Artichoke - useful properties and contraindicationsmay have heard, but do not know their true use and purpose. For example, an artichoke - what is it, how can people use it in their livelihoods? Can I eat it? If so, in what form, how? So, the artichoke is a plant that is attributed by scientists to perennial herbaceous representatives of the flora. In many countries, this crop is cultivated as a vegetable and is used in cooking. States where large quantities of artichoke grows:
- North and South America;
- European countries, in particular, Italy and France.
Even during the existence of the USSR, the inhabitants of our country could meet an artichoke in the southern regions. And according to historical references, this plant was built by Arabs, Romans and Greeks. But it is important to know not only what an artichoke is, where and how it grows, but also about its properties and characteristics.
Artichoke - useful properties and contraindications
This vegetable is considered very valuable and useful. However, the inhabitants of France are its most active consumers. The French know reliably what useful properties and contraindications the artichoke has. Now it is the turn to reveal all the cards and tell the rest of the world about this plant in more detail.
Fresh artichokes contain a lot of pure water enriched with vitamins, substances and minerals that are beneficial for the body:
- vitamins A, E, C, K, as well as an indispensable group of vitamins B for humans;
- potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium - macronutrients;
- trace elements - copper, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium;
- tanning agents;
- enzymes and other components.
It is a godsend for those who wish to lose weight, but do not want to harm their health. Along with all its beneficial properties, the artichoke contains a minimum number of calories.
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In its composition there is a substance inulin. As soon as it enters the human body, a large number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal medium begins to be produced. In addition, inulin lowers blood sugar.
In addition, artichokes contain tsinarin. With it, cerebral circulation is significantly improved. Thus, the use of this plant can be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. A diuretic and choleretic effect will help people better than the use of pharmaceutical preparations of similar pharmacological groups.
However, it is worth remembering that artichokes may be contraindicated for ingestion. The main categories of such people include:
- pregnant women;
- children who are under the age of 12;
- breastfeeding moms;
- people who have biliary tract diagnosis;
- those who are allergic to the components of the plant and their individual intolerance exists;
- liver failure in severe, complicated form.
Anyone who suffers from gastritis with low acidity, the artichoke should be eaten with caution. This also applies to hypertensive patients.
Before eating artichokes, their benefits and harms should be first studied so that this useful product does not further harm human health.
Artichoke - instructions for use
Eating this plant in food is necessary correctly and competently, so that as many nutrients as possible can be ingested into the body and the general state or a separate organ is not harmed. Therefore, it is very important to study in advance the so-called artichoke instructions.
From the plant you can make a useful tincture, which has excellent antioxidant properties due to the content in the composition of cyanarine. When it enters the human body, free radicals bind to each other and are removed from the tissues. This effect is most noticeable in relation to the liver and kidneys. Having a diuretic effect, the fluid from the body with excess salts, toxins and free radicals is eliminated faster.
In addition, the components of the most valuable artichoke plant, allow to produce bile in such quantity that is necessary for safe digestion of proteins and fats. And those people who have problems with the intestines, artichoke will help reduce the level of gas.
Tincture made from artichoke is a hepatoprotector. This means that almost all the components of the tincture envelop, protect the liver from toxic substances, removing the existing naturally.
In addition, they also produce artichoke extract, as well as medicines in the form of tablets and extracts.
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Artichoke Medicine
In pharmacies, artichokes can be found in the display cases as a medicine in several forms of release:
- in liquid - in the form of solutions, concentrates, syrups, etc.;
- artichoke in tablets of a standard type;
- capsules labeled "extract."
If it is not possible to buy fresh vegetables from groceries or order a fresh vegetable from the product’s homeland and cook it yourself, you can purchase the medicinal form. Artichoke extract should be taken according to the instructions for use in order to achieve the most positive result and not cause unpleasant side effects.
As mentioned earlier, artichokes are used in complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, liver, prevention of atherosclerosis, etc. Preparations from this plant have proven themselves in the treatment of obesity and even anorexia, since the artichoke normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to proper absorption and absorptionfat in humans.
It is worth remembering that, like any medicine, food supplement - artichoke extract should not be prescribed for oneself by any means. Due to contraindications, this drug may not be suitable for everyone. Prior consultation with a doctor is required!
Artichoke Extract
Another well-known use of an exotic plant is an artichoke extract. She, too, can be found in pharmacies in our country. The properties of this drug are unique and inimitable. After applying the artichoke extract from Vietnam, the following are observed:
- normalization of the liver and stomach, including after operations;
- manifestation of improvement of the general state of the body and well-being due to the removal of toxins, slags, excess salts and free radicals from the body;
- blood purification, in particular a decrease in the level of sugar in it;
- positive dynamics during treatment of the gallbladder, as well as its ducts;
- stabilization of metabolic processes in the body;
- neutralize inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
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Many people note that after using an extract based on artichokes, the nervous system begins to calm down, peace and tranquility come, stress happens very rarely, and depression goes back.
Be sure to remember that only high-quality hood should be consumed inside. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve a positive effect and check on yourself the miraculous properties of the artichoke.
Hood from Vietnam has the appearance of black resin. It is impossible to prepare it from the leaves of a plant on your own without special skills and accurate recipes. You can find the hood in the form of capsules. Apply in this form the tool is much more convenient. Each package has detailed instructions that must be followed, rather than fantasizing, reducing or increasing the dose.
Artichoke - Benefits and Harm to Health So, the health benefits and harm of artichokes have been studied by physicians and biologists to date. However, for three centuries, since the discovery of this plant, people know more positive moments of eating this vegetable.
The harm lies, for the most part, in the misuse of the artichoke, as well as in its use by persons whom it is contraindicated. In addition, there have been rare instances in which people used by mistake non-artichoke plants to eat. Thus, poisoning and undermining of the immune system were provoked. Therefore, if you do not reliably know the artichoke in front of you or not, it is not worth the risk. Especially if you are on holiday in another country far from the native climatic conditions.
Video on the use of artichoke