Descrierea și caracteristicile soiurilor de dovleac vitamine

Pumpkin is a useful and beautiful garden crop. Fruits contain many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber. There are several varieties of vegetables grown on garden beds. Today we will talk about the description of nutmeg, the sweetest and most delicious. Compare its two varieties: Vitamin and Pearl.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristics of Vitamin Gourd
  • Description and Characteristics of the Pearl
  • Variety Comparison of Two Varieties of Nutmeg

Description and Characterization of Vitamin Gourd

Plants form lashes of considerable length, up to 6 meters, on which fruits are drawn, usually 2-3. Plant 2-3 seeds per well, seeding to a depth of 10 centimeters, or seedlings. In the middle lane guaranteed to ripen, if it is grown seedling. This culture loves the sun and warmth. Landing is recommended in rows.

The best soil for this pumpkin is light loamy and sandy.

Care includes pinching the side branches and the main stem. Also requires a full range of agrotechnical measures, consisting of watering, loosening, weeding, regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizer. Crop harvested in September and October. Harvest must be removed before the first frost.

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Pumpkin vitamin close-up

Pumpkin Vitamin-late variety. Large, slightly ribbed, slightly elongated fruits ripen about 130 days after planting. The size of the fruit reaches a weight of 7 kilograms, and 5-pound specimens - a common thing. Fruits are characterized by satisfactory keeping quality and transportability.

Light orange or yellowish thin bark hides the crisp flesh of dense, but delicate texture of rich orange color. The layer of fibrous pulp under the crust reaches 10 centimeters. Mature fruits contain large quantities of carotene and sugars, and therefore they are used in baby food and therapeutic diets. Juice, mashed potatoes, pastries, and other vitamin dishes are made from the pulp. High taste qualities allow to use the pulp raw.

Description and Characteristics of the Variety Pearl

Plants are characterized by strong growth, each producing up to 6 shoots, each of which forms a fruit. The weight of an oval-shaped fruit can reach 6, sometimes 8 kilograms, but not less than 3 kilograms.

The bark is smooth, thin, orange in color. Below it is a thick layer of dark orange pulp. A small seed nest is formed in the upper third of the fruit, the rest of the place is occupied by the pulp.

The dense fibrous pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene, which is good for growth and vision.
Pumpkin pearl in the cut close-up

Agrotechnical cultivation is the same as for other nutmeg pumpkins. The only remark, the name in mind is the formation of a powerful bush, it is recommended to leave a space between plants of at least 60 cm. It tolerates temperature reduction. The crop ripens in 100-120 days - this is the mid-season variety.

Pumpkin is well preserved and even improves the taste during ripening, although the quality of fruits begins to deteriorate after six months of storage. From the pulp, rich in carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins and useful micro and macro elements, prepare dishes for baby food, tasty low-calorie diet meals and drinks.

Comparison of two varieties of nutmeg

For comparing two varieties - Vitamin and Pearl - we will create a visual table

Grade butternut squash Vitamin Pearl
Appearance plants Long lashes up to 6 m few lashes
Preferred soil loamy and sandy loamy and sandy
Temperature thermophilic thermophilic
Methods landing seed in the hole, seedlings Seeds per well, seedlings
Number of fruits per plant 2-3 Up to 6
Ripening period 125-130 days, late-ripe 100-120 days, mid-season
Color of pulp Rich orange Dark orange
Pulp consistency Dense delicate crisp fibrous Dense delicate crispy fibrous
Sugar content D High SchArne
Keeping quality and portability Satisfactory Good
Recommended use Baby food, medical diets. For the manufacture of juices, mashed potatoes, baking. Can be eaten raw. Baby food, therapeutic diets. For the manufacture of juices, mashed potatoes, baking.

A comparison of nutmeg and Vitamin and Pearl did not reveal the dramatic advantage of one species over another. If the Pearl also ripens a little earlier, then Vitaminna gains a little in taste. Pearl is stored better and longer.

As for the yield and transportability, these indicators are almost the same in both varieties. Plants of both varieties require the same growing and maintenance conditions, they are thermophilic. Only the shape of the fruits and their sizes differ.

The nutmeg pumpkin in the garden of the

Butternut pumpkin is distinguished by a juicy, orange-colored pulp with a characteristic pleasant taste accent. Musk varieties among pumpkin crops are notable for their particularly high sugar content. Thanks to these undeniable merits, nutmeg pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

The shape of the fruit can be very different, reach a large size, but the taste of the fruit always remains on top. Both Vitamin Musky Gourd and Pearl can be successfully grown, both for personal consumption and for sale.

A large variety of musky varieties makes it difficult to choose, and therefore the analysis of features and merits carried out in this article, comparing them with each other will make it possible to decide on a new season.

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