, sweet and sour, soft and juicy berry. No wonder it is called royal. It is used not only fresh. Strawberries are the main component of many desserts, stewed fruit, compotes, juices, preserves are made from it. This berry is added to pastries and fruit salads. In any case, the usefulness of strawberries is preserved, and the taste almost does not change. Garden strawberry has unique properties. It contains a lot of substances necessary for the body, vitamins. Garden strawberries, varieties of different ripening times
Many gardeners are happy to grow strawberries, although this is not an easy task. Berry requires proper planting and careful maintenance. Fortunately, today there are many varieties of garden strawberries, and everyone can choose the most suitable.
The berries that ripen before anyone include such varieties as:
- Dawn. One of the most productive varieties, but does not tolerate frosts, heat and drought. The plant has a lot of whiskers.
- Kokinskaya Early. Differs "friendly" ripening berries.
- Early Maherauha. German variety. It has high winter hardiness, its only enemy is gray rot.
- Yunia Smides. Latvian grade, moderately resistant to frost and diseases. The first berries are large, the rest - smaller.
The varieties of medium ripening include the following:
- Vityaz. It has a high winter hardiness. Rarely suffers from fungal diseases and ticks.
- Zenith. The variety is considered the most resistant to diseases such as wilt and powdery mildew.
- Beauty Zagorje is also less susceptible to disease.
- Hope. The variety reacts quite firmly to thaws in winter.
- Sudaris. Normally endures winter, almost not afraid of gray rot.
- Troitskaya. The plant has delicious berries, hardy.
- Festival. The first berries of this strawberry have a weight of up to 46 grams, the next - 10 grams. Normally transfers winter.
Festival Chamomile. The berries of this variety are smaller, but the yield is quite high. The plant is almost not affected by gray mold. - Relay. This strawberry variety is resistant to many diseases, almost not afraid of pests and is famous for its good yield.
Read also: Delicious sweet strawberries at home
Those who need late-growing varieties choose these:
- Zeng Zengan. It has the taste and aroma of wild strawberry, it is distinguished by good transportability. The plant is well restored after freezing the soil.
- Cinderella. Resistant to drought and tolerates winter well.
- Red Gontlet. This Scottish variety does not like spring frosts, and is quite resistant to diseases and strawberry mites.
- Talisman. The enemy of strawberries of this variety is spider mite. He also does not tolerate winter well.
There are also curly strawberry varieties. Raosta strawberry gardening, for example. This variety can be grown vertically, on supports or in special containers. It also has a long fruiting - the harvest can be collected from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn!
Place for strawberries( strawberries) garden
Basically, strawberries are planted on a flat surface. It is advisable to choose the beds, located in the south-west. But steep slopes, beds on the southern sides and cold lowlands should be avoided. In such places, the harvest will be small. As for the soil, for this plant you should choose a moist soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5.Saline, clay, sandy, limestone, acidic and too wet soil types are not suitable for him. Marshland is also not suitable for strawberries.
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Strawberry( strawberry), the garden is afraid of cold spells, little snowy winters. In such periods, the roots of the plant may freeze. Berries perish at a temperature of +10 degrees. They also do not like wind and excess moisture. Experienced gardeners know that a place to grow strawberries needs to be changed every two to three years. Otherwise, she begins to suffer from diseases, and her berries are shrinking.
Planting and caring for garden strawberries, picking berries
Strawberries are propagated with rosettes. Crop harvested in the second year after planting. In order to plant strawberries, it is necessary to immerse the seeds for a quarter of an hour in a solution of salt( 3 tablespoons), copper sulfate( 1 teaspoon) and water( 10 liters).Then they rinsed and planted in the beds. Seedlings should not be planted very deep. The roots should be straightened and ensure that they are not bent. After planting, strawberries need to be watered well.
In the first few days, the plants are covered with paper and watered up to three times per day during the week. After a week, strawberries are started to be watered much less often - once in 7 days. More frequent watering is justified only in dry hot weather. At the end of summer, the soil needs to be pierced 5 centimeters deep. Do it twice. In October sawdust is piled on the beds. In November, the plant is covered with branches of spruce branches. If everything is done correctly, the harvest in the summer will please.
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You should also be able to pick berries. Here are some tips:
- Picking strawberries is best in the morning.
- The berries are plucked from the stem, and the pulp itself should not be touched.
- After collecting the berries, it is recommended to refrigerate for 2 hours, the temperature inside which is 2 degrees.
How to grow strawberries at home
Strawberries can be grown at home, not only in spring, but in winter.from one bush you can grow up to 25 kilograms of strawberries! But you need to be prepared to take care of the plant for about two hours a day. Also he will need enough light. This is both natural and artificial lighting. Well, if the daylight hours for strawberries grown in the apartment, will be about fourteen hours. In addition to light, it is important to provide plants and heat. Therefore, often used and heaters. If everything is done correctly, then cultivation will not be a hassle, and fragrant vitamins will be on the table all year round.
Watch a video about growing strawberry: