There is an opinion that the dressing needs to be properly selected, otherwise the plant will actively develop the tops of the plant from an oversupply of nutrients. About good yields in such cases we are not talking. About the principles of formation of the composition of fertilizers, about when to feed the onions and the rules of their introductions are described in this article.
Table of contents
- Does the onion and sev need fertilizing?
- When to fertilize and feed
- How to feed
- in the spring? Find some three seasonal fertilizers
Even the most unpretentious plants need enough nutrition. The composition of the soil has a direct impact on the growing season, the formation of fruits, so in order to get a good harvest, it will be necessary to observe not only the conditions of cultivation of the crop, but also to introduce supplementary food in a timely manner.
Features of onions are that it literally absorbs all the beneficial substances from the soil , depleting it. At the same time it is not necessary to use all fertilizers.
For a season, it is necessary to feed a culture at least 2-3 times.The technology of spring planting or planting in May includes the preparation of beds in the fall. The plot is enriched with humus or compost at the rate of 5-7 kg of fertilizer per 1 m2 of .
If the land is depleted, it cannot be dispensed with mineral substances, it must be fertilized before you plant something. Open ground must be dug up so that during the winter period a fertile layer is formed, where the seedlings will ripen.
When to fertilize and feed
After planting after about 2 weeks, when sprouts appear on the surface of the ground, it is necessary to enrich the soil and pour with nitrogenous fertilizer to stimulate the growth of greenery. If the season at this stage is characterized by high humidity, mineral stimulants should not be made. Nutrients from the autumn feeding will be quite enough.
3 weeks after the first feeding, a new batch of nutrients is introduced with a lower content of nitrogenous substances, but more potassium-phosphorus trace elements. This procedure is already required by to form an onion so that it successfully grows and can grow well.
Fertilizers attract pests, so before you make them need to process plants with folk remedies - tobacco or wood ash.The deficiency of any trace elements is immediately accompanied by a certain symptomatology:
- lack of nitrogen is recognized by slow growth, pale feather color, yellow spots ;
- potassium starvation is expressed in the formation of necrosis at the tips of the pen with a gradual advance towards the onion;
- lack of phosphorus slows down plant growth, large brown spots appear on the greenery, spreading all over the pen;
- zinc deficiency is observed on twisted green or spread on the soil surface;
- lack of copper provokes thinning pen , removing pigment, resulting in a green look faded.
It should be noted that these symptoms do not appear clearly. With the lack of nutrition requires an integrated approach , because the depleted earth lacks many micro and macro elements.
Potassium deficiency - brown necrosis with pen promotion Nitrogen deficiency - yellow spotsSometimes it is difficult to determine the degree of nutritional value when planting an unfamiliar area. In such cases, it is necessary to focus on the behavior of the plant during the growing season and introduce supplementary foods, taking into account the symptoms.
What means to feed in the spring of
The usage schedule for fertilizers is based on the purpose of growing onion crops. The easiest way is to get greens. To form a complete turnip, an integrated approach is used.
In early spring( March), the selected site should be dug up. If the soil on it is dense, it is recommended to introduce sand and peat into it. This will make the structure easier and increase the looseness.
In the absence of autumn preparation, the dug-up land is enriched with a mixture, which consists of:
- humus( 5-6 kg per 1 m2);
- urea( 20-25 g);
- superphosphate( 30 g);
- potassium salt( 15-20 g).
Superphosphate Potassium saltThe complex treatment compensates for the lack of nutrients in depleted areas and facilitates the maintenance of onion turnips.
Onion reacts poorly to the introduction of fresh organic matter of animal origin, therefore, such feeding should be abandoned.For the fertilization of the soil in spring, it is recommended to use:
- humus;
- peat;
- wood ash.
Peat Wood AshAfter shoots appear above the ground surface, it is recommended to introduce nitrogen composition .It is worth delaying treatment in case of heavy precipitation, since nitrogen is water-soluble and the benefits of the procedure will be insignificant.
Variants of three seasonal fertilizers
Method 1
- a solution of water( 10 l) and ammonia( 3 tbsp.) - pour through 2 weeks after disembarking;
- water( 10 l), ammonium nitrate( 1 tbsp. L.), Salt( 1 tbsp. L.), Potassium permanganate( a couple of crystals) - through 3 weeks after the first feeding;
- water( 10 l), superphosphate( 2 tbsp. L.) - through 4-5 weeks after the second feeding.
Method 2
- water( 10 liters), Vegeta( 2 tablespoons), urea( 1 tablespoons) - pour for 15 days after disembarking;
- water( 10 l), means "Agricola 2"( 1 tbsp. L.);
- water( 10 l), means “Effecton-O”( 2 tbsp. L.).
Method 3
- breadcrumbs( 500 gr.) Soak with water( 10 l), add fresh cut grass( 500 gr.) And fresh yeast( 5 small packs), enter after 2 days sludge ;
- water( 10 l), nitrophoska( 2 tbsp. L.);
- wood ash( 250 gr.) Pour boiling water( 10 l) and insist 2-3 days.
How to fertilize onions in the summer of
If the crop is planted on fertile soil, properly treated in the fall, then it is not necessary to introduce supplementary foods other than of spring nitrogen fertilizers .
In other cases, in the summer, the procedure can significantly improve the quality of the harvest of onions, batuns, or onion heads, therefore, it is not worth refusing.For the summer period( end of June - first half of July) drops out the third stage of feeding. The composition used should be rich in potassium, phosphorus, copper and other beneficial substances. The enrichment of valuable microelements has a positive effect on the formation of turnips so that it can grow well.
Gardeners are more likely to use mixed fertilizers, they increase processing efficiency. It is necessary to introduce the working solution in the evening hours, preferably after precipitation or irrigation.
Working with nutrient solutions, it is necessary to carefully introduce them into the soil. Contact with feathers will cause to turn yellow.
Top dressing in autumn
The planning of the landing zone for the new season is carried out in the autumn. First of all, measures are being taken to disinfect the soil. A day before the introduction of food produce watering a special solution: water( 10 l) with copper sulphate( 15 g.).This amount is enough for spraying 5 m2.
The most basic dressing for onions is performed at the stage of preparing the bed plot - in the fall. To begin with, the ground is dug up and the is cleared of weeds and old roots. Under digging they introduce humus or compost billets( 4-6 kg are used for 1 m2).
For sowing onion sets , the soil is enriched with dolomite flour( up to 150 g per 1 m2), with chalk or with a special substrate that neutralizes the acidic environment. Wood ash and lime are also used for this purpose. Do not use yeast dressing.
Potassium-phosphorus mixtures are recommended along with organic matter on depleted soils. They quickly restore the balance of nutrients. If cultivation of red and sweet varieties is planned, then preference should be given to potash composition.
Of all types of nutrient mixtures and solutions, it is recommended to use mineral and organic, and even better mixed fertilizers.Most Popular:
- superphosphate;Ferrite
- ( granular complex with reduced nitrogen content);
- humic "Onions, garlic";
- nitroammophoska;
- potassium sulfate.
Fertica NitroammofoskSome varieties of onions are planted for the winter. It is necessary to enrich the soil with valuable trace elements 2-4 weeks before landing .The fertilized soil needs to stand a little, so that the active components have time to connect with the soil environment.
The following fertilizers should not be used for autumn treatments with
- manure;
- nitrogen-containing.
This food provokes a quick release of feathers before the very frosts, because of which the plant will die.Growing bulbous crops with regular lures, you can take a good harvest and get quite high-quality root vegetables with excellent taste and long shelf life.