Peculiarities of dispelling tulips at homeWork with planting material includes: - selection of varieties for the timing of flowering;
- selection of bulbs that are guaranteed to form healthy buds;
- storage until planting tulips;
- planting bulbs in the ground prepared for it;
- forcing from the appearance of sprouts to cutting colored buds.
Distillation can be early, middle and late, that is, flowering plants in closed ground can be obtained and the New Year, and Christmas, and the first spring holidays. The most popular cultivation of tulips at home by March 8.
Although flowers do not live too long, experienced flower growers expect planting time in such a way that the best time to cut comes just before the holiday.
When planting tulips at home
Those who are just taking the first steps in this area of floriculture can consider this fact a luck or a miracle. However, he has quite a common explanation. This is a thorough knowledge of the daily routine of bulbous culture.
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When planting tulips so that by March 8, loved ones get fresh, smelling spring bouquets?
The rest period of the bulbs lasts about 16 weeks, and rooting and growth of the peduncle takes another 3 weeks. Counting back on the 19-week calendar, you can find out that you need to plant tulips for early spring cutting in the last week of October. The same method is used to calculate the landing time for the forcing of the New Year, for the Day of all lovers and for other solemn dates.
How to prepare tulip bulbs for planting
So that efforts are not in vain, you have to prepare for forcing for a year before it. If the gardener wants to please loved ones with flowers from his own garden, a couple of days after opening, the flower is cut off, leaving 2–4 healthy leaves on the stem. To dig up the bulbs should be at the end of June or in early July, at the stage of wilting several leaves. These measures will allow the planting material to maintain maximum strength and grow.
Read also: We study tulip varieties according to the photo with the names
When the tulips are dug out, they are dried, the remains of the faded above-ground part are removed and sorted. For the forcing of tulips at home, only the largest and strongest specimens with rounded sides, without traces of damage by insects, rot or fungi, are suitable. The optimum diameter of the bulb is 35–40 mm. The same criteria is used when buying planting material.
Properly organized storage, that is, keeping the temperature and humidity comfortable for tulips, helps not only to preserve, but to prepare the bulbs for forcing, enabling them to form healthy rudiments of future flowers.
To mimic the onset of autumn:
- in the first month of storage maintain a temperature in the range of 21–23 ° C;
- the next 4 weeks the bulbs are held at 20 ° C;
- in September-October, the air temperature drops to 15–17 ° C.
If the bulbs were dug from country beds, they are kept dry for a week at the beginning of storage at a temperature of 33–34 ° C.This contributes to the establishment of a flower bud.
How to grow tulips at home