Recomendações para plantar e cuidar da bérberis

Barberry bushes are very decorative look not only in summer. Cultural forms of this shrub are very diverse and unpretentious. Its planting is often used as a hedge, given that the barberry easily tolerates cutting and trimming. Especially valuable quality of this shrub - its unpretentiousness to the conditions of cultivation and care.

Barberry - a beautiful plant that can decorate any garden or play the role of a reliable hedge. In nature, there are about 500 species of this plant. Barberry varieties are distinguished by the height of the bush, the color of leaves and fruits( yellow, purple, red), size, color and number of flowers.

In contrast to Thunberg and the monolith - decorative varieties, the barberry is grown mainly because of the berries. Of them prepare various preparations for the winter, liqueurs, marshmallow .Berries are added to pilaf, marinades, and roasted vegetables in Central Asia and the Caucasus countries.

The benefits of this shrub berries are obvious - high content of vitamins( E, C, A and various group B), organic acids( citric, malic and tartaric) and a complex of mineral compounds.

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Unripe barberry berries can not be eaten - they are poisonous!

Table of Contents

  • Is it possible to grow barberry from a seed?
  • How to grow barberry from a seed at home?
  • Care after planting
  • How to cut barberry autumn
    • Sanitary pruning
    • Formative pruning
    • Rejuvenation bushes
  • Preparing for winter in Siberia, Moscow and the Urals
  • Reproduction barberry and landing on open ground
    • Cuttings
    • layering
    • bush division
  • Conclusion

Can I growbarberry seed?

From a small stone you can grow a beautiful bush at home., but theplace only through for 2-3 years ,

  • for berries need a graft .
  • Barberry Bone

    Barberry can multiply by self-sowing of fallen autumn berries.

    A lone bush of barberry with the most attentive care will not please you with a harvest. This shrub belongs to plants that need cross-pollination of flowers. For successful formation of ovaries, it is necessary to have several bushes on the site. Take care of this immediately.

    How to grow barberry from a seed at home?

    Let's take a closer look at how to do it correctly.

    It is necessary to select the most ripe berries, separate them from the pulp, rinse in running water. Then these seeds should be disinfected , stand for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, washed and dried.

    Seeds can be immediately planted in loose soil, cleared of weeds, in furrows with a depth of no more than 3 centimeters. During the winter, the snow seeds harden under the snow and sprout in the spring.

    Barberry sprouts

    You can do otherwise if you did not manage to plant seeds from autumn:

    1. Mix deactivated seeds with wet( attention - not wet) sand and keep them at + 3 ° C until spring, on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator.
    2. In April, their land on the bed .
    3. When two true leaves appear - shoots thin out .Weak seedlings are removed - leave the strongest.
    The distance between shoots is at least 3 centimeters.
    1. Before planting for a permanent place, seedlings are better to grow for another year in this “little school”( a bed for very young plants that are under careful maintenance and control).
    2. The fruits on the seedlings will appear only in two years , but it will still have to be planted.
    3. Transplantation of barberry in open ground.

    Barberry is common in central and southern Russia, in the North Caucasus and the Black Sea coast, in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Moscow region and the Urals, where they feel quite decent on stony soil and without any care. Cultural forms of the shrub are also very unassuming:

    1. For a young plant , prepare a planting hole of no more than 50x50 centimeters ( this is even with a margin).
    2. Fill the pit with half with compost or humus( approximately, a bucket).
    3. It is advisable that add lime to for additional soil deoxidation( up to 0.5 kg).
    4. Add approximately half a bucket of ordinary sand - this will increase the oxygen supply to the roots.
    5. All mix the thoroughly so as not to burn the roots.
    6. After installing the seedling in the planting hole, sprinkle the roots with and water it well.
    7. Mulch with peat, compost or fine sawdust.
    8. Last, , cut off the top of the plant, leaving 3-4 well-developed buds - this is how the plant tolerates transplant more easily and will grow into a shrub faster.
    The frequency of planting barberry bushes depends on the variety

    . Like most garden plants, the barberry can be replanted twice. :

    • in the fall in the spring of
    in the end of April.

    Care after planting

    All the varieties of barberries are grown in the same way - whether you have a decorative Thunberg barberry or common barberry.

    Recommendations will suit any varietal variety of this shrub :

    • timely watering,
    • top dressing
    • weed removal,
    • pruning in the spring before bud break and late autumn.

    What is convenient, the barberries are fed only once every few years according to the standard schedule :

    • nitrogenous - only in spring,
    • potash-phosphorous - in autumn.

    How to trim a barberry in the fall

    in the fall Without pruning the barberry bush easily reaches the height of 3 meters .This light-loving prickly shrub can not only serve as a hedge, but also produce very useful berries every year.

    Berberis thunbergii

    But this is possible only :

    • if the bush is growing at a well-lit area ,
    • is not too thickened crown ,
    • near pollinators grow - a few barberry bushes.

    And pruning bushes - one of the main conditions of fruiting.

    Sanitary pruning

    The bush forms impenetrable thickets very quickly. Pruning form not only the beautiful shape of the plant. Cutting out broken, dry, old branches, you rejuvenate a bush.

