Reguli pentru cultivarea pepenilor în sere din policarbonat

Juicy, fragrant melon comes from southern countries. But what to do if the southern beauty does not grow in a harsh climate, for example in Siberia? The solution has been found, because it is possible to grow it in polycarbonate greenhouses.

Table of contents

  • The advantage of growing melons in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate
  • How to choose the right land for planting?
  • How to choose the right greenhouse?
  • Selection and purchasingmelons in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate

    It is much easier to grow melon in the open field than in a greenhouse, as it is necessary to create and maintain goodtnnye conditions for growth and development of the fetus:

    1. observe the temperature regime
    2. follow the lighting
    3. adhere to the required humidity.

    A great advantage of growing melons in a greenhouse is getting a year-round harvest.

    Melons in the greenhouse

    How to choose the right land for planting?

    Preparation of beds and soil is a guarantee of a good harvest.

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    to the serviceadd mineral fertilizers and lime( if the earth is acidic and heavy).

  • A bed made is shed with warm water and covered with a dark covering material for rapid warming of the soil.

In this way, a nutritious and warm bed is obtained in which the culture will grow well and bear fruit.

How to choose the right greenhouse?

In order for the melon to grow fragrant and tasty, and the bush brought a rich harvest, it is necessary to prepare a place for its growth.

Greenhouse, for this purpose is not suitable, since it has small dimensions.

The greenhouse must be at least 2 meters high , since the berry is a gourd crop that grows in a vertical position along the trellis as it grows and if you take a smaller structure, there may not be enough space for full development.

With a short-lived daylight, install specialized lamps. The plant can tolerate a slight drought, but at high humidity can get fungal diseases.

Since the melon is a southern plant, the install heating devices for full growth and timely ripening in the greenhouse.

Melon does not grow with high humidity, so the soil can not be poured. Also, the plant must be protected from drafts.
Suitable greenhouse for growing melons from polycarbonate

Choosing and buying seeds

Before planting a berry, it is necessary to approach the selection of seeds with serious responsibility. What you need to pay attention to?

  • Maturityindoor cultivation.

    To grow fruits in a harsh climate, you need to acquire early ripening varieties:

    1. Golden
    2. Gribovskaya
    3. Tobolin
    4. Siberian rifle
    5. Zolotolinka

    For more than 100 years old, Siberian rifle

  • It must be remembered that planting material intended for cultivation in the south is not suitable for the harsh, cold climate of the north.
    Ripe melon collective farmers, ready to harvest

    Planting and care

    In the greenhouse, the berries can only be grown using the seedling method. To obtain strong seedlings, you must follow simple rules:

    Melon seedlings do not like being transplanted, therefore, it is better to sow the seeds in peat pots.
    • Seeds are germinated in separate pots with a diameter of 14 cm.
    • When growing seedlings, it is necessary to withstand temperature conditions: in the daytime - 20-26 degrees, at night - 18 degrees.
    • Before planting the young seedlings are pre-hardened, for this the night temperature is reduced to 16 degrees.
    • Seedlings grow well on the southern windows, in cloudy weather it needs additional lighting with phytolamps.
    • Watering seedlings produce warm, defended water, after drying the top layer of the earth.
    • Seedlings are planted in prepared pits, which are previously shed with warm water. Liter of water per well.
    • Two seedlings are planted in one well at once, and as they grow, they are distributed in different directions.
    • Seedlings are planted depending on the place of residence, approximately in the middle of May, 40 cm in a row.

    Plant care is:

    1. In compliance with the temperature regime
    2. In providing additional light
    3. In irrigation with warm water
    4. In manual pollination

    The organization of the temperature and humidity regime

    To keep the plant in a good spray,

  • When growing melons in a greenhouse, the main thing is to observe the temperature schedule:

    • After planting the seedlings at a fixed place, the air temperature is reduced to 20 degrees, for better plant survival.
    • During the formation of fruits, the temperature must also be lowered to 22 - during the day and 18 - at night.

    Humidity also plays an important point:

    • When growing seedlings, the humidity should be - 21%
    • During the formation of flowers and fruits - 37%
    • With the growth of fruits - 32%
    • At the time of ripening - 10%

    Humidity of the air should be 60%

  • air should be at least 60%
  • at the time of ripening

When ripe, the plant requires dry air.

The ovary of future melons on the bushes in the greenhouse


In order for the melon to grow juicy and tasty, it is necessary to provide the plant with a 12-hour light day. With an insufficient amount of light, the plant develops poorly. To do this, install a special lamp to extend the day.

Longer illumination has a detrimental effect on the plant, flowering comes with a delay, which leads to late fruiting.

Necessary equipment for the care of fruits

If there is not enough light and to maintain the desired temperature, additional equipment can be installed.

as a source of artificial illumination can be applied:

  1. fitolampy
  2. Fluorescent lamps
  3. LED lamp
  4. Metal

lamp for supplementary heating can be applied:

  1. Heaters
  2. convectors
garter melon fruit to avoid truncation

Pollination When growing fruit in greenhouses, it is necessary to carry outartificial pollination.

As soon as the flowers of the female type bloom, they bloom like rules in the morning, you should immediately begin pollination. To do this, male flower bare to stamens and touch the pistil of the female flower. After this, it is important to check for the presence of pollen on the pistil. If there are doubts in pollination, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, but with another male flower.

If you do not carry out manual pollination, the formation of the fetus will not occur.

In hot weather, it is necessary to periodically air the greenhouse. To attract pollinating insects, female flowers are sprayed with sugar syrup, a container with honey solution is set.

The process of pollination of melons in the greenhouse

Watering the bushes

Watering the plant is necessary only with warm water( 30-33 degrees), when watering with cold water, the root system may rot and the plant will die.

With the formation of fruits, watering increases.

When watering it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the root neck, as this may lead to the formation of root rot.

Watering should be moderate. The root system of the culture is pivotal and goes deep into the soil, so the melon receives additional moisture from the bowels of the earth. Due to overflow, the plant begins to ache, the fruits rot and crack.

Water shortage checked by foliage. If the leaves nick, then the plant needs additional watering.

Watering newly planted melon seedlings

. Possibility of joint planting with other plants.

. Melons can be planted with other crops, such as:

  • Pepper
  • . Cucumbers
  • .) and low humidity. If the neighborhood is inevitable, planting seedlings is desirable according to a certain pattern.

    With a short daylight set artificial lighting.

    The plant can tolerate a slight drought, but at high humidity it can get fungal diseases.

    Ripe melons ready for harvesting


    Melon reaches technical maturity, with proper care, in early August. You can determine ripeness by appearance. The tail of a ripe melon forms ring cracks, and the fruit itself exudes an unforgettable scent.

    The fruit must be slightly squeezed in the hands and if it springs inside, then it is ready for use. Fruits are transported in boxes, with each yoke wrapped with wax paper , so that they do not come into contact with each other and do not rot.

    If you aim to grow a melon in a greenhouse, you need to properly care for it, shape the fruit. A fetus without damage, torn off in its unripe condition, will ripen quickly in a dry and warm room, without losing all its healthy qualities and unique taste.

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