Szczegółowy opis i charakterystyka vinetów odmianowych

Variety Vineta for a short time managed to break the lead in cultivation. Potatoes are famous for early ripeness, yield, drought tolerance .Suitable for salads, when frying an appetizing golden crisp is formed, which is impossible to achieve when frying many types of potatoes. A description and detailed description of this variety is given below. Contents About

  • grade Vineta
    • Feature Description
    • History of
  • Growing potatoes Vineta
    • Growing
    • Harvesting
    • Storage Diseases and pests

conclusion about the type of Vineta

Consider potatoes Vineta unique sort of unpretentious in growing and incredibly delicious.


  • Widespread due to early ripeness, growing season is 70-75 days .After 40-45 days, early harvest is possible - young potatoes.
Potatoes Vineta
  • It has good drought resistance , so with dry summer you should not worry about the harvest, the heat will not affect the development of tubers and yield.
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  • Productivity is high. With 1 hectares are harvested to 400 cc potatoes .
  • Well kept, livability is 90% .Few varieties can boast such results.
  • Tastes excellent .Suitable for frying and cooking salads.
  • It has a beautiful yellow color of the pulp , which persists even during heat treatment and has an average friability during cooking.
  • Is unpretentious and grows on any soil .
  • Well tolerated transportation , as it has resistance to mechanical damage.


The bush is formed upright, large, can reach a height of 7 cm .Slight waviness is present on green leaves. Small flowers with snow-white beaters are formed during the period of mass flowering.

Potatoes Vineta has spreading bushes with small white flower corolla

Tubers can be from light brown to yellow. The skin is slightly darker than the pulp in color, with a barely visible mesh. Tubers are oval or round-oval. The mass of potatoes is from 75 to 130 grams , but there are also record breakers who have a weight of 400 grams.

Eyes are almost imperceptible, there are no flaws on the tubers, the presentation is excellent. The starch content is 13-15%.

The history of the

Vineta was launched in Germany at the end of the 20th century .Breeders tried to bring out immune to disease and at the same time tasty variety that does not require care. This is how the variety Vineta appeared, which became a real gift for gardeners.

Cultivation of Vineta potatoes

Before planting, it is important to choose a plot suitable for growing potatoes. Veneta is not a whimsical variety , but has some peculiarities when grown.


You can start planting in early spring, in late April - early May. To properly plant the potatoes, you must follow the following steps:

  • 1-2 weeks before planting the tubers must be located in a cool and bright place for germination
For a good harvest, you should choose varietal tubers whose weight is not less than 35 and more than 85r
  • Select tubers with powerful sprouts, the height of the sprout should be about 1-2 cmneed
Variety does not like waterlogging, clay soils are not the best option for growing Vinety.

Before emergence, they get rid of weeds and loosen the soil. Loosening helps to saturate the root system with oxygen.

One and a half months after planting, Vineta must definitely spud

potatoes. As soon as the first sprouts appear, hilling of the is necessary. Sprouts completely covered with earth. The process of hilling spend 2 times. The second time the plant reaches a height of 15 cm.

Watering the plant is not necessary. If it’s already a dry summer, you can shed between rows.


Harvesting of potatoes is done after the tubers have fully matured, as evidenced by the yellowing and lodging of the

potato tops. Harvesting is started through 70-75 days after planting , but you can try the new potatoes after 45 days. When the tubers are ripe, start harvesting. Yellowed tops say that it is time to harvest.


After harvesting, the tubers should be laid out in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not lower than +15 degrees. When the potatoes dry out, laid out in boxes, bags, nets.

Stored Vineta excellently .An ordinary cellar will be suitable for storage, as long as it is dry and cool.

Diseases and pests

Like other potato varieties, Vineta is affected by the Colorado potato beetle .Spraying the tops with Decis, Phosbecid will help in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle.

Negative effect on the crop disease phytophthora , which affects the tops and tubers. For the prevention of using the drug Acrobat. Sprayed when the bush reaches a height of 15 cm.


Potato Vineta is unpretentious in care, early maturing, high yielding. The pleasant yellow flesh of the potato looks beautiful and is preserved when boiling , used to make french fries, as it retains its color, shape, does not crumble. Variety Vineta rightfully earned popularity.

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