Aterizarea și îngrijirea adecvată a cepei din Sturon( sevok)

Onion is a versatile ingredient that is part of many dishes, which is why it is popular among summer residents and is grown on almost every garden plot. Sturon has a large number of positive qualities , which include simplicity of care and resistance to adverse conditions. The description and characteristics of this variety are given in this review.

configuredIts predecessor was a well-known onion variety called Stuttgarter Riesen.

The Sturon onion variety has average ripening times, thanks to which can be obtained from 100-110 days after the first shoots of .This indicator allows you to grow a variety in the central and northern part of the country. You must also indicate that the plant is not afraid of frost and tolerates even the most severe winters.

Onion Sturon

Large bulbs are formed only in the second year, in the first season you can grow good planting material. If you look after the onions correctly, you can harvest up to 35 tons of harvest from one hectare. This factor is attractive for entrepreneurs who grow spicy vegetables for sale.

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To the positive qualities of the variety include the shelf life of the fruit. If you comply with all the necessary conditions, the crop will retain its freshness for 8 months.

Sturon variety fruits are elongated bulbs made in the shape of an ellipse. In some cases, the array can reach 210 grams. On top of the bulb is covered with 5 layers of dry scales of golden color with dark stripes. The inside is a few juicy layers, painted in a greenish color. The taste of the flesh is bitter-sharp, and the aroma is tart and rather sharp .This onion can be used for fresh consumption, preservation and heat treatment.

The Sturon variety is unaffected by most common diseases and pests.


The bulbs of Sturon are rather large, up to 200 grams
  • Onions Sturon has with excellent taste and flavor ;
  • The plant is suitable for growing in temperate and northern latitudes ;
  • One hectare of land can be harvested up to 35 tons of crop ;
  • One onion reaches in weight 210 grams ;
  • Under all conditions, this variety can maintain its freshness for 8 months .


  • When growing from seed, there is a rather high risk of planting material of small size ;
  • The variety is poorly resistant to false powdery mildew and onion mosaic ;
  • To obtain a rich crop, the plant should be grown exclusively on loamy or sandy soils .


In order to get a good harvest you need to choose the right planting material. Onion sets can be purchased at a specialty store or independently grown from seed. It should be large( with a diameter of at least 2 centimeters) and have a smooth surface. No seeding with the following defects cannot be planted:

  • signs of rotting ;
  • any kind of mechanical damage ;
  • large amount of moisture in the bulbs ;
  • signs effects of diseases or pests;
  • presence of green arrows or small roots.
Onion sets Sturon

Seeding is planted in early spring. In order to avoid the formation of various diseases and other problems, the bulbs are stored at a certain temperature, which consists of several stages:

  1. The first week of is stored onions at a temperature of 20-25 degrees;
  2. The second week of at a temperature of 30 degrees;
  3. In the third week of the , the temperature is raised to 35 degrees;
  4. Then sevok for 8-12 hours remove in a place with a temperature of 40 degrees ;
  5. The remaining time until planting of the bulbs, their is stored in a dry place with a temperature of 18-20 degrees .During this process it is very important not to neglect airing.
In the event that the diameter of the seam does not exceed 1 centimeter, it is planted before winter, a few weeks before the onset of frost. In this case, the bulbs can grow and root before the onset of spring.

For spring planting, the following rules are followed:

  1. It is recommended that be grown on Sturon on slightly acidic, loamy or sandy soils ;
  2. At the end of autumn, humus and rotted manure are introduced into the ground under the excavation facility, and mineral fertilizers are added just before planting;
  3. For proper preparation of the planting material, on the bulbs cut the neck of the so as not to damage the shoots;
Sorting and cutting onions
  1. A few days before planting , the soil is cleared from weeds, loosened and formed lines, at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other;
  2. Sevok deepen into the ground on 2-3,5 centimeter , the distance between the individual bulbs should be equal to 10-15 centimeters.


Self-cultivation of seed onions from seeds is a fairly simple task, during which it is very important to take into account the basic rules. First of all, you should observe the landing dates for .In the southern regions, seeds are placed in the ground in spring( late March), and in the central and northern latitudes in the first weeks of April.

Onion Seeds
Specific dates of sowing will depend on the readiness of the soil, it should thaw at 5-6 centimeters.

Soil preparation should begin as early as autumn, the following fertilizers are applied to 1 square meter of land for digging:

  • half a bucket of compost ;
  • 1 glass wood ash ;
  • 1 tablespoon phosphate fertilizer ;
  • 1 tablespoon superphosphate .

For 2-3 days before planting, the soil is plowed and formed beds, then compacted and covered with black film.

Seeds also need to be prepared, for this they are soaked in manganese or aloe for 4-6 hours. After that, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and stored in a dark place for 2 days. It is very important to prevent the fabric from drying out.

Soaking Sturon Onion Seeds Before Planting

The seeds are sown according to the following algorithm:

  1. To start , the ridge is watered with warm water and the furrows are , 20 centimeters apart;
Furrows for sowing seeds of onion
  1. The seeds are laid on the surface of the in such a way that the distance between them is equal to 10 centimeters;
Sowing onions with seeds on
  1. tape. Then seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of primer and carefully watered. It is advisable to mulch the planting with peat or compost.

Plant Care

The care of Sturon variety onions is divided into two components, because the cultivation of seed and full-grown fruits differ significantly from each other. In the first year of plant life, when the main goal of the gardener is to obtain a quality set, the bow is tended as follows :

  1. As soon as the first sprouts appear, planting must be thinned .This procedure will help to form a large sevok;
Sprouted onions
  1. The ground must regularly loosen ;
  2. Watering is carried out once a 7-10 days , while adding organic or mineral fertilizers to the water;
  3. When the sprouts reach a height equal to the 2nd centimeters all work should be stopped.

Then the gardener must wait for the moment when the green will wilt and soften the neck. In this case, the onions can be dug, dried and prepared for storage.

When growing fruits for eating, perform the following actions :

  1. Onions Sturon must be watered plentifully, not allowing the soil to dry out. In one procedure, 12-15 liters of water are consumed per square meter of soil;
  2. After the appearance of the first young landing feathers , they fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers , for example, with urea;
You can compensate for the lack of nitrogen in the soil on which the onions grow by irrigating with urea or a solution from slurry
  1. It is also necessary for to regularly loosen the ground and clean it of weeds.
When harvesting, you cannot wait for the moment when the leaves are completely dry. In this case, the roots may begin to rot.

Diseases and pests Although

onion Sturon grade and has good immunity to many diseases, it is possible to see signs of these illnesses :

  1. Downy Mildew manifests itself in the form of characteristic spots on plant leaves, which gradually grow. The fungus is localized in the bulbs and can cause the death of the plant. Downy mildew spreads very quickly, so infected plants should be removed immediately. The remaining landings are treated with Fitosporin-m and Phytoplus. From such a disease is very difficult to get rid of, so do not neglect the prevention, which includes pre-treatment of planting material;
  2. Neck rot may occur during storage of the crop. Control measures will be the timely removal of diseased bulbs;
  3. Onion mosaic - initially, this virus can be seen by the formation of yellow spots on the leaves. Then the aboveground part gradually dies off, and the fruits become very shallow and poorly stored. To fight this disease is almost impossible;
  4. As for pests, the Sturon's bow is often damaged by the nematode .The drug Mercaptophos and Phosphamide helps in the fight against worms.

Sturon Onion Variety is well suited for growing in the central and northern region .Its frost resistance and average ripening period allows to get a rich harvest of tasty fruits even in adverse weather conditions.

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