Pepin saffron is one of the most common and frequently grown apple varieties. Gardeners of many regions of the country love him for a bountiful harvest and excellent frost resistance.
Table of contents
- Description of the grade pepin saffron
- Characteristic of the fruits
- Advantages of the grade
- How and where to store apples in the winter?
- Rules for planting apple seedlings
- Rules for planting seedlings in spring
- Rules for planting in autumn
- Trees for trees
- How to prune correctly?
- Diseases and pests
- Horticulturist's opinion of pepine
Description of the pepine variety saffron
Apple-variety saffron apple variety bred in 1907 by the scientist and breeder I. V. Michurin by crossing hybrids:
- China
- Reneta d'Orleans;
- Pepinka Lithuanian.

This is the most pollinated winter apple variety. Small trees, on average about 3 meters .The crown has a round and dense shape, branches, drooping with elongated green-grayish leaves. The seedlings of the seedlings are thin and long, the bark of a green color becomes gray with time.
This is one of the most common varieties of apple trees grown in many regions of Russia, starting from the central part and ending in the East Siberian and West Siberian regions. Also often found in CIS countries.
The physical characteristic of this variety is used by breeders for the development of new tree species. To date, 20 varieties of apple trees have been bred, the most famous of which are:
- Friendship of Peoples;
- Altai Souvenir;
- Autumn joy;
- Altai velvet.

Characteristic of
fruits Medium-sized fruits weighing up to 140 g. Oval-conical shape with a smooth surface and thick skin. Inside the apple, the flesh is cream-colored, soft with a sweet-sourish flavor, .Pepin saffron apples have a spicy wine aroma, rich in beneficial trace elements and substances.

The color of apples is yellow-red, with clear lines and stripes in the sun's rays. They have an average funnel-shaped podkachechnuyu tube and a strong stalk, with which the apples firmly hold on the tree. There are no axial cavities.
Benefits of the variety
Among the advantages of the variety are:
- Attractive fruit appearance ;
- Delicate fruit flavor, suitable for making homemade preparations;
- High yield ;
- Early entry into fruiting ;
- Good winter hardiness ;
- Easy transportation ;
- Low flaking and long storage ;
How and where to store apples in the winter?
With proper care, saffron pepina begins to bear fruit in the 5-6 year of cultivation. Every year, giving a bountiful harvest. Trees under 10 years old bring 80 kg of apples, and over 10 years old - up to 200 kg .Crop harvested in late September - early October, consumer maturity comes after 2 months of storage.

Storing fruits requires following the following rules:
- Harvesting should be done carefully, avoiding damage to the fetus ;
- Apples are better than in wooden or plastic containers ;
- For their separation use paper , chips or tracing paper soaked in wax;
- The temperature of the room should be from 0 to +2;
- Only that are whole without chips, , cracks and stains are subject to storage.
Rules for planting apple seedlings
Best for planting purchase seedlings in specialized places, in the store or on the market. It is necessary to carefully examine the young tree, avoiding buying a seedling with damage or growth. It is important that the root is wet, and the wood has a healthy greenish appearance with a clear trace of vaccination.
Seedlings planted in spring or autumn .In spring, it is preferable to do this in order for the tree to grow and get stronger before winter.
Rules for planting spring seedlings
In the autumn, a 1.5-meter-wide and 80-cm-wide hole is dug. Soil is fertilized:
- Manure or compost;
- Wood Ash;
- Azofosky;
The fertilizers mix and fall asleep in the pit of the , then close tightly, thereby preventing rain or snow from entering. Already in spring the soil will be ready for planting seedlings.
Rules for planting in the fall
If planting occurs in the fall, then you should take care of a comfortable wintering of the young tree. Pepin saffron planted in sunny, pre-prepared places .Suitable for fertilizer:
- Compost;
- Potassium Salt;
- Superphosphate;

