Wady pralki Electrolux

Error codes Typical problems DIY repair
The complexity of repairing

Electrolux washing machines are popular with buyers. Modern models have a wide functionality and convenient control, but at the same time they are in an affordable price segment.

Unfortunately, the technique is not eternal. When a problem occurs, you have a choice: either contact the service center, or try to repair the Electrolux washing machine with your own hands.

heating the water in the machine Electrolux

  • 1.6 The rinsing mode does not turn on
  • 1.7 Turning on the CM Electrolux leads to knocking out of the plugs
  • 1.8 Spin does not work
  • 1.9 Door Electrolux
  • 3 Failure Detection SystemElectrolux
  • Typical malfunctions of CMA Electrolux

    To determine the malfunction is not always necessary disassembly of the washing machine Electrolux, it is enough to pay attention to the behavior of the CM during the workay.

    Let us understand the causes of breakdowns that are inherent in Electrolux Intuition washers, Electrolux Inspire and other models.

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    SMA does not turn on

    You decided to start the wash, but the machine does not turn on? Do not panic. Let's understand the reasons:

    • Perhaps there is no voltage in the network, or it is not enough to start the AGR.How to check it? It is enough to connect any household appliance to the outlet. If the device works, then it’s not the case. If not, then you can call an electrician or wait for the supply of electricity.
    • Power cord defect. Carefully inspect the cable and plug for damage. If any, replace the cord.
    • Check the hatch door. It may not have closed before the click, so the process does not start.
    • Start button contacts are oxidized. To check you have to remove the control panel and do the repair yourself.
    • Problems with the main module. Breaking the control board is a serious matter. Sometimes you may need a professional master.

    Problems with the supply and discharge of water in the machine Electrolux

    It happens that the Electrolux washer does not flood or drain. What are the reasons why this happens:

    • Low water pressure. Badly open inlet valve.
    • The water intake hose is bent over. Need to inspect it and restore work.
    • Could refuse to operate the inlet valve, which is responsible for the flow of water into the system.
    • A mesh filter is installed in front of the inlet valve, which protects against the penetration of small particles from the aqueduct. It is necessary to clean it. This can be done under the pressure of water.
    • Out of service washer pump. In this case, the water will not merge.
    • Blocked drain connection. Water does not go away due to blockage. It is necessary to clear the drain system.

    No powder intake

    After the powder is poured into the dosing tray, the machine sends a stream of water through a special valve. Together with the water goes and detergent. Over time, the SM may stop picking up the powder.

    What caused the Electrolux washing machine to fail?

    The most common cause of a problem is a clogged dispenser. To remove it, just remove the tray and rinse it under the tap.

    If everything is OK with the tray, the inlet valve is likely to wear. Then he needs to be replaced.

    Washing in the Electrolux typewriter does not start, the drum does not spin

    With such a problem, you can try to fix the problem yourself.

    To do this, open the hatch of the Electrolux washing machine and take out half of the laundry. Thus reducing the load, try again to start the CM.If there is no result, then:

    • Probably, there was a malfunction with the engine of the machine. Could wear or loosen the drive belt, or worn out electrical brushes. It happens that the engine burns due to a short circuit.
    • Breaking of the main board elements can lead to failure of any part of the washer. Additionally, you can check the wiring between the module and the motor.

    There is no water heating in the Electrolux

    machine. How to determine that your AGR does not heat water? After starting the wash wait 15-20 minutes. Then put your palm to the glass of the hatch. A warm surface is heating. And if the wash takes place in cold water, the reason for this is the failure of the heating element.

    A thermostat or voltage regulator could also fail.

    Does not turn on rinsing mode

    Washer An electrolus with a vertical( frontal) load did the washing as usual, but does not go into rinsing mode? Most likely, the heating element( TEH) broke. Since the water does not reach the desired temperature, rinsing does not start.

    The control module could be the cause of such a breakdown. If there was a system failure, it is enough to restart the CM for 15-20 minutes. If this happens all the time, you will have to replace the module.

    Turning on CM Electrolux leads to knocking out stoppers

    When turning on the washer, knocked out the automatic box? So, there are problems in the electrical network. Never re-turn on the Electrolux machine. It is better to call an electrician to find out what the problem is.

    Because of what a short circuit may occur:

    • Breakdown on the heater body.
    • Oxidation contacts start button.
    • Fault electronic board.
    • Moisture to the electric motor, which causes a short circuit.

    Spin does not work

    For what reason does Electrolux washing machine not spin clothes?

    • The tachogenerator that controls the engine speed is out of order.
    • Motor malfunction.
    • The pump broke, causing the water not to drain.
    • Motor malfunction, or wear of its brushes.
    • Failure of the pressure sensor also leads to a similar malfunction. Since the water level in the tank is not determined, the machine can not switch to another mode.

    Electrolux hatch door does not close

    Subsequently, the Electrolux washing machine does not start work.

    • Check the door handle and lock for proper operation.
    • Check UBL device( electronic lock).

    Fault codes Electrolux

    Self-diagnosis system allows the user to determine the cause of the malfunction. When the fault code is displayed on the board, you need to know its value. Then troubleshooting will be quick.

