Descrierea soiurilor Sevka Centurion și a caracteristicilor sale

Most gardeners and large-scale farms prefer the promising onion variety Centurion for low maintenance, high-quality crops and a long shelf life.

A widespread vegetable crop belongs to the medium early varieties of Dutch selection. There is a reliable hybrid, and shows excellent results of germination.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristicsvarieties. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm and has tubular leaves, painted in a saturated green color. The variety forms medium sized heads. The weight of one onion ranges from 100 to 150g. The bulb is round, slightly elongated with dense husks having a bright straw color. A small neck creates a reliable barrier from the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the white flesh, which protects the onions from rotting.
    Onion sets Centurion close-ups

    Thanks to its shape, the small bottom and narrow neck of the vegetable is convenient for cutting, unlike other types that have a spherical shape, which produce a lot of waste. And the taste of the product, which is characterized by mild sharpness, piquancy and delicate aroma, absolutely satisfies the demands of the chefs.

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    The variety has many advantages, which is of particular interest to vegetable growers. The positive characteristics include:

    • high yields, from 1 kg of planting can be collected from 4 kg turnips;
    • successful growth in various climatic zones;
    • excellent taste qualities of the variety;
    • resistance to bolting, so the variety is well suited for growing on a feather;
    • resistance to diseases, characteristic of this class, because of this, does not need additional treatment with the use of chemicals;
    • is well suited for long-term storage at home;
    • is a universal product, used both fresh and suitable for canning.

    The peculiarity and characteristic of the variety allows the Centurion to enter the highest price category, which guarantees decent profit when commercially grown.

    In order to provide the whole family with onion stocks for the winter, it is necessary to follow certain rules and requirements when planting a vegetable crop.
    Onion care centurion in the summer

    The main condition is that the soil warms to 15̊ C and, if it is not observed, the harvest may be small.

    Soil Requirement

    When choosing a site for planting, it is necessary to pay attention to open and well-lit areas. Although culture and moisture-loving, but an excessive amount of water does not tolerate, therefore, you should avoid places where groundwater flows close to the surface of the earth.

    For the Centurion variety, sandy loam soils are best suited. The level of acidity should be neutral, as the acidic soil leads to a significant loss of yield. To reduce the acidity, furnace ash or cement dust can be added a year before planting.

    The soil should be prepared in autumn by performing the following agricultural practices:

    1. Clear the selected area from weeds, as they negatively affect the quality and quantity of the crop.
    2. Add fertilizer, loosening the top layer of soil. This will help the nutrients to get deeper, as well as further eliminate weed residues;
    3. Before winter, dig up beds to a depth of about 25 cm.
    Growing onion centurion in the beds
    This crop is not recommended to be planted in the land of last year's landing, you should change its location. The next time you plant a plant in the same area will be possible only after 3 years.

    Seeding Rules

    Record harvests can be obtained with a two-year growing pattern.

    Features of cultivation in the first year of

    The end of April - the beginning of May is considered a favorable period for sowing seeds. The sowing process includes the following procedure:

    1. Before sowing, soak the seeds for 24 hours in water. You can add growth stimulants to water. Then put the seeds on the matter and cover with foil.
    2. Prepare sowing furrows 3-4 cm deep, keeping a distance of 20 cm between them.
    3. Equip the bottom of the furrow with fertilizers and evenly place planting material at the rate of 3g seeds per 1m2.
    4. Top up the loose soil and slightly compacted.

    The yield of stitching can exceed 15 tons per 1 ha. Sevok can be removed for 90 days after sowing. After that, it must be prepared for storage and placed in winter in a specially designated room with an acceptable temperature and humidity level.

    Onion centurion on hand close-up

    Basic rules for the second year of growing

    It is necessary to sort through the seals, removing damaged and rotten specimens. After that, warm the selected onions for planting under cover for 3 days and proceed to the planting process of planting.

    1. Make landing holes, the depth of which is 6-8 cm. The distance between the rows should be within 10-12cm.
    2. Add organic matter, which can serve as rotten manure, wood ash.
    3. Place the sets with a distance of 8 cm from each other into the prepared wells.
    4. The holes are covered with earth and lightly tamped.
    The onset of technical maturity occurs after 75 days. Harvest can be collected at the end of July - early August.

    Complex of measures for the care of onions

    When growing any vegetable crop, not only proper planting is important, but also further care, which must be done according to the rules. To do this:

    1. Conduct regular watering during the growing season. to activate leaf growth, which by the end of vegetative growth should be reduced, and 3 weeks before harvesting, completely stop. Watering should be carefully, without damaging the pen. Use only warm water, as cold water can provoke the appearance of downy powdery mildew.
    2. Weed along with loosening of the ground to ensure good air circulation, this will positively affect the development of vegetable crops;
    3. In due time, should be cleared of weed crops, because they contribute to the preservation of moisture on the surface, which leads to an increased risk of resistance to various fungal diseases. Also, if you do not destroy the weeds in time, the neck will become juicy and this will negatively affect the storage of the vegetable, as it starts to rot.
    4. Add nutrients, depending on the soil in which the onion is planted.
    5. Constantly inspect plants for diseases and pests of and take appropriate measures when detected.
    Harvesting Onions Centurion

    Diseases and their prevention

    The most common pest of Onion Centurion is an onion fly. When it is exposed, the leaflets are incapable of such a process as turgor and, turning yellow, curl. It is necessary to get rid of the pest as soon as possible, since it affects not only the leaves, but also the stalk with seeds. There are many folk remedies and chemicals that are actively used in the fight against onion flies.

    An onion moth, small brown butterflies can also be a dangerous pest. The harm is more brought not by adult organisms, but by the larvae that eat away the parenchyma of the plant. In order to prevent the need to regularly weed the beds, and rationally distribute the culture of sowing. In the treatment of onions, substances are used whose smell repels insects. This can be either a chemical purchased in a store or prepared in a home environment.

    Wet spring with low temperatures provokes the appearance of downy mildew. Since rainwater accumulates on the leaves of onions and accelerates the development of fungal diseases, the appearance of which can infect the whole bed in just a few days. For the prevention and treatment of fungicides should be used every 2 weeks.

    A very dangerous bacterial disease of Centurion onions is ground rot, which enters the plant through contaminated soil and is accompanied by the complete decay of the plant .You can get rid of the disease only by using special means.

    In order for the onions to grow healthy and not contain insect larvae, it is necessary to take timely measures to combat pests and diseases.
    Planting Onions Centurion

    Harvesting and Storage Rules

    With professional planting and proper care, you can easily achieve the desired results. The period of gathering onions comes at a time when the leaves fall, and the neck is not able to hold them evenly.

    W and a few weeks before harvesting you need to stop watering and dry the soil a little. Cut the bulbs neatly without damaging the bottom. Before cleaning for storage, you should carefully consider each bulb and all suspicious specimens to be put aside for first use.

    It is necessary to place the harvest in the sun and let it dry a little. When rainy weather put it under a canopy, ensuring sufficient air circulation. After which the onions are put in wooden boxes, nylon bags or nets. You can store vegetables in bulk.

    If the required conditions are met, the storage period can be up to 8 months. It is important that the room in which the vegetables are placed is dark, cool and dry.

    Onion Centurion surprises with its savory taste, which makes it a popular and sought-after product in the preparation of culinary masterpieces. If you comply with all agrotechnical methods for the construction and the implementation of the necessary recommendations for the care, you can collect an excellent crop of large onions.

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