Brussels sprouts are popular with experienced gardeners; growing them is quite simple. Of all the known cabbage varieties, this one stands apart. However, in our gardens, it is considered a rarity because of its peculiar capriciousness and low yield. But this is far from the case.
You can grow a vegetable in a country house in the open field in the Moscow region, plant it directly from seeds or plant seedlings first.
Convocationand storage of the crop
What is the Brussels sprouts
The plant is two years old, different thick stem, reaching a height of one meter. It is located long-leaf foliage, having a multi-colored blistering surface. The top of the stem is crowned with a leaf rosette.
As the fall season begins, is beginning to form a small, loose or dense cabinets, which look like white cabbage forks. Their diameter is two to five centimeters, on one stem grows from 30 to 70 .
The plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant, the vegetative period is for 4-6 months , so it is recommended to grow the crop using the seedling method.

History of origin
The culture is considered to be , a variety of white cabbage , does not come across in wild form. Its predecessor is kale, which grows in the Mediterranean. The Brussels vegetable was derived by the Belgian selection specialists, which was the reason for this name.
Over time, the vegetable was grown in Western European countries, and it came to the east in the middle of the nineteenth century, but did not catch on because of the difficult climate. But Canadians, Americans and Westerners began to plant culture in industrial quantities.
Useful properties
This cabbage variety contains:
- fiber;
- folic acid;
- proteins;
- vitamins of various groups;
- phosphoric, potassium, magnesium, iodine, sodium salts;
- amino acids.

Cabbage is recommended for diets prescribed for children and the elderly. Excellent help with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Cabbage juice has a diuretic, choleretic, hematopoietic, anti-cancer, anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes the performance of the pancreas, is recommended for diabetics. Cabbage helps with wound healing after surgery.
Vegetables are considered gourmet food .It is used in the preparation of salads, first courses, side dishes, can marinate and even freeze.
The most popular varieties for growing
The most famous include the following:
- Garnet Bracelet .Excellent against cold weather, yields good yields, ripens four months after transplanting seedlings. The stem grows to seventy centimeters, forms about forty rodents of delicate taste;
- Dolmik .Hybrid Dutch breeders, grows to fifty centimeters. Heads of yellow-green, their weight is about twenty grams. After cooking, become delicate taste;
- Boxer .The high-yielding hybrid plant, perfectly resists to diseases and harmful parasites. Heads of rounded forms, green shade, quite tasty;
- Merry company .Sredneroslaya culture, heads of cabbage dense and very tasty, purple hue;
- Curl .The best and most productive variety bred in the Czech Republic. The height of the stem reaches ninety centimeters, forms a large number of five-centimeter heads.

Company How to grow
from seeds To get strong plants, it is recommended to take care of planting material. For prophylactic purposes, the seeds should be soak 30 minutes in hot water, then quickly cool .
Seeding dates
Sow best from mid-March to early April .
Seedlings care
After three to five days, the first shoots appear. At this time it is necessary to remove the plastic film from the boxes, rearrange them to more illuminated places. To seedlings do not stretch, it is recommended to organize doshodyvanie.

cabbage seedlings need abundant watering , but do not get carried away so that the roots do not start to rot. The soil should be constantly loosen to ensure oxygen access to the root system.
To feed sprouts should be in the phase of the second - the third leaves, using Kemira-Lux. It is necessary to ensure that the composition does not fall on the leaves. The second feeding is done a couple of weeks before transplantation. Urea, copper sulfate, potassium sulfate, and boric acid are used for this.
Pickup It is performed for seedlings that form one true leaf. Picking scheme - "six by six" centimeters .Before transplantation, seedlings are spilled with a weak manganese solution, then carefully arranged in cups.
Seedling deepened to the seedbed leaf .The containers are placed in a shade for a few days, the air should be humid.
Planting Brussels sprout in open ground
Replant seedlings should be after the sprouts appear fourth - the fifth leaves of .As a rule, this moment falls on mid-May - mid-summer season .
The soil should be fertile, loamy. Preparation of beds should be done in the fall - dig, add lime if necessary. In spring, the place should be fertilized by adding a bucket of compost or humus to the square of the site.
Wells are prepared for planting seedlings, in each of which a small spoon of urea is laid, two canteens - superphosphate, a couple of glasses of wood ash.
The landing pattern is “sixty by sixty” centimeters .Sprout rolls over with a lump of earth, powdered, compacted and watered.
Care Rules Cabbage should be fertilized with with Urea and Potassium Chloride. Feed boric acid, molybdenum and a solution of manganese should be foliar. During the beginning of the formation of the ovary infused bird droppings with the addition of ash in it.

To speed up the ripening of fruits and increase their weight at the end of the vegetative period, it is recommended to pinch the apical parts of the shoots. One month before harvest, rosette leaves are pruned.
Spud the plant should be careful that the lower head does not begin to rot. At the same time, weeds should be removed. These are the basic rules for care.
Diseases and pests
In the spring, must be removed from the beds of the cruciferous weed grass so as not to attract pests to it. To scare cabbage flies, beds can be sprinkled with tobacco mixed with ash or lime .
Harvesting and storing the crop
In the fall, when the leaves turn yellow and fall, the rods start to shine .This suggests that you can start harvesting.

It turns out that there is nothing difficult in the cultivation of Brussels sprouts. It remains only to choose the most suitable climate for your region, and you can start planting, plant this amazing and tasty plant, which will also look unusual.