    Consider the main Electrolux error codes:

    Error code Code value
    E11 There is no water.
    E13 There is a water leak.
    E21 Water drain error.
    E23 / E24 Problems with the triac board, which is responsible for the operation of the pump.
    E31 / E32 Breakdown of the pressure switch.
    E33 TEN does not work.
    E35 Overflow of water. Excess normal level.
    E36 The protective sensor of the heater has failed.
    E38 There were problems with the pressure switch.
    E39 Overflow sensor defective.
    E41 / E45 Mechanical lock broken, UBL, door handle.
    E51 / E54 Problems with the control module.
    E55 The CM motor or its wiring is defective.
    E56 Breakdown of the tachogenerator.
    E57 The voltage in the circuit exceeds acceptable limits.
    E58 / E59 Error in the motor.
    E5A / E5E Control Module Error.
    E61 / E62 Water heats up too much.
    E66 Problems in the TENA.
    E71 Thermostat problems.
    E72 / E73 Failure of the drying temperature sensor. KZ
    E74 Thermistor is incorrectly located.
    E82 / E84 Main module fault.
    E85 Pump problem.
    E91 No communication with the control module. Breaking wiring.
    E92 / E99 Error in the operation of the control board.
    EA1 / EA6 DSP failed. Worn drive belt.
    EB1 / EB3 Wiring problems. Incorrect voltage.
    EF1 The water did not merge at the end of the timeout.
    EF2 Too much foam.
    EF3 Problems with the operation of the pump.
    EF4 The flow sensor does not give a signal.
    EF5 Drum Overload. Stop CM.
    EN1 Power outage. Problems with the electronic board.
    EN3 Insufficient line voltage.
    ENE The protective relay circuit has broken.
    ENF Circuit Relay is not recognized.

    Repair of the Electrolux machine do-it-yourself

    Having examined the faults of the Electrolux washing machines, we will analyze and eliminate them.

    Problems with the inclusion of

    In order to solve the problems of knocking out traffic jams and the lack of connection, you need to repair it yourself. If you decide to check the start button contacts, do the following:

    1. Disconnect the Electrolux washing machine from the network.
    2. Remove the top panel by unscrewing the rear mounting screws.
    3. Remove the dispenser tray by pressing the lock in the middle. At the same time, check the tray for clogging and rinse under the tap.
    4. Behind the tray there are fixing screws that need to be unscrewed.
    5. Unclip and remove the control panel.
    6. To the contacts of the button, connect the multimeter probes. Measure resistance.
    7. If the contacts are damaged, they will have to be soldered, and then set the panel in place.

    Also check the surge protector. Additionally, remove the back panel by unscrewing the fixing bolts. Inspect the wires and the filter itself for damage. Some contacts may have burned out.

    If there is no obvious damage, disconnect the filter contacts and test them with a multimeter.

    . How to replace a faulty filter, see the video:

    Problems with water intake and drainageHow to clean the system yourself:
    1. Disconnect the MCA from the network.
    2. Shut off the water supply.
    3. A hose is connected to the rear panel of the washer.
    4. Unscrew its nut, pre-substituting a water tank that can spill out of the hose.
    5. Then disconnect the other end of the hose connected to the faucet.
    6. Examine it for clogging, rinse with water.
    7. A filter is located at the junction of the hose with the machine. It is a fine mesh.
    8. Remove the filter and also clean it from clogging.

    The device of the Electrolux washing machine is such that a drain nipple is provided for the normal discharge of water. If you have problems with the drain, you need to inspect and clean the nozzle. A small do-it-yourself repair, or rather a cleaning:

    • Disconnect the machine from the network and communications.
    • Lay it on its side to get to the nozzle through the bottom.
    • Unclip the hose clamp from the tank to the pump.
    • Loosen the bolt holding the hose clamp on the tank. Unplug it.
    • Unscrew the pressure tapping chamber.
    • Now unplug the last clip and remove the nipple.

    Check it for clogging. Clean if necessary.

    Also need to check the drain pump, the breakdown of which can lead to a problem with the drain and with spinning. For details, see the video:

    . The drum does not rotate.

    . Repair of the Electrolux washing machine with vertical or front loading, is possible with your own hands. To do this, check the drive belt of the engine.

    It could loosen and slip off - then you have to put it back in place, and it could wear out - then a replacement is necessary. This simple repair can be done by hand:

    1. After you have disconnected the SMA and removed the back panel, you will see a belt in place or not.
    2. To install the belt, slide it onto the engine pulley.
    3. Then distribute over the drum pulley.
    4. Gently rotate the pulley, distributing the belt.
    5. Reinstall the cover and fasten the bolts.

    The cause of this fault may be the engine itself. How to check its performance, look at the video:

    Breakdown of the heater

    If the Electrolux washing machine does not heat the water or does not start rinsing, the heating element probably broke. How to replace:

    1. Disconnect the machine from the network and remove the back cover.
    2. Below you will see the outlets of the heating element.
    3. Disconnect all wires.
    4. Unscrew the central nut.
    5. Push the bolt inwards and, gently hooking the heater with a screwdriver, remove it.
    6. Installing a new item is performed in the reverse order.

    For information on how to check the heater for serviceability, described in detail in the video:

    The problem of the hatch door in the washer

    We have already written above why the door may not close.

    Immediately check the tightness of the closure by pressing the door with your hand. Then inspect the handle and the mechanical lock for good condition.

    An electronic lock could also fail. The video shows how to replace the UBL with your own hands:

    This is a sign that bearings are failing. Not everyone can change them, because you need to disassemble the Electrolux washing machine completely.

    Video to help you:

    Now you know how you can repair your washing machine yourself. It remains to wish you good luck!

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