The variety of apples Gala, according to gardeners, is not inferior to such varieties as Red and Golden Delicious. Sweet fragrant fruits of this species conquered more than one lover of fruit trees. Interestingly, the name Gala means “solemn”. The description and characteristics of this variety, where and when it is better to plant, can be found below.
Table of contents
- Description of the apple variety gala
- Characteristics of the tree and fruit
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Useful properties and chemical composition
- Top dressing
- Where is growing?
- seedling planting rules
- Care
- Yields
- Watering
- Prevention of pests
- Pruning Diseases and pests
- Reviews gardeners
- Conclusion
Description Gala apples

Birthplace galovskih apples - New Zealand .Grandparents of the variety were taken varieties of Kids Orange and Golden Delicious. Gardeners all over the world owe the appearance of such a fertile type of apples to the breeder J. Kidd, who received a new variety of fruit in the 60s of the XX century. To date, about 20 species are known that have come from the variety Gala since the 1980s, differing only in brightness and color saturation. The most famous are Jazz, Delfoha, Foreboding red Gala, Big Red, El Nino.
The most popular gala in the UK, USA and some European countries. In the past couple of decades, it has been successfully distributed in Russia.
Fruits for 6-7 years after planting the seedling in the soil , in the case of planting a dwarf variety - 3-4 years. Fruit ripening period is from September to November. It is considered a late autumn variety. Flowering time - later at the end of spring. Refers to partially self-pollinating species. Harvest time falls in September.
In order to get the largest possible harvest, it is recommended to place Elstar or James Grieve species near Gala. On average, from one ordinary tree the yield is up to 90 kg.
Cold resistance is pretty good .It can withstand a 30-degree frost, provided it does not have a long duration.
Characteristics of the tree and fruit
Characteristics of the tree:
- Growth - average.
- Krone - wide in girth, has an oval shape.
- branches - diverge from the trunk upward, not growing densely, moderate strength.

Fruit characteristics:
- The size is often medium, less often - large. As the tree grows older it decreases.
- The form is rounded, it is slightly elongated.
- Weight up to 150 gr.
- Color - red, with a small amount of yellow thin vertical lines.
- Taste moderately sweet-sour, the aroma is delicate with a caramel touch.
- The pulp of the fruits is dense, granular in structure, crunchy, the peel is thin but strong. When falling, fruits rarely fight and get damaged.
Advantages and disadvantages
- yield at the highest level;
- early age of onset fruiting ;
- pleasant dessert taste , thanks to which they are widely used in cooking, and the chemical composition and low calorie content make them frequent products in the menu of various diets;
- distinctive quality - the ability to preserve for several months;
- due to its high performance fruits are resistant to damage , which enhances their intact qualities.

- has a hyper yield of , which affects the quality - there are many apples, but the size is small;
- relatively low safety during extreme cold;
- low resistance to some pests.
Useful properties and chemical composition
The benefits of apples are invaluable, because they have a lot of vitamins and trace elements, while they have a low calorie .Due to this combination of qualities they are often used in the preparation of diets.
The composition contains:
- vitamin A - essential for good vision;
- vitamin C - is responsible for immunity;
- iron - necessary for blood formation;
- calcium - needed bones, nails and healthy hair;
Top dressing
It is recommended to use fertilizers of natural origin in the form of compost or manure for top dressing. This “food” should be carried out in one season. It is best to fertilize in the fall, mixing with mineral fertilizers for fruit trees.

In spring, the gals are fed with the nitrogenous , which contributes to good growth.
Where is growing?
Basically variety is grown in the steppe and steppe zone of the continents .It is considered that in these regions the most suitable conditions for the composition of the soil and its moisture content for the fertile cultivation of this fruit tree.
Recently, the apple tree has been adapting and spreading more and more in the subtropics and the tropics. Countries that have started to engage in technical cultivation of the variety are Brazil and China.
Gala develops and bears fruit well in temperate climates. It can be found in Poland, Ukraine, Russia.
Planting rules for seedlings
The planting place should be chosen with a low level of moisture , that is, away from water. It is recommended to have other apple varieties near the location of the gala variety tree. In this case it is not at all necessary that they belong to varieties of this variety. Other apple representatives will play the role of pollinators, which will improve the quality and yield of the gala.

Other planting recommendations:
- planting time - no later than 30 days before the first frost;
- planting pit preparation - a full month before the day of planting the sapling;
- size - up to 1 meter deep, 1 meter wide;
- mix for planting - a layer of fertile soil collected during preparation of the pit, mixed with fertilizers of organic composition, add a little ash and lime
For a good harvest, the number of inflorescences must be kept under control. With too many of them, which happens with the age of the tree, there are a lot of fruits, but small in size. In order to improve the quality, it is necessary to thin out the apple ovaries slightly each year and reduce the number and thickness of the inflorescences of .So you can save the quality of the crop.

Not too strong, plant does not tolerate excess moisture .The initial frequency for young saplings is once a week. Further, as they grow older, it is necessary to reduce watering, conducting them only with strong drying of the upper layers of the soil.
Prevention against pests
Young plants are usually covered with a solution of chalk in the lower part of the column. After a five year milestone, a lime mixture is used. Also at the beginning of spring, the crown is treated with an atomizer with a Brodsky liquid of 3% concentration , and during the appearance of buds and after the inflorescence wilt, ½% copper chloroxide is used.

Periodically it is recommended to disinfect the top layers of the soil from insect pests. To do this, use chlorine lime and digging up the soil around the tree.
The newly emerging branches are pruned to one third of the regrown .This allows you to maintain high-quality yields and save the tree from further fruit overload.
Diseases and pests
- High disease resistance: European cancer, powdery mildew.
- Medium resistance: scab.
- Low resistance: bacterial burn, moth, moniliosis.

Prevention. As a preventive measure, is sprayed with trees using .It helps to destroy periodically occurring pests and creates additional protection against various diseases of vegetation. The tool can be purchased at any specialized garden shop.
Reviews gardeners
The variety is good because it gives a bountiful harvest. And this is taking into account the fact that it does not require special skills and knowledge for cultivation and care. The harvest from two apples is enough for both the family and additional income in the form of selling products on the market.
Fragrant, juicy, sweet and sour apples are perfect for preparing a variety of different dessert dishes. Yes, and fresh them nice to eat. At least one apple tree of the Gala variety should be in the orchard of every gardener!
Galovskiye apples are one of the best varieties of apple trees in taste and color. Its is used to make baby food, in canning( jam and jam), as a baking dish, in the manufacture of alcoholic( wine, cider) and non-alcoholic( juice) products. According to experts, the gala variety is one of the best species grown on an industrial scale.