Nós multiplicamos kliviyu em casa

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A tropical flower, the Kaffir Lily, has long taken root on the window sills, and we love flower growers. Clivia breeding at home are root suckers and seeds. It has short, fleshy rhizomes, which, under good conditions, quickly provide side sockets and create lawns. In captivity, the flower is propagated when it is transplanted into a new container. It is possible to grow the blade from the seeds obtained on flowering plants after pollination.

Getting planting material

In conditions of a constrained pot for roots, there is not enough space. If you take a large dish, while the roots fill it, there will be no flowering. In a fast growing fast growing planter, transplanting is necessary. The plant that entered the flowering stage forms around shoots, which are separated from the uterine bush at the time of transplantation.

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If cross-pollination is performed during flowering, large berries form on the plant. When they become soft, 1-6 seeds are extracted from them, which germinate well, being fresh. A clivia of seeds blooms later, in the third or fourth year. Seed breeding breeders create new varieties of flowers. You can get seeds only from plants older than eight years.

Read also: Reproduction of clivia with 4-year-long seeds

Requirement for dishes and soil

Under natural conditions clivia grows on fertile soil rich in humus. Accordingly, a drainage layer is placed in the pot and a pillow is poured from the substrate:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • turf ground –2 parts.

Additionally, perlite, or vermiculite and sand are added to the ground for clivia. Superphosphate poured on the bottom of the pot in granules will provide better root development and abundant flowering.

Experienced flower growers use transplanted ready-made primer for orchids. In such a substrate, the roots become fat, the plant develops and blooms faster.

The pot for transplanting should be selected only slightly larger than the previous one. From the choice of ceramic or plastic dishes depends on how easily and without injury the plant is removed. Smooth inner plastic surfaces are preferred for this plant. The conical shape of the vessel will help to easily remove the plant. Drainage holes should provide good outflow of irrigation water.

. Home transplantation of clivia.

. If circumstances that require immediate transplantation of a plant did not happen, clivia should be transplanted after ottstoyaniyu, in a period of rest.

If you are not going to propagate the clique from seeds collected from a plant, the flower arrow needs to be cut. The plant is greatly weakened, giving strength to the production of offspring.

When transferring, it is necessary to preserve the roots, since the wounds can become infected and the roots will start to rot, especially since watering the plant likes abundant. Young plants are transplanted annually, and the old only change the upper layer of loosened earth. When planting in a new container, the layer of earth should not cover the base of the leaves. Permanent dampness in this place will lead to decay.

Read also: Why violets bloom badly and how to care for them

If the roots are damaged during the transfer, they should be carefully treated with charcoal dust. Planted plant pritenyayut and create a comfortable environment for rapid rooting.

At the same time, new offspring can be gently disentangled from the mother plant for breeding clivia. A prerequisite will be the presence of young plants at least four leaves. Only under this condition can their roots feed a young plant.

Young kids can be deposited in separate cups, with a bottom hole and a drainage layer. The diameter of the dishes should be about 7 cm in diameter. You can root two or three rastishki in one bowl. When clivia reproduces at home by children, she will give a floral arrow for the second or third season.

It is considered important not to create a rest period for young plants for two years. They have to throw out leaves intensively, save up food to bloom faster. Constant watering and fertilizing will accelerate the formation of the arrow.

Read also: Clivia Transplant: Topical Tips

Obtaining Clivia from Seeds.

Seed breeding requires more patience. Seeds can be grown independently, then when the uterine plant turns eight years old. They need to be sown in a school of peat, turf and sand. Seeds will turn in half a year. Favorable time for sowing from October to April. All the time the container is kept warm and slightly moisturized. After the leaf comes out, the plants are transferred to individual cups.

Seeds germinate if they were kept wet in a berry. So that the berry does not dry, it is kept until the time of sowing on the cut stalk.

There is a faster way to get seedlings - in a warm place in a damp cloth. Hacked seeds are sown in separate cups.

After the seedlings grow, they are transplanted into large cups and more nutritious soil. In two years, three times transplanted plants without a rest period gain mass and roots. They are fed, kept at a temperature of 20 C. With seed reproduction clivia at home, flowering will occur in the fourth year of the plant's life.

Video about the reproduction of clivia seeds

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