Instrucțiuni pas cu pas pentru a face un porc dintr-o sticlă de plastic

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In the summer months in each house you can find used plastic containers, which can be an excellent material for original home crafts. One of them is a pig from a plastic bottle, a step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of which will make it possible to make decoration for the garden or the basis for a small dacha flowerbed without much difficulty.

Article in the topic: crafts made from plastic bottles made by hand.

Materials for making a pig from a plastic bottle

How to make a pig from a bottle? If you look at the shape of the familiar vessel, it becomes obvious that it is similar to the outline of a cute little pig. For complete similarity, only large, bulging ears, legs and the famous tail-comma are missing. As the body of the pig, and the rest of the details can be made from improvised means, without resorting to unnecessary expenses.

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In addition to the plastic bottle itself, you need to prepare for a piglet:

  • a sharp stationery knife and scissors;
  • spray can or conventional enamel paint in a can;
  • brush;
  • pencil and writing paper;
  • adhesive for plastic;
  • black marker with persistent ink;
  • wire for the manufacture of the tail.

The larger the plastic bottle is, the plumper the pig will turn out.

Do not forget that the garden animal needs legs. For their production stocked four more smaller vessels. For example, for a piglet from a five-liter bottle, 4 vessels of a half-liter container may be suitable. For the manufacture of ears need a bottle of one and a half liters.

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But how to make a pig from a plastic bottle, if there are no parts of materials necessary for the work at hand?

Fantasy in the service of the home master

It is impossible to keep everything in the house that can be useful to a home craftsman who does handicrafts for the garden or a private plot. If any element of the structure is missing, do not get upset or run to the store for the missing parts of the pig. Hand-made things are so good that they are not guided by strict canons and rules when creating them. All auxiliary details can be made from what is currently in the house.

If you want to make a pig from plastic bottles with your own hands, and there is no suitable wire segment in the house, this material will successfully replace a piece of plastic from the bottle from which the legs of the pig will be made.

The eyes of the future garden decoration can be painted using a persistent indelible marker, but there are other ways. Beautiful eyes are obtained from the convex buttons selected by the size with an air loop, which is glued into the slot on the bottle.

Another way is to cut and glue eyes from pieces of self-adhesive film of suitable color. In this case, using different shades, you can make a volume imitation, create a funny mimic on the face of a pig, give it some character.

A step-by-step instruction for a pig from a plastic bottle is not a dogma, but a way to arouse imagination and give things that have served their time a second interesting life.

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When there are not enough bottles for the legs of the crafts in the house, you can replace them with cups or bottles of yogurt and other dairy drinks. Even trimming plastic pipes that gardeners and gardeners use for laying communications, building supports for trellis and frames for greenhouses will do.

Painting a hand-made figurine from plastic piglet bottles is possible not only with an aerosol paint, but also with enamel paint of a suitable shade.

Here masters can remember that pigs are not only pink, but also black, light beige and spotty.

Step by step instructions for making a pig from a plastic bottle

When all the necessary materials and tools are in place, it’s time to get started:

  1. First, draw a symmetrical, pointed upward ears of a pig from a plastic bottle on a sheet of paper.
  2. With a half-liter bottle at an angle, cut the throat part so as to obtain blanks for the feet of a pig. They must be the same length.
  3. From the neck of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle make blanks for two ears. For this, the neck, along with the screw part, is cut in half lengthwise, and the ear details are cut out from the formed parts using a pattern drawn on paper.
  4. Now it's time to move on to create the calf of the future hero of the garden. To do this, in a five-liter capacity with a stationery knife, one neatly makes an incision for attaching the tail, two for the ears, and four more for the legs of the plastic animal.
  5. When all parts are ready, proceed to assembly. For greater reliability, legs, ears and tail can be glued.
  6. After drying, the craft is painted in the background color with an aerosol or brush.
  7. The paint is given time to dry well, after which you can paint the nostrils, fix or draw the eyes.
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A pig from a plastic bottle assembled according to step-by-step instructions will be an original decoration in a garden or garden. But if you wish, you can turn it into a subject that brings much more benefit.

How to make a piglet-bed and a piggy-watering can out of the bottle?

For this purpose, an oval or square hole is cut out in the back of a new resident of the infield, so that the plastic animal turns into a small flowerbed.

In order for the excess moisture to flow freely and the roots of the planted flowers not rot, it is useful to provide several small punctures on the stomach.

Fine claydite is poured at the bottom of the container, followed by nutritious soil. A unique, miniature flower bed is ready for planting flowers or other plants.

This garden decoration can be done with legs glued firmly, or even without them. Next to the big pig, it is easy to find a place for a whole brood made from plastic bottles, as in the photo, piglets.

If there is a vessel in the house from under the concentrated juice or household chemicals with a handle, then from such a plastic bottle you will get a beautiful watering can. She undoubtedly will appeal to little gardeners and gardeners. In order to drain water from the piglet nose, several holes are pre-made in the bottle cap. For such work it is convenient to use an awl heated with fire.

Funny Piglets - Video

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