Potatoes bred by German breeders. The variety of Bellarosa was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2006.He is advised to grow in the Central Black Earth region. But in Russia, cultivated varieties everywhere.
- General
- Feature
- Description
- How to grow potatoes
- How to prepare the ground
- stepwise process
- cultivation of
- seeds Growing varieties Fighting against diseases and pests
- Tips and Secrets
- Reviews gardeners
Tubers are large, their weight- 115-125 grams, but the characteristics can grow potatoes weighing up to 800 grams. In potatoes, 12.7-15.8% of starch. On average, you can collect 25-35 tons per hectare. But you can collect and higher - 40 tons per hectare. Up to 93% of harvested potatoes have a presentation.
Shrubs in height 50–80 cm .The roots are recessed into the ground by 20 cm. Flowers of blue-violet hue. The shape of the tubers is round and oval. The rind is thick, slightly rough to the touch, from pale pink to scarlet.
The tuber crop has medium-sized eyes, there are few of them, they are not deep. Pulp is dense, creamy-yellow, when cooking does not become dark, the taste is sweetish .

- Pulp boils moderately , so mashed potatoes are roasted or fried.
- Due to the excellent precocity in the south, they have time to plant the tubers twice and reap the harvest. The first time is planted in May, and the bushes are dug out at the end of June. The second time planted potatoes in early July, and harvested in early September.
- The yield according to the description is very large .
- The variety is drought tolerant.
- The potatoes taste great.
- Well preserved, the presentation of 99% of potatoes;safety - up to 93%.
- This variety is resistant to cancer, rhizoctonia, scab, nematode, viruses Y and A.
- Tubers difficult to mechanically damage , too dense.
How to grow potatoes
How to prepare the soil
A variety of white dew is planted in any land , except for clay, it is too dense, because of this it grows shallow and its taste deteriorates.

In the autumn, the humus is scattered over the plot at a rate of 5–9 kg per 1 m², then the land is dug to a depth of 30 cm. For this variety, 50 g of dolomite flour per m² is poured.
In the spring of the earth dig again .
Step-by-step process of growing
- Before planting, the tubers are poured into shallow boxes in 1-2 layers. The boxes are exposed to the sun at an air temperature of +15 degrees. Then the tubers grow eyes, and they themselves turn green.
- Dig holes to a depth of 8-10 cm .Observe the distance between the holes of 40 cm, and between the rows indent 80 cm. Straight into the holes pour a little ash and humus.
- After they put the tubers in them. And fall asleep them ground.
Cultivation of a variety from seeds
Pour a substrate of 80% peat and 20% leafy soil into the boxes. In late March, sow the seeds in them. Between each seed indent is 5 cm , and between the rows 10 cm .Scatter the seeds over the surface, and then dust the top with sand for 5 mm.

After 2-3 weeks, 2-3 real leaves will appear on the sprouts and they will dive into peat pots.
In mid-May, seedlings will be planted at the dacha to a depth of 10 cm .In the first year, up to 1 kg of tubers are harvested from one bush, much smaller than usual size. Then they are planted the next year again. And after 5 years, the planting material is again updated in the same way.
Fighting Diseases and Pests
potatoes are immune to all diseases .When the Colorado potato beetle appears, the bushes are sprayed with Boverin, Fitoverm, Agrovertin.
Taboo is treated with the Colorado potato beetle, aphid, wireworm, and Tsikadok.

Tips and secrets
Variety of potato bella rose early maturity , from planting to digging potatoes, 65 days pass. And partially dig up the bushes can be in 45 days. Water the potatoes only if they are planted in arid areas.
Remove weeds. After 1-2 weeks, when sprouts appear, loosen the ground, but not deeply. Loosen the soil 2 more times.
After harvesting, put the tubers in drying boxes, where they dry for 7–9 days.
Store potatoes in a dry and cool room at an air temperature of +10 degrees.

Reviews gardeners
Tatyana, Ukraine, Ovidiopol
The skin of the tubers is pale pink when the tubers are young, then it is perfectly cleaned. I like to mash it, it is not watery, it is easy to beat.
Shrubs do not get sick, they do not need to be watered abundantly, they stand the heat and drought perfectly. Potatoes grow very quickly.
Sergey, Belarus, Minsk
This is the best superearly variety, unpretentious care. Tubers are large with minimal maintenance. If desired, you can have 2 crops in one summer.
Bellarosa Potatoes are a super early variety with excellent tuber flavor. It is easy to care for planted potatoes, it is resistant to diseases, it is stored for a long time.