For full growth and fruiting of pepin saffron, an area of 14 square meters is necessary, since it is a freedom-loving variety that does not like close proximity to other trees. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are soaked in water for 2-3 hours , then placed in a clay mixture and only then in a pit prepared for planting. The roots should be laid out, the length of the neck above the ground should be 6-7 cm. Then they tie the apple tree to the pegs and make a hole into which 25-30 liters of water are poured.
Tree care
In the future, watering is carried out 1 time per week, 5 liters in the morning and evening. Adult pepina saffron can be watered if necessary, depending on the soil moisture .Most of the moisture in the tree is required in July and August, because at this time the fruits grow and buds form for the next season.
By the end of the summer, you can temporarily stop watering the .Only after the leaves fall, the apple tree is plentifully filled with water for its most comfortable wintering.
High yield directly depends on the regular “nutrition” of the tree with organic, potash and phosphate fertilizers. They are added to the soil 3 years after planting.
How to trim?
The saffron grade Pepin is prone to fouling of the branches, so the crowns must be cut annually. Severe fouling impedes the passage of air to the tree trunk. Also systematic cutting will be needed to preserve the qualities of the variety and the amount of the crop.
Overgrown crowns will lead to the following consequences:
- Frequent shedding of apples;
- Reducing fruit size;
- Spread of Disease.
Circumcision Rules:
- It is best to cut off in in April before maturation of the kidneys;
- Pruning is necessary long and hanging to the ground branches;
- To improve crop yield and prevent diseases , the tree needs thinning;

- The first removes the curves and weak shoots of .They are cut off completely to form a better branch;
- You can cut only to ¼ of the of the total volume of the tree.
Diseases and pests
This apple variety is not resistant to diseases and pests, most often exposed to scab. Mostly weak, uncut trees are at risk of the disease. In rainy weather, the probability of infection is especially high, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. Spraying the apple with a solution based on vitriol, sulfur or Bordeaux liquid 1% will help with the scab.
Ways to control pests:
- Jablon moth;
This is a butterfly in size up to 18 mm. It hibernates only in the bark, appears at the end of flowering, laying eggs on foliage;

Preparations for the fight:
- Zolon;
- Cydial;
- Metadion.
Spray three times , at 12-day intervals, according to the instructions.
- Yablonnaya zapisovidnaya shieldovka ;
Insect 2 mm long, lives and develops in the bark of a tree. To notice the shield is quite difficult. Its presence is accompanied by early fall of foliage and the formation of red spots on apples.

Yablonnaya shchitovitschka. To combat this pest use Nitrofen , processing is carried out before bud break.
- Apple Flower Beetle;
This is a brown weevil beetle. It eats only the buds and buds of flowers, putting offspring in them.

Preparations for the fight:
- Malathion;
- WaterPhos;
Spraying produced according to the instructions only during budding.
Gardeners' Reviews of Pepin with Saffron
Olga P.: “For me, Pepin saffron is the most favorite apple variety. As far as I can remember, we always grew these apple trees in the garden. Their taste cannot be compared with anything, they are stored in the cellar almost all winter. Pepin is good in any form, even if it is soaked, although it is dried . ”ABC of the Gardener
Pavel R.: “I have been growing Pepin for a long time, I like the taste and winter hardiness of apples. Most often we make compotes and mashed potatoes from them. Of the downsides can be called the loss with age of taste and a strong susceptibility to disease. Therefore, apple trees require constant care and attention. "ABC of the Gardener
Vladimir N.: “I am an amateur gardener, I have been growing different varieties of apples for many years. Pepin saffron is a good variety, juicy, cold-resistant .Harvest we shoot in early October, apples are stored almost until March. Especially like the pleasant aroma and sweet taste of apples. The most important thing is to properly harvest the apples, without damage, then they will definitely stay for a very long time. ”Garden
Svetlana V.: “Growing this variety is easy, the only drawback for me is its susceptibility to scab .We have to constantly process and monitor the state of the apple tree. And so, a very good variety ”
In addition to the listed advantages of the variety, its ability to regenerate can be distinguished even with significant damage to the tree. Pepin saffron apples are great for making jams, juices and other household preparations.