ornamental cultures should be excluded.

    Description and characteristics of the urban variety Balcony f1

    Cucumbers on the balcony in plastic boxes

    Balcony Hybrid was obtained in 2007 by the breeders of the agricultural firm Manul. The purpose of breeding was to obtain a plant adapted for cultivation at home. The results achieved exceeded expectations - cucumbers grow well in both closed and open ground .And the regions recommended for use are not limited to the middle band, the plant develops well in the northern regions.
    Cucumber balcony f1 is unpretentious. The dimensions of the whip are compact, the branching is average, the internodes are shortened. The variety is self-pollinated. In one sinus formed up to 8 ovaries. The type of flowering is predominantly female. The fruits have an oval-cylindrical shape, the color is saturated green. Mature greens reach a length of 6-8 cm and weighs 75-90 grams. Features of the appearance are short white stripes and weak ribbing. Tastes meet the standards, the taste is slightly sweet without a hint of bitterness.

    Fruits of cucumbers
    The period of fruit ripening is 40-42 days from the moment of germination. For a season from 3-4 bushes remove up to 9-11 kg of cucumbers.

    Basic conditions for growing

    Cultivation in pots

    In order that the efforts made are not wasted, it is recommended to follow the simple rules of growing cucumbers on the balcony.

    • As a container for the ground, wooden boxes or metal pots are more often used. A good alternative are dark plastic containers.
    • Before sowing, seeds are sorted, soaked( in a weak solution, potassium permanganate is kept for 20 minutes) and warmed up( kept in the sun or a battery for several days).
    • To install the pots, choose the sunny side of the window( the southern or southeast orientation is ideal).
    • Do not place other plants next to cucumbers.
    • During the growing season it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime: during the day - above 18 °, at night - from 14 ° C.
    • Avoid drafts in the room with seedlings.
    • Timely irrigate, aerate, administer complementary foods.

    Suitable time for planting

    Carefully sowing seeds

    Planting can begin as early as February .It is also appropriate to do the cultivation of balcony cucumbers in March and April. The terms are determined on the basis of temperature conditions on the loggia or balcony. When at night the thermometer stops dropping below 12-14 ° C, the time has come. For earlier fruits, the hosts use a seedling method. In late January - early February, seeds are sown in paper cups and stored in an apartment. For this, a well-lit room with an air temperature of no more than 18-20 ° C will do. When using utility rooms where there are no large window openings, it is recommended to install a special lamp above the boxes.

    Before sowing, it is necessary to sort the seeds and soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also process the seeds in a growth stimulator.
    Installing special lamps

    Care of the first shoots of

    Before the emergence of shoots, the containers with planted seeds are covered with film or glass. After the greenness appears on the surface of the ground, the coating must be removed. Further care is necessary for the development of young shoots. At this stage, many are faced with the problem of the death of sprouts, so it is important to ensure proper conditions.


    The vegetative process requires good lighting. If the window is in the shade of trees or on the north side, you need to install fluorescent lamps as an additional source.



    Watering is done with settled water at room temperature. Irrigation is needed daily, and when using additional lighting - 2 times a day. Cucumbers, though they belong to moisture-loving plants, must be monitored so that water does not stagnate in cups, otherwise the roots will rot .


    Feed for seedlings is introduced twice: 2 weeks after the emergence of seedlings and another week .A solution of water( 6 l) and urea( a tablespoon) is used as the nutrient fluid. One seedling consumes a glass of fertilizer.

    Transplanting seedlings in boxes

    Transplanting seedlings

    After forming 2-3 leaves on the stem, it is time to transplant seedlings to a permanent place. The capacity for one bush should be 5-8 liters with a hole in the bottom to drain excess water. The bottom is filled up 5-10 cm with a drainage layer( pebbles, expanded clay, crushed stone).A mixture of equal portions is prepared as a substrate:

    • nutritious soil;Peat
    • ;
    • humus;
    • sawdust.
    • before planting seedlings, the soil is fertilized with a liquid composition from:
    • water( 10 l);
    • nitrophosphate( 2 tsp.);
    • Ash( glass);
    • urea( 1 tsp.).
    Carefully place the extracted lump with the soil and seedling root into the prepared well. So you can avoid damage to a weak root system.

    Care for the grade

    Balcony variety is unpretentious, but still needs attention.



    Scourge plants are actively growing, which requires timely garter .Above the capacity with a seedling stretch the wire at a height of about 170 cm. Twine is lowered from it to the pot, wrapped( not tight!) Around the stem several times and raised again to the wire, fixing the connection. This method will protect the plant from damage.


    The cucumber whip is formed into one small stalk .For these purposes, you must periodically remove the mustache. After reaching the wire height of the wire, pinch off the end. Also side shoots are removed, it will give strength to the main stem for development. With the rest of the processes, the pinching is done over the ovary and one sheet is kept, which one - which one you decide is probably the largest.

    Watering and fertilizing

    Irrigation of seedlings is carried out 2-3 times a week. It should also moisten the lash by spraying. Water for irrigation is pre-settled and heated under the sun to a temperature of at least 17 ° C.
    After transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, it is necessary to introduce fertilizers every 10 days. Suitable mineral complex bait or wood resin, an infusion of tea leaves, eggshell.

    Cultivators' reviews of home cucumbers

    Lyudmila, St. Petersburg
    Last season I tried to grow cucumbers on the window, chose Balcony variety. The plant is compact unpretentious, it is a pleasure to look after it. From 5 bushes I took a harvest of 14 kg.

    Antonina, Oryol
    I have been growing cucumbers at the window for 3 seasons. This year for the first time planted Balcony variety. Immediately noted the good germination of seeds, yield. Fruit harvesting is still ongoing, but the total weight has already exceeded 10 kg.

    Ivan Valentinovich, Moscow
    I really liked the type of balcony for home cultivation. All summer we eat salads exclusively from vegetables collected right on the loggias. The biggest record of the harvest was removed last year - 22 kg were collected from 7 bushes.

    Rimma, Saratov region
    My window is located on the south side, so I came up with a shade of thin tulle on the windows from the abundance of the sun. Also installed a humidifier near the window sill. It helped to survive the hot season without loss of harvest.

    Vladimir, Ufa.
    I start sowing seedlings of cucumbers for growing fruits on the balcony in January. At the end of February, I transfer the roots to individual pots. Already in mid-April, he began to shoot the first cucumbers. The Balcony variety is ideal for home cultivation.
    Taking into account the advice of experienced gardeners, and adhering to the principles of technology, a balcony or a window can be beautifully landscaped and take a good harvest of fruits. At the same time, it will be possible to enjoy the taste of summer before the first frosts.

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