Ce se aplică îngrășământului pentru usturoi când se plantează în toamnă

Garlic is a spicy culture with a bright aroma, the strongest antiseptic and antioxidant, nothing irreplaceable spice for canning, cooking and salads. Garlic is used on the farm almost every day, so it is impossible to imagine a vegetable garden without a large bed of this useful spice. A guarantee of a rich harvest of this unique vegetable will be fertilization in the fall during planting.


  • Do I need fertilizer for garlic?
  • Preparation of soil for planting
  • The best fertilizers in spring and autumn
    • Organic( ash and manure)
    • Fertilizing with chemical preparations
    • Which plant green manure

Do you need fertilizer for garlic?

The root system of a culture is rather weak, limited and superficial, therefore for full growth, for obtaining large heads, it is necessary to fertilize the soil and feed the plants themselves, and you should not save on fertilizer.

Garlic can be planted in two ways - winter and spring, i.e.before winter or with the onset of spring.

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In both cases, it is necessary to feed the vegetable. In order for winter garlic to grow strong, not to hurt, to produce a good, high-quality crop, it is necessary to start preparing the soil for a bed 2-3 weeks before planting, or even a month.

A bed of garlic
Garlic does not tolerate acidic and overmoistened soils - in spring, seeds can simply rot in the damp ground. Place for beds choose open, sunny and dry.

Preparing the soil for planting

Garlic, along with other crops, should be included in the 4-5 year crop rotation cycle, the best predecessors are cucumbers, zucchini, legumes, early or cauliflower, early greens, salads. The bed must first be disinfected with a solution of copper sulphate - 1 spoon per bucket of water.

Then you need to dig up the earth to a depth of about 20 cm, removing weeds and their roots, generously fertilizing with humus. On 1 square.m make at least 5 kg of rotted humus or compost, adding to it 20g of superphosphate and a glass of wood ash. After this, the soil is well watered and covered for a while with a film. The soil will remain loose, saturate with oxygen and will settle slightly until the teeth are planted.

The best fertilizers in spring and autumn

Organic( ash and manure)

Fresh manure works very well as a top dressing, but it is not recommended to make it in the fall: the heads will become loose, and the plant itself will be susceptible to fungal diseases. In addition, manure will provoke active growth of green mass , and the heads will remain small. Slurry is best to feed the beds in the spring, diluting with water at a ratio of 1: 6, repeat 2-3 times throughout the growing season.

Wood Ash is great for fertilizing garlic.

Ash is an excellent organic fertilizer. It is brought along with the compost during digging or added directly to the grooves during planting. It is possible in a couple of weeks after planting to pour a solution of ash: 1 tablespoon per 1l of water, 2-3 liters per square meter.m landings. Wood ash is a complete complex fertilizer, consisting of a set of trace elements, its introduction contributes to the growth of large heads.

Fertilizing with chemical preparations

Chemical mineral fertilizers also have a very good effect on the growth and development of the heads. Before planting in the fall, it is necessary to fertilize the earth with superphosphate and potassium salts. Potassium will help to form a powerful root system of teeth before the onset of cold weather, when the soil is still warm enough, and this allows the plants to tolerate good winter cold.

It is impossible to make from the fall because of the active growth of the green mass of plants, and it is useless to the winter vegetable. But we must remember that in the spring nitrogen is fertilized before the emergence of shoots.

Potassium salts are especially useful in the autumn.

The most useful in the fall will be potassium salts, double superphosphate, potassium sulfate, nitrophoska - at your discretion. It is best to make them in a complex way, mixing with ash and organic fertilizers - humus or compost.

What to plant siderats

Since garlic responds very well to organic matter and to “green” predecessors, loves fertile and well-fertilized lands, it goes without saying that using siderats as a fertilizer will be very useful.

Sowing sideratov for winter garlic is an ideal way to prepare the soil in the beds.

The land where the garden will be located should be free from crops around the end of July .And immediately siderats are sown on it - legumes, cereals( rye, barley), but the best option is mustard or phacelia.

The roots and the whole green mass of these plants contain a large number of volatile production and essential oils, which are detrimental to many pests and eradicate viral and fungal diseases. Phacelia very quickly gains the green mass of - in 1.5 months up to 200-300 kg per hundred( equivalently 250 kg of mullein / hundred).

Three weeks before planting a culture, green manure crops are mowed( before flowering begins), young plants are dug up into a bed and buried to a depth of 15–20 cm in the soil.phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other essential vegetables for growth and development.

Before planting garlic, it is not bad to plant the sided
. Biomass, embedded in the soil for rapid decomposition, will successfully replace humus or compost, significantly improve the characteristics of the earth, make it light, loose, saturate with oxygen.

Before planting garlic, additional loosening is not required, it is enough to make grooves and plant cloves in them. Many experienced gardeners are advised to use this method of improving the quality of the soil for onions and garlic.

Garlic culture gained popularity and became necessary for use due to its beneficial antiseptic properties and the unique bright aroma of .It is impossible to imagine winter canning, pickles, tasty first and second courses, savory snacks without this spice. No matter how unpretentious garlic may be, proper agricultural technology of cultivation, care and dressing will help to achieve excellent yields and provide any family with a supply of tight fragrant cloves for the whole year.

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