As vantagens de usar a cobertura do solo no jardim, em camas e canteiros de flores

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Mulching is a common procedure used by gardeners for a number of good reasons. Using the right types of mulch will have a fantastic effect on your garden, but if you do the process incorrectly, you can achieve the opposite effect. In this article we will tell you about how to do the mulching of the soil.

Benefits of mulch

Mulch is called a gardener's friend. She has three huge advantages:

  • weed control;
  • moisture retention in the ground;
  • regulation of soil temperature( keeps it warm in cold nights, and cools in hot periods).

In addition, the mulch used in winter will protect the plants from the freezing and thawing cycle, which can eventually push them out of the ground. The cover also prevents soil compaction and crust formation, erosion, and also does not allow raindrops to scatter land that can carry diseases from plant to plant. Organic mulch can even serve as a fertilizer.

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Disadvantages of Mulch

Too thick cover can destroy plants. For most types of organic mulch, a thickness of 5-10 cm is already a lot. The finer the material, the thinner the layer should be.

Read also: Mulch - “blanket” for the garden

Unfortunately, the mulch provides excellent shelter for slugs and snails. To protect the precious plantings, scatter wood ash around them. It will keep pests away.

An impermeable layer of mulch, as well as a black film, does not pass air and water. Even glued leaves can have this effect, so first chop them.

Wood based mulch, such as sawdust or wood chips, can pull nitrogen from the soil when it breaks( under the feet or paws of animals).To counter this, add nitrogen-rich fertilizer, for example, soybean or cotton flour.

Dry materials, including sawdust, wood chips, peat moss and straw, may pose a fire hazard. Keep them away from buildings for greater safety.

Types of Mulch

The ideal mixture should be dense enough to prevent weed growth, as well as light and porous, so that water and air can get into the soil. Depending on the price and appearance, there are a large number of options to choose from, different in quality and texture. Next we will talk about the most popular types.

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Shredded bark. Keep it away from the base of trees and shrubs so that pests will not switch to them.

Crushed leaves and leaf dust eventually break down and nourish the soil with beneficial substances.

Straw and salt marsh hay is good against weeds.

Grass pruning should be dried beforehand or distributed in such a way that they do not turn into sticky stinking muck in the sun. Do not use grass that has been treated with chemicals.

Pine needles break down slowly, so do not worry about them by adding acid to the soil.

Various by-products are also suitable, for example, coffee grounds, corn stalks, newspapers and cardboard. Be creative!


Plastic mulch can be purchased in different colors for different purposes. Red increases the yield of tomatoes, blue has the same effect on potatoes. Black color heats the soil, and silver or white, on the contrary, reflect light and heat.

Read also: The rules for collecting and storing seeds from your backyard

Rubble, gravel, marble or brick dust are permanent cover around shrubs and trees.

Agrofabric retains weeds, allowing air and water to pass through it.

To reduce the frequency of weeding in our garden, we use breathable agrofabric on many beds.

After several spring rains, we put watering hoses in each row and cover them with agrofabric.

Holes for planting are cut at different distances, depending on the type of crop. Watering is effective, and leaving a large area becomes noticeably easier. As soon as the plants grow a little, the fabric will become less noticeable.

If you have problems with weeds or dehydration of plants, use the tips in this article - begin to mulch your garden. This simple process will radically change your dacha life for the better!

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