Estudamos várias formas de produzir achimenez

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Loved by many, decorative, richly blooming achimenes possibleeasy to dilute yourself. If you believe the esoteric, the best copies of domestic plants are obtained by breeding with their own hands. It is believed that making up the substrate, preparing it for planting, working with seeds, roots, cuttings, an amateur charges plants positively, tames in advance. Therefore, these plants are more responsive to care, and forgive the amateur minor flaws.

Methods for breeding achimenes

The green world lives by its own laws. Weather disasters happen, destroy all vegetation, after a while everything will recover. Using the example of a home flower, one can see how far-sighted nature is, how much self-renewal abilities are inherent in a living being. The reproduction of achimenes is possible:

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  • rhizomes, root formations;
  • stem cuttings;
  • leaf cuttings;
  • with rhizome;
  • air rhizomes:
  • stolons;
  • flower stalks and cups of flowers;
  • seeds.

Of course, not all methods are equally effective, preference is given to the easiest. But if even a millionth plant is rooted in one sepal, the genus will not die.

The rooting of rhizomes, scales of them and air bumps does not cause questions to fans. These methods are understandable, we are able to root the nodules of flowers. However, there are moments, the flower caught the eye at the most inconvenient time, when the roots can not be broken.

There are other ways of reproduction. They all lead to the moment when achimenez falls into a period of rest. By this time, one way or another, the rhizomes should form on a young ratishka, enter a state of rest. Therefore, the decisive factor will be the early term rooting of the novosadki.

Propagation of achimenes by cuttings

Experts warn that this method can give a positive result if it is applied in spring, when there is enough time for root development. In this case, any part of the branch is used, since some experts write about the rooting of the lower and middle parts, while others suggest using the top with the formed flowers.

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For cutting Ahimenez, we use a sprig, cutting out of it three cuttings. We remove a pair of lower leaflets from the upper cutting, because it is here that after rooting the rhizomes will grow by the autumn. On the other segments there should be at least 3 internodes from which we will also remove the lower leaflets. You can take only apical escape, leaving the stem to grow further.

All actions on cutting, cutting, preparation of the substrate are accompanied by disinfection of tools, utensils and planting land. A prerequisite for breeding is heat, the best results in the lower heating of the soil.

Sprinkle all sections of the plant with crushed coal or cinnamon powder for drying. The part where callus will be formed, dip into the root formation stimulator, if rooting takes place in a sand layer, a peat tablet, in water or a special substrate:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • peat or coconut fiber;
  • sand.

The main thing is that the mixture was airy, moist and warm. If the plants are few, they are best rooted in small cups or tablets. All achimenes from cuttings should be put in a mini-slice, which can be a plastic bag. Only need to air cuttings necessary.

If everything goes well, after 2 weeks the roots will appear and the plant can be transplanted into a permanent soil, when they are rooted in a light mixture. In tablets and cups of rastishki can be left to the growth of the roots, then transplanted by transfer, without hurting the achimenes from the cuttings. After such rooting, by the autumn two small rhizomes on the sides will grow exactly, and the bush will be able to overwinter.

Read also: Proper care of achimeneses as a pledge of their lush flowering

Shank from

leaf Not forgotten, we removed a few leaves when we prepared the stem shank. Now slightly dried leaves will be soaked in soft water and left in a warm, bright place. There will be roots, and we will arrange a leaflet in a small glass with the prepared earth. So we reproduce achimnes by cuttings of leaves.

Leaf also has time to give one or two rhizomes, which in the next season will delight flowering.

Let us dwell on another little-known method of reproduction of Ahimenez by cutting. Lovers are experimenting. The hostess did not allow one of the copies of his choice to pinch off, and the guest took away three cups of flowers with pedicels, and already a couple, with bracts and cups. Without hoping for a miracle, an amateur put them in cups, they survived and gave offspring.

For breeding of rare species, you can use this method.

Reproduction by stolons

If there is a thin shoot in the soil almost on the surface, this is a ready-made achimenes cutting that can be filled with soil without prior preparation. He is ready, he, too, has already appeared scaly leaves, which is rooting. It happens that such a stalk has already given several leaves, then it is a completely ready-made plant.

Akhimenez reproduction by seeds

Breeders often use seed sowings for breeding, trying to get hybrid forms. This should be done if there are several beautiful views, but I want to get even more beautiful. Then, during flowering, artificial pollination is performed with a brush, but we do not have a bird size, which in nature pollinates these plants. Seeds are poured and ripen for two months.

Seeds are so small that they are almost not visible. For relief, they are mixed with sand and scattered on the wet surface of the prepared soil, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film. Seeds germinate quickly, in a week - two. The main thing is to keep the heat at least 23, and the shoots appeared in early February, so that the little ones had time to develop and give a small scaly cone. Before emergence, the flat bowl is regularly ventilated. The seedlings should not stretch, immediately fall. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately provide additional lighting without overheating. As they grow, they dive. In the spring at least three times. After left in a small cup and care as an adult plant.

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Reproduction of achimenes by seeds is labor-intensive, but does not guarantee a beautiful flower. Different copies may come out of the same batch, and beauty is not guaranteed. Vegetative and root methods are more reliable.

The composition of the soil and the requirements for crockery for breeding

Ahmeneza are unpretentious, but for the rapid development of the root system need a light soil. Therefore, you can use an ordinary substrate for seedlings of garden plants, plant cuttings in peat pots or rooting in special mixtures. The main condition will be mandatory soil disinfection in one way or another.

For primary germination, it is recommended to use the mineral composition of vermiculite, perlite and peat. And for a developed root system, soil is used on the basis of humus, leaf soil and sand, with the addition of superphosphate for the development of the root system. It is important to have a good drainage layer so that the water does not stagnate when watering. From above this layer can be powdered with crushed eggshell.

If new plants are planted in small cups, then the drainage layer should not be less than 2-3 cm. Plant development requires a surface layer, because the roots of achimenes develop horizontally under a thin layer of earth.

Rooting of Achinemes by cutting and leaf - video

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