    Fortunately, this type of garden shrub is almost not susceptible to fungal diseases .Thick barberry bushes can be an intermediate link - in its thickets fungi will find shelter, and under favorable conditions will spread to their neighbors.

    Therefore, also removes all too thin and strongly thickening bush branches .This improves the ventilation space of the bush. It is enough to carry out such cutting twice a year.

    Formative trimming

    The formation of a barberry bush is not difficult. Simply it is necessary to remove all the branches that grow inside the bush - they will certainly create excessive thickening of the crown. Such a thick bush will definitely not bear fruit.

    If your barberry is part of a hedge, then the number of branches will amount to dozens. In this case, only remove dry and damaged branches. In fact, only sanitary pruning is carried out.

    Pruning barberries in a hedge

    Ornamental shrubs can be cut with garden scissors or special trimmers, giving the barberry plantings a wide variety of outlines.

    Rejuvenation of the bushes

    The main thing to remember when rejuvenating the barberry bushes, is the plant and , which mainly forms annual growths of .From this it follows that with a strong shortening of the branches, the harvest should not be expected( this technique is only suitable for decorative forms of barberry).

    For rejuvenation of fruit forms:

    • or cut out the old branch of the to the base and in its place form a young one,
    • or by cutting the transfer growth to the branch .
    Although the barberry is not afraid of haircuts and trimming, do not get carried away with a strong shortening of the branches - you will be left without flowers and berries.

    Preparing for winter in Siberia, the Moscow Region and the Urals

    With the arrival of autumn, it is time to transplant young seedlings of bushes from the “school” to a permanent place or sow the seeds for growing new plants.

    It is necessary to put things in order in the circles of :

    1. to remove various debris and other aspects of the development of the кустрезрезрез при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при при приD при при при при при при при при при при при приD при при при при приD при приD приDDD при приDD при приDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD почDDDDDDDDD поч поч растения растения растения растения растения растения растения растения AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS humus or compost,
    2. sanitize pruning of prutkuste companions or compost;

    Before the onset of cold weather, pristvolny circles should be mulch , compost or dried leaves.

    Only very young bushes( up to 5 years of age) are very sensitive to winter cold: their should be covered when the first frost comes, .The easiest way is to cover with spruce leaves, this is especially true for evergreen barberry varieties.

    At first frost, young barberry bushes are covered with spruce leaves

    Large bushes before shelter should be tied with a rope or twine. A trellised box is installed around, where dry leaves are filled up to the top, and a non-woven material( for example, agrofibre) is wrapped on top,

    This refers to winterizing of any garden crops. Do not rush to the shelter of plants - it is better to be a little late than to do it too soon. Especially dangerous for the wintering of heat-loving crops is hermetically closed space( shelter film).During a thaw, condensation forms under the film, which with the onset of frost will destroy the bush.

    Reproduction of barberry and planting on open ground

    In addition to the seed method of propagation of barberry, saplings of this bush can be obtained much faster using vegetative methods. The main advantages of this breeding :

    • ready seedlings get for one season ,
    • varietal properties of the plant are stored completely - vaccination is not needed .

    How to propagate the barberry in the country?


    The method of cutting makes it possible to obtain a very large number of seedlings per year without vaccinations. However, without the use of heteroauxin or other root growth stimulants, barberry cutting is very slow.

    Reproduction barberry cuttings
    1. At the beginning of summer( June) annual lateral branches are cut into cuttings about 15 centimeters each.
    2. Lower leaves are removed and is treated according to the instructions of the root growth stimulator .
    3. The cuttings prepared in this way are planted in a mixture of humus, fertile soil, peat and sand( 1: 1: 1: 0.5).
    4. Install film cover .
    5. Several times a day need to air and spray cuttings.
    6. Land on necessity loosen and water .
    7. Take care of sheltering the “school” for the winter.

    The next spring, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.


    As the layers of the lower parts of the bush choose spring strong annual branches in the spring.

    1. Bend them to the ground and put them in the grooves 15-20 centimeters depth.
    2. Fix the position of the branch with a wire handle or a flyer branch.
    3. Fill up with in such a way that one tip of the shoot remains on the surface.
    Propagation of barberry by layering

    In addition to watering, no special care is required for layering. By the fall he will be ready for transplant.

    Division of the bush

    If there is a barberry bush that suits you by all indicators, it can be divided into several. The best time for this is in the spring before bud break .

    1. Carefully to dig up the mother bush .
    2. Cut into pieces .Powerful roots sawed with a hacksaw.
    3. Parts-delenki sit in pre- cooked holes .
    4. Shrub pruning to balance the ground part with the roots and improve the survival rate of the damaged plant.

    Further care of the cut bush is no different.


    Growing a barberry in a garden is not at all difficult. Caring for this shrub is not difficult, even for a gardener lover. The plant is so unpretentious that it practically does not require additional feedings, any soil without stagnation of water will do. Densely planted bushes will create a hedge that will add a touch of classic English park to the design of your garden.

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