- How to choose the front door?
- Fire doors - should I put in the apartment?
- The main criteria for selecting a fire door
Each of us at least once faced with the repair. Recently, I started overhauling an apartment and wanted to do everything on my own. I had to understand all the subtleties of the construction business, but I decided that I could do it, plus you can always turn to knowledgeable friends or the Internet. I encountered many difficulties and spent much more time on solving trivial problems than if I had a specialist.
Here is the question about the choice of the entrance door and this is a separate story, which I will tell, answering questions that have arisen.

How to choose the front door?
I began my selection with the study of thematic articles, information portals. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the finish. Materials may be different:
Vinyl artificial leather;
- Laminate;
- Powder Coating;
- MDF panel;
- Solid oak;
- Glass;
- And others.
Each material has its own pros and cons, but since the priority was a protective function - the choice fell on the D metal door with powder coating.
This material is considered anti-vandal, and it is more resistant to damage of various kinds( for example, scratches, interaction with chemicals).Appearance is quite attractive and it is also a definite plus. Interestingly, this coating is resistant to high temperatures and its is used in the manufacture of fire doors.
This has become more interesting, and I decided to learn more about fire doors.

Fire doors - should I put in the apartment?
I was always confident that fire doors are suitable for installation in warehouses or in public institutions( for example, in hospitals or schools), but it turned out that the scope of their use is much wider. Today, fire doors are installed wherever there is a need to protect valuable things from fire, and, of course, their lives. That is why such doors are available to install them as entrance and even interior in ordinary apartments.
Of the advantages of using fire-fighting maids in the apartment it is worth noting, first of all, the ability to provide an excellent barrier to fire, and therefore the ability to save lives. In addition to their immediate function, such doors are distinguished by quite good burglary indicators, so they will also make your home safe from the point of view of protection from intruders. Of course, in this case we are talking about metal fire doors. By the way, they are able to maintain the microclimate in optimal condition, as they have quite good thermal insulation properties. And another significant advantage is the ability to trap noise and odors from the staircase, which will make the atmosphere in the apartment much more comfortable. In terms of design, such structures are often not inferior to ordinary doors, but their only lack is the high price. Although, if you take into account all the above advantages, as well as the durability of fire doors, this price is not so frightening.

The main criteria for selecting a fire door
In residential buildings, fire doors of a particular fire resistance are usually installed. is usually either IE30 or IE60.In the first variant, the protection from fire will last for 30 minutes, in the second - 60. If desired, you can find a door, the fire resistance index of which will be at the level of 45 minutes or 2 hours.
They also differ in design type:
- Single-field;
- Duplex;
- With a deaf cloth;
- Glazed.
The difference between all these types of doors consists in the number of flaps and the presence of glazing in them. For an apartment, the most acceptable option for is a door with a deaf leaf, when it comes to the front door. If you want to use the fire door as an interior door, which is extremely rare, it is better to choose the option with glazing. Today, many believe that single-leaf doors, which consist of only one leaf, are more reliable and safe, but experts unanimously claim that double-ended doors are equally comfortable. Another question is that it is more suitable for same-apartment apartments.
The locks and fittings of the must be resistant to high temperatures. It is also worth noting the importance of the anti-panic system, which allows you to leave the room as quickly as possible in case of fire. The most reliable systems work automatically. Also consider the and the thickness of the door leaf, which should not be less than 1.5 mm, to ensure reliability and safety. In the manufacture of the door, is used as a thermally expanding sealant , which is located between the box and the canvas. This insert during the fire is able to foam and completely fill all the cracks, preventing the penetration of smoke.
The appearance of the fire door is not at all "technical."Models that are installed in residential premises can be made with different interior and exterior trim and due to this create a rather attractive appearance. Such a door protects not only from fire, but also from noise, perfectly retains heat in the room. It is advised to use locks of the highest( fourth) class of reliability and burglar resistance.
Choosing a fire door in an apartment, you should pay attention to the features of the doorframe .Today, there are three main types: angular, internal and covering. The first option is the easiest, can be installed in any opening. The interior doorframes of the are mounted, judging by the very name, inside the doorway. can be used for mounting the most expensive and luxurious doors, hiding all defects in doorways.
Fire doors can be made of different materials:
metal. Steel doors are very popular, as is considered the strongest .The thickness of the structure depends on the type of insulation and heat insulator, but most often mineral wool is used, which delays the penetration of hot air and smoke;
- tree. Today natural materials are back in fashion, and wooden entrance doors are in great demand. Fireproof wooden doors can have a steel box or be filled with fire-resistant fillers. For finishing often use veneer, treated with special compounds;
- glass is used in fire doors only as inserts. In this case, fire-resistant glass is used, which looks almost like ordinary glass and has the same light transmission ability.
The type of heat insulator is of great importance, which is designed to minimize heating of that part of the door, which is located on the other side of the fire source. The most commonly used mineral wool, based on basalt fibers, is still the best option in this regard is silica, which withstands temperatures up to 1200 and even 1800 degrees .
The choice of the door is made, there is an equally important question - where to buy the door? It is better to make a purchase in a proven place, because poor-quality or defective products are not only a waste of money, but also a threat to one’s own safety and life. The manufacturer must provide for their products all the necessary certificates, as well as a guarantee.

Buying a door from a manufacturer or supplier?
I live in Moscow, there are more than enough offers in our city, so there was a choice from which and from whom. I decided to immediately discard the option of buying from the supplier, as prices are usually higher and they cannot answer for 100% for quality.
It remained to contact the company, which is directly involved in the production of doors. Many companies present their products on the stands, which is very convenient, since you can visually evaluate and estimate your potential future door.
Traveled a lot of companies and I want to tell only about one of them. It will be about Estet. The products on the stands looked very impressive, and only at them I saw the door I had been looking for so long, other companies either did not manufacture fire doors for apartments, or for some reason were reluctant to talk about them.
But here is another case. At the stand, I saw the powerful fire door, but not double-sided, but quite compact, under a standard doorway. The manager told me everything, and we coordinated all the details with her: selected the fittings ourselves( in consultation with the manager for all the nuances), chose the color of the finish .It turned out that "Estet" give a guarantee of ten years .If I had doubts about their account, then after this fact they disappeared, it is clear that manufacturers vouch for their products, and this is exactly what I needed.
Very pleased that their specialist arrived and independently made all the measurements, no need to worry that the door might not be suitable.
The door was made in just two weeks, installed free of charge, checked and put all the accessories. To say that I was pleased - to say nothing. Half a year has passed since the door was installed and there were no complaints, only good impressions.
I believe that scrupulousness is important in everything - and the choice of the door should not be an exception. Maybe you stop your choice on the other door and the manufacturer, the main thing is to spend a little time on this and get into the specifics of the situation. It is worth thinking about your future and with full responsibility to approach the choice of the manufacturer and the type of door.
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