Dažādu veidu Kalanko vārdi un fotogrāfijas

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The medicinal plant Kalanchoe brought hundreds of years ago is represented by pinnate and Dergemon. In nature, there are about 200 forms of Kalanchoe. Many of them have taken a worthy place in the dwellings of northern and middle latitudes. New varieties have been developed, natural plants have been cultivated. We show some varieties of Kalanchoe, photos and names of these flowers.

Basic information about Kalanchoe

In order for a plant to flourish under artificial conditions, it is necessary to create conditions close to nature for it. The fact that Kalanchoe is a succulent, a plant with thick, fleshy leaves, speaks of its drought tolerance. A resident of the desert lands, he collects moisture and cherishes it. The juice of this plant more than once saved the Aborigines who found themselves in the desert without water.

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In order for the plant to bloom in culture, it should create the following conditions:

  • The soil is light, with a lot of sand and stone powder, acidic;
  • watering moderate, almost scanty;
  • provide a rest period;
  • to regulate the duration of daylight and temperature conditions;
  • regularly pruned and fed;
  • time to replant.

The plant blooms in the winter for several months, later it gains strength and there comes a period of rest. In order to achieve abundant prolonged flowering, you must comply with the conditions of detention. Those who understood this plant and can persuade it to bloom to any significant date generously share with the subtleties of agricultural technology.

Kalanchoe flowering is both a medicinal plant and an ornamental. Its leaves and stem are used in traditional medicine and traditional. This plant is represented by two species - cirrus and Kalanchoe Dergemon. Species are different in that on the jagged leaves they have babies, miniature plants with ready-made roots. Touching the ground, the baby rooted without difficulty. In another such plants are called viviparous Kalanchoe.

Read also: Why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home

Kalanchoe Rozalin for several months makes for hours to admire the generous flowering. Amateur is left to clean ottsvettshy buds from time to time, making room for new flower stalks. These flowers are propagated by seeds or cuttings. Rooting should be done in wet sand in a mini-greenhouse.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva photo strikes victorious flowering in conditions so far from natural. But the vitality of the plant is so all-conquering that in the closest dishes, on the window in the middle of winter, a miracle blooms. This species of plant has short flower stalks, and the cap of flowers hardly rises above several fleshy leaves. Dwarf plant does not require a lot of space on the windowsill.

Kalanchoe mini mix are small bushes that can create a beautiful carpet with different shades. Plants look amazing on the balcony, windowsill. Particularly unusual composition in one pot of several different color plants.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld is represented by many varieties of different colors. The stems of this plant are smooth, up to 40 cm tall. Leaves have cloves. This species of Kalanchoe blooms six months in the summer months. Rest period from November to February.

Kalanchoe Laciniate differs from its relatives in strongly dissected leaves. They represent fleshy ramifications, resembling the horns of young deer. The same gentle, and saturated with healing juice. Under the weight of the juice, the gentle leaves gradually lean down and the plant can be considered ampelous, using it in wall compositions. The flowers of this species are tubular, located sparsely, but look tender in the composition. In another way, this flower is called Kalanchoe deer horns.

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Kalanchoe dissected is another name for the leciniates. Not all can achieve flowering of this plant. But for his tolerance, for the ability to live near the dry air of room batteries, it is used in compositions on the east window. The flower is unpretentious, but with immoderate watering can rot. It reproduces in addition to the usual methods still by air roots. Cutting the stalk, it can be rooted immediately.

Kalanchoe Rozaflowers is a new hybrid culture, about which little information, but the appearance of the flower makes you stand still from the amazing combination of delicate shades and beauty of the opened bud. The plant is low, while it is a resident of greenhouses, in which this species breeds. Reproduction lead cuttings.

Kalanchoe Beharskoe is a bush with bluish leaves of unusual shape. They may be blue-gray or green with omission. This plant blooms in the midst of summer, throwing a loose whisk of light yellow color. Since the leaves on the trunk fall, then for decoration from time to time the top should be cut and rooted.

Kalanchoe felt grows up to 40 cm in height with very close fleshy felted leaves. This succulent blooms in July, the flowers are white or slightly pink. At the tips of the growing leaves there are brown specks.

How to care for Kalanchoe for long and abundant flowering

After reviewing the collection of flowers, we can conclude that not all Kalanchoe require the same care. Depending on flowering, plants have a different dormancy period, which means you need to study the type of flower you have acquired in order to achieve maximum beauty.

Kalanchoe disappeared and began dropping leaves. It is necessary to feed the plant with flower fertilizer. He lacks nutrition.

The general rules for all Kalanchoe are:

  • creating a short day in bright light during the rest period;
  • selection of illuminated place of residence;
  • before budding to feed phosphate fertilizers;
  • apply cacti fertilizers monthly.
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But it is already clear that the flowering period is preceded by a period of rest. And at the beginning of this period, the plant is formed, multiplied, fed. The main thing, while maintaining the desired light day. Therefore, acquiring Kalanchoe, you need to know its type and appearance, find information about the care. Only then can a flowering plant be obtained.

Plant rooting is easy. If the reproduction is carried out by seeds, then the seed bowl is covered with a film, but is ventilated daily. Shoots appear in a month.

Brighten the leaves, the depressed look of the plant. For watering used hard water. It is necessary to defend or apply snow and rainwater. Hardness salts are harmful to the plant.

One of the reasons for the lack of flowering can be insects that inhabit the plant. A formidable pest for succulents is the shield. It is invisible until it forms a large colony. Insect pest control is carried out with the use of insecticides. The use of leaves for medicinal purposes can not be kept until the juice is free from poison.

With excessive watering, with excessive cooling, or in warm, moist earth, mold and fungal diseases can develop. The treatment is carried out with the use of fungicides. It is best to transplant the plant in a fresh substrate.

Video about different colors of Kalanchoe

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