Dill is considered one of the most popular crops, but not everyone is familiar with its beneficial properties, especially when it comes to seeds. This article reveals the features of a herbaceous plant and how to use it.
Table of contents
- Compositionstomach pains
- For angina
- For insomnia
- For cough and bronchitis
Composition and useful properties of dill for the human body
Dill belongs to the family of umbrella cropswith a one-year life cycle. The pioneers of the spice were the Egyptians, and later the taste and aroma were appreciated in America, North Africa, Europe and Asia.
The composition differs in a rich set of vitamins and minerals , among which are:
- beta-carotene;
- Calcium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- copper;
- manganese;
- zinc;
- essential oils and others.
Vitamins of groups: A, C, PP, B, E have a positive effect on the human body, expressed in strengthening the immune system. The product helps to cure certain diseases, if it is included in the complex treatment.

Some culinary dishes would not be revealed with unsurpassed notes of taste and aroma in the absence of spiciness.
Medicinal properties of
Dill seeds are often used for the manufacture of therapeutic agents. For example, the well-known dill water helps to cope with flatulence, both adults and children.
Broths and infusions of with the addition of other plants are the most affordable way to provide first aid in case of an upset gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the gallbladder and other problems.
For men,
Since ancient times, green has been considered to be as a powerful aphrodisiac, , that improves potency in men. The use of funds on the basis of the seeds of the plant restores sexual desire, improves the quality of sex, prolongs sex life.
This effect is due to the ability of the culture to expand the vessels.
For women

Tincture or decoction on dill seeds stimulates the production of milk in new mothers. In addition, babies get nutrients along with mother's milk, which means that the regulation of the bowels begins almost from the first days of feeding.
has a great value in fragrant seeds in cosmetology , thanks to their properties, the ingredient is included in anti-aging remedies. And in combination with the leaves of raspberry, currant, hop and other plants, very effective masks are obtained to combat wrinkles. Feature of decoctions and tinctures is the possibility of internal and external use.
Modern women take care of their appearance, try to keep their body fit with workouts and diets. Severe restrictions in the diet in the first 1-2 weeks are accompanied by exacerbations of hunger. In order to quench it quickly, without harm to health, you need to carry around a handful of dill seeds. Total 10-15 grains relieve hunger .
for children
From birth, many children face the problem of gas formation in the intestines and the destabilization of the gastrointestinal tract. Dill water is prescribed as the main remedy for abdominal pain, which is prepared on the basis of seeds.

The same composition helps to cope with hiccups .In the case of colds, dill is used in combination with other components for compresses, tinctures, decoctions. The therapeutic effect is due to the presence of vitamin C and other not less healing substances.
Harm and contraindications for use of
Exclude from the use of seeds of wild or garden fennel costs people with hypersensitivity to essential oils , which are found in large quantities in spiciness. is also a contraindication to the use of allergy .
The ability of the product to lower the pressure can play a cruel joke with hypotonia , which have low rates, and cause damage to health. Therefore, before applying you need to consult with a doctor or simply abandon dill products.
Health Benefits of Seeds
Dill is used not only as a culinary spice, but also as a component of medicinal products. It has long been used in the treatment of:
- migraine;High pressure
- ;
- atherosclerosis;
- gallstone disease;
- for disorders of the nervous system.

Decoction of dill seeds will relieve from insomnia, headache. Regular intake of infusion will strengthen the heart muscle. The mouthwash prepared with his own hand will relieve the bleeding of the gums, freshen breath.
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of is made possible by the essential oils that make up the spice.
In addition, the following valuable properties of dill are noted:
- diuretic;
- sweatshop;
- choleretic;
- is an expectorant.
How to choose and store the seeds of dill
In order for the billet for the winter not to lose useful properties, you need to properly organize the collection of seeds and provide them with proper storage conditions.

As soon as the stem with the umbrella becomes dry and brown , you can start collecting. The stems are cut carefully so that the seeds do not spill out and fold in a dry room to dry( for several days).Then the seeds are shaken out of umbrellas over a bowl or spread towel. They are separated quite easily.
Crop should be cleared of debris, spoiled specimens and divided if necessary for several storage options.
- The first provides for heating in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for about 10 minutes, after which the grains are spread on paper and an hour later they are poured into a clean, dry storage jar.
- The second option is very simple, the collected seeds are placed in a plastic container and sent to the freezer .At the same time the lid should be tightly closed.
- The third option provides short storage. Dill is poured into a dry container and is placed in the fridge on the door of the .Thus, the freshness of the product is maintained.
Recipes with dill and
For stomach pain
Pour with boiling water ( 200 ml) dill seeds( 1 teaspoon), cover the container with a lid, wrap it in a plaid and put it in a warm place for 2 hours. Take 100 ml of the drug before meals three times a day.

For angina
Grind a teaspoon of dry seeds in a mortar, pour ( 300 ml) in a mortar and let it stand for an hour. To use 3 times a day on 70-100 ml.
From insomnia
Pour 500 ml Cahors into a saucepan, add pounded seeds of dill( 50 gr.), Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. Cool prepared means should be wrapped up( you can wrap a blanket).1-2 hours before bedtime take 50 ml.
When coughing and bronchitis
Pour a tablespoon of seeds with boiling water( 300 ml), put the container in a water bath and brew broth on it for 10 minutes. Strain the cooled mass, add 1 tbsp.lhoney and 10 ml of aloe juice. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day.
Dill grows well in mid-latitudes, it can be cultivated in a greenhouse and even on a balcony. The product is worthy of attention, due to its unique qualities will occupy a worthy place in the home first aid